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WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN We will have a wonderful year together.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN We will have a wonderful year together."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN We will have a wonderful year together.

2 Communication Read the Friday Folder and return every Monday. Read the Viking Values Folder and return every Monday. School phone: 267:8340

3 Kindergarten Schedule 7:45- Students enter and begin work; listen to morning announcements 8:00- Whole group Opening with Calendar, Word Wall and Morning Message. 8:45-Rotating Work Stations 10:45- Lunch 11:30-Recess 12:00-Rest time 1:00-Math 1:40:Specials 2:45:Dismissal

4 Expectations Students will listen and follow directions. Students will use quiet inside voices. Students will put things away neatly. Students will share and take turns. Students will be kind to others. Students will raise their hands to talk. Students will walk inside the school.

5 Attendance School starts promptly at 7:45. Learning to be on time is a VERY important life skill for children to learn! Students will be tardy after 7:50. Tardy students miss important morning activities and interrupt classroom activities.

6 Clothing Please review the dress code. Children should wear comfortable, practical clothing and tennis shoes for our rocky playground. Children should NOT wear clothing so valuable that it cannot accidentally be torn, dirty, or stained with paint! LABEL your child’s jacket, etc.

7 Rest Time Your child will need a small pillow and towel or small blanket. These will go home daily and should be washed frequently. Children will not be required to sleep during rest time but must rest quietly and not disturb others. Children may bring a small lovey (stuffed animal) to sleep with.

8 Birthdays Birthdays are special. Children may bring treats for everyone in class on their birthdays. Please let your child’s teacher know in advance. We will celebrate after lunch in our classrooms. PLEASE DO NOT SEND PARTY INVITATIONS TO SCHOOL UNLESS YOU ARE INVITING THE WHOLE CLASS!

9 Library We will go to the library weekly. Students may check out a book and return it weekly. Lost or damaged books MUST be paid for before your child can check out more books. ALL lost or damaged books must be paid for before the end of the school year.

10 What will my child learn in kindergarten? Under construction; coming soon!

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