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Reference-Based Indexing of Sequence Databases (VLDB ’ 06) Jayendra Venkateswaran Deepak Lachwani Tamer Kahveci Christopher Jermaine Presented by Angela.

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Presentation on theme: "Reference-Based Indexing of Sequence Databases (VLDB ’ 06) Jayendra Venkateswaran Deepak Lachwani Tamer Kahveci Christopher Jermaine Presented by Angela."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reference-Based Indexing of Sequence Databases (VLDB ’ 06) Jayendra Venkateswaran Deepak Lachwani Tamer Kahveci Christopher Jermaine Presented by Angela Siu

2 Content  Introduction  Related work  Reference-Based Methodology  Selection of References  Mapping of References  Search Algorithm  Experimental evaluation  Conclusion

3 Introduction  Many and/or very long sequences  Similarity search Genomics, proteomics, dictionary search Edit distance metric Dynamic programming (Expensive)  Reference-based indexing Reduce number of comparisons Choice of references

4 Related work  Index structures k-gram indexing  Exact matches of k-gram  Extend to find longer alignments with errors  Eg. FASTA, BLAST  Performance deteriorates quickly as the size of the database increases Suffix tree  Manage mismatches ineficiently  Excessive memory usage: 10 – 37 bytes per letter Vector space indexing  SST, frequency vector, …  Store the occurrence of each letter in sequence  Lower bound of actual distance  Performs poorly as the query range increases Reference-based indexing  A variation of vector space indexing  VP-tree, MVP-Tree, iDistance, Omni, M-Tree, Slim-Tree, DBM-Tree, DF-Tree

5 Reference-Based indexing  A seqeunce database S  A set of reference sequences V  Pre-compute edit distances ED {ED(s i, v j )|( ∀ s i ∈ S) ∧ ( ∀ v j ∈ V )}  Similarity Search Distance Threshold ε  Triangle inequality Prune sequences that are too close or too far away from a reference LB = max( ⋁ v j ∈ V |ED(q, v j ) − ED(v j, s)|) UB = min( ⋁ v j ∈ V |ED(q, v j ) + ED(v j, s)|) If ε < LB, add s i to the pruned set If ε > UB, add s i to the result set If LB ≤ ε ≤ UB, add s i to the candidate set  s i in candidate set are compared with queries using dynamic programming

6 Cost Analysis  Memory Main memory: B bytes Number of sequences: N Number of references assigned: k Average size of a sequence: z bytes Sequence-reference mapping of sequence s and reference vi: [i, ED(s, vi)] B = + B = 8kN + zk  Time Query Set: Q Time taken for one sequence comparison: t Average size of candidate set: c avg Total query time = + = tk|Q| + tC avg |Q|

7 Selection of references  Omni method Existing approach References near the convex hull of the database Sequences near the hull pruned by multiple, redundant references Sequences far away from the hull cannot be pruned Poor pruning rates

8 Proposed methods  Goal: choose references that represent all parts of the database  Two novel strategies Maximum Variance (MV)  Maximize the spread of database around the references Maximum Pruning (MP)  Optimizes pruning based on a set of sample queries

9 Maximum Variance  If q is close to reference v Prune sequences far away from v Accept sequences close to v  If q is far away from v Prune sequences close to v  Select references with high variance of distances  Assume queries follow the same distribution as the database sequences  New reference prunes some part of the database not pruned by existing set of references

10 Maximum Variance  Measure closeness of sequences L: the length of the longest sequence in S μ i : mean of distances of s i σ i : variance of distances of s i w: a cut-off distance w = L.perc, where 0 < perc < 1 s j is close to s i if ED(s i, s j ) < (μ i − w) s j is far away from s i if ED(s i, s j ) > (μ i + w) Choose perc = 0.15, derived from experiment

11 Maximum Variance S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 σ1 σ2 σ3 σ4 σ5 σ6 Sequence database S1 S2 S4 S6 Random subset + Calculate  S2 S5 S3 S1 S6 S4 Variance Sort  Candidate Reference Set Remove sequences close to or far away from the reference

12 Maximum Variance  Algorithm  Time complexity Step 2: O(N|S’|L 2 ) Step 4: O(N logN) Step 5: O(mN) Overall time: O(NL 2 |S| + N logN + mN)

13 Maximum Pruning  Combinatorially tries to compute the best reference sets for a given query distribution  Greedy approach Start with an initial reference set Consider each sequence in the database as a candidate Iteratively, replace an existing reference with a new one if pruning is improved Gain – the amount of improvement in pruning Stop if no further improvement  Sampling-based optimization

14 Maximum Pruning S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 Candidate Reference V1 V2 V3 Current Reference Set Replace  Q1 Q2 Q3 Gain Get  Sample Query Set S1 G1 Max V1 S3 V3 S1S2S3S4S5S6 Sequence Database S1

15 Maximum Pruning  Algorithm  Time complexity Sequence Distances: O(N 2 ) PRUNE(): O(N|Q|) Step 2:  Number of sequences: O(N 2 )  Compute gain: O(m|Q|)  Time: O(N 2 m|Q|) Overall worst case  N iterations  O(N 3 m|Q|)

16 Maximum Pruning  Sampling-Based Optimization Estimation of gain  Reduce the number of sequences, use subset of database  Determine accuracy of gain estimate based on Central Limit Theorem  Iteratively randomly select a sequence to calculate the gain of a candidate until desired accuracy is reached  Time complexity: O(N 2 fm|Q|), f is the sample size Estimation of largest gain  Reduce the number of candidate references  Ensure the largest gain is at least τG[e] with ψ probability, where 0 ≤ τ, ψ ≤ 1, G[e] has the largest gain  Use Extreme Value Distribution to estimate G[e]  From the sample set of candidates, find mean and standard deviation  Best reference sequence has the expected gain of where  Sample size:  Time complexity: O(Nfhm|Q|)

17 Mapping of references  Each sequence has its own set of best references Based on a sample query set Q Assign references that prune the sequence for most queries in Q Avoid redundant references  Keep a reference only if it can prune a total of more than |Q| sequences

18 Mapping of references V1 V2 V3 V4 Reference Set S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 Sequence database Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sample Query Set C1 C2 C3 C4 Query prune count V2 Reference Set for S1 max

19 Mapping of references  Algorithm  Time complexity Distance computation: O(tm|Q|), sequence comparison takes t time Pruning amount calculation: O(m|Q|) Overall time: O(Nmk|Q|)

20 Search Algorithm  Calculate edit distances between queries and every reference  Compute lower bound LB and upper bound UB  ε: query range  By triangle inequality, If LB > ε, prune sequence If UB < ε, accept sequence Otherwise, perform actual sequence comparison  Memory complexity z: average sequence size [i, ED(s, v i )]: Sequence-Reference mapping N: number of database sequences m: number of references k: number of reference per database sequence Overall memory: (8Nk + mz) bytes  Time complexity Q: query set L: average sequence length C m : average candidate set size for Q using m references Overall time: O((m + C m )|Q|L 2 + Nk|Q|)

21 Experimental evaluation  Size of reference set: 200  Datasets Text: alphabet size of 36 and 8000 sequences of length 100 DNA: alphabet size of 4 and 20000 sequences Protein: alphabet size of 20 and 4000 sequences of length 500  Comparisons of the selection strategies MV-S, MV-D: Maximum variance with same and different reference sets MP-S, MP-D: Maximum pruning with same and different reference sets  Comparisons with existing methods Omni, FV, M-Tree, DBM-Tree, Slim-Tree, DF-Tree

22 Comparison of selection strategies  Impact of query range  Impact of number of reference per sequence

23 Comparisons with existing methods  Number of sequence comparisons  I C : index contruction time  ss: second  ms: minute  QR: query range  MP-D is sampling-based optimized  Impact of query range

24 Comparison with existing methods  Impact of input queries  Number of sequence comparisons  Sample query set in reference selection: E.Coli  Actual query set HM: a butterfly species MM: a mouse speciecs DR: a zebrafish species  QR: query range

25 Comparison with existing methods  Scalability of database size and sequence length

26 Conclusion  Similarity search over a large database Edit distance as the similarity measure  Selection of references Maximum variance  Maximize spread of database around the database Maximum pruning  Optimize pruning based on a set of sample queries  Sampling-based optimization  Mapping of references Each sequence has a different set of references  Experimental evaluation Outperform existing strategies including Omni and frequency vectors MP-D, Maximum pruning with dynamic assignment of reference sequences, performs the best

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