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Understanding of Dreams. Understanding of Dreams..

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding of Dreams. Understanding of Dreams.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding of Dreams. Understanding of Dreams.

2 A Review (the id, ego and Super Ego) Conscious and preconscious (some) level is your ego Preconscious and Unconscious is your id Super Ego works at every level

3 According to Freud, dreams were disguised, hallucinatory fulfilment of repressed wishes.

4 He also asserted that dreams not only represented current wishes,

5 but were also invariably expressions of wish- fulfilments dating from early childhood.

6 Dreams, he believed, gave indirect expressions to infantile sexual wishes which had been repressed and which,…

7 if expressed in undisguised form, would so disturb the dreamer that he would wake up.

8 Because these wishes are unacceptable and potentially disturbing, they are censored and disguised.

9 Freud described the mental processes, or “dream-work”, by which the dream was modified and rendered less disturbing.

10 These processes included;

11 Condensation, the fusing together of different ideas and images into a single image;

12 Displacement, in which a potentially disturbing image or idea is replaced by something connected but less disturbing;

13 Representation, the process by which thoughts are converted into visual images;

14 Symbolization, in which some neutral object stands for some aspect of sexual life or those persons connected with it which the dreamer would prefer not to recognize.

15 Freud introduced the term “manifest content” to describe what the dreamer recalled.

16 In contrast, the “latent content” was the hidden, true meaning of the dream.

17 This latent content could be ascertained only when the dreamer’s associations to the images in the dream had been subjected to psychoanalytical scrutiny and interpretation.

18 There were many other forms of dreams e.g. traumatic dreams, anxiety dreams etc.

19 For Homework Review your Dream Chart and Notes Complete a RAFT Role: Sigmund Freud Audience: James Fowler Format: Pub Argument Topic: What should we make of the Golden Carp?

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