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Welcome to Class 1. Staff in Class 1 Miss Perkins - Class teacher Miss Mian – Student teacher Mrs Mortlock–Teaching assistant Mrs Cherry – Teaching assistant.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Class 1. Staff in Class 1 Miss Perkins - Class teacher Miss Mian – Student teacher Mrs Mortlock–Teaching assistant Mrs Cherry – Teaching assistant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Class 1

2 Staff in Class 1 Miss Perkins - Class teacher Miss Mian – Student teacher Mrs Mortlock–Teaching assistant Mrs Cherry – Teaching assistant during the mornings

3 Morning Routine Children come into the classroom and put their belongings away. Children take part in morning activities at their tables independently. Registration takes place at 8.50 with Collective Worship every morning apart from Thursdays. Children will be expected to come in on their own after half term to help with independence.

4 Things to know… Newsletter items – PE, Show and Tell etc. Handwriting policy – classroom/website Changing reading books/comments

5 Topics… Autumn term 1 and 2: All Around The World Spring term 3 and 4: Explorers Summer term 5 and 6: Seaside Adventures and Pirates

6 English In English, children will begin to read and write independently. Writing will be evident throughout the curriculum. Children will be given the opportunity to use word banks and thesauruses to help them with their writing. Response to marking.

7 What you can do to help your child’s writing! Encourage children to draw, paint etc. Show children your writing, shopping lists, things to do, birthday cards etc. Make scrap books, write postcards, party invitations. Develop fine motor skills by cutting, sewing, dot- to-dots etc.

8 Reading Emphasis on learning through range of strategies. (Intervention) Use Letters and Sounds for phonics. Learn to recognise High Frequency Words and Tricky words. Comprehension of the text is key.

9 What you can do to help your child’s reading! Ensure children read at home and learn key words when brought home. Read bedtime stories! Look at and talk about printed language in their environment, on food packets, road signs, labels and leaflets.

10 How to know whether your child really understands the book. Can they? Discuss events. Predict events. Infer what characters are like from their actions. Ask and answer questions about the text. Discuss the significance of the title and events.

11 Maths In KS1, Children will develop their understanding of mathematics through practical activity. They will learn to count, read, write and order numbers to 100 and beyond. They will learn about shape and space through practical activity. Children will also begin to grasp mathematical language, using it to explain their methods when solving problems. Resources: Children will use number lines, hundred squares, numicon and many more practical resources to help them.

12 What you can do to help your child’s Maths! Point out numbers around you, on houses, cars, television channels, cookers and microwaves, Say number names in order as you climb the stairs, count teddies on a bed, plates on the table. Compare quantities, who has the most sweets, which shopping bag is heaviest etc.

13 Any questions?

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