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Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Researching, Supporting, and Delivering Ideas 12 Eighth Edition.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Researching, Supporting, and Delivering Ideas 12 Eighth Edition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Researching, Supporting, and Delivering Ideas 12 Eighth Edition

2 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Operation Tailwind Report Stewart Cohen/Getty Images

3 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12

4 Topic Databases/Internet Printed Materials Personal Experience Interviews

5 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Brochures & pamphlets Books Magazines & journals Dictionaries & encyclopedias Newspapers Quotation books Yearbooks Printed materials include...

6 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Communication & Mass Media Complete Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center InfoTrac College Edition EBSCOHost ProQuest Some important commercial databases include... Geri Engberg Photographyv

7 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Not all information on the web is authoritative Know where to look or end up wasting time Many valuable resources not available online Keep in mind... Steve Dunwell/The Image/Getty Images

8 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Prepare rough draft of speech Consult library for info and key words Search one or more commercial databases © Jason Harris

9 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Avoid the Boolean operator “ OR” Use phrases (enclose titles, common phrases, procedures, or names in quotation marks) Add words using “+” or “ AND ” Exclude words or phrases by using “–” or “ NOT ” To narrow your search... Speaker Tips 15,300,000 hits

10 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Avoid “ s,” “ ing,” or “ ed ” on search words Change full names to initials and vice versa Check spelling and keywords Use alternative keywords Use wildcards Use fewer search words Connect words with “ OR” To expand your search... © Jason Harris

11 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Is author qualified ? Is information objective ? Is information accurate ? Is information current ? Ask the following questions... NOVA Development

12 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 For broad or complex subjects Use a hierarchical index search engine such as Yahoo. WHY? They have a subject directory with categories—to find more relevant items! If you use the Internet, search carefully...

13 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 For broad subjects For specific subjects Use a standard search engine such as AltaVista or HotBot. WHY? They search more of the web, index the pages, & determine relevance mathematically. If you use the Internet, search carefully...

14 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 For broad subjects For specific subjects, or... Use an alternative search engine such as Google or AskJeeves. WHY? Each sorts & ranks with a different specialty: -- Google looks for most links to other pages -- AskJeeves looks for most authorities -- Indeed searches for job openings, etc. Use an alternative search engine such as Google or AskJeeves. WHY? Each sorts & ranks with a different specialty: -- Google looks for most links to other pages -- AskJeeves looks for most authorities -- Indeed searches for job openings, etc. If you use the Internet, search carefully...

15 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 For broad subjects For specific subjects For multiple sites Use a metasearch engine like MetaCrawler, Dogpile, Vivisimo, and Search. WHY? Because they search other search engines! However, metasearch engines only search 10 – 15% of each website & are highly commercial. Use a metasearch engine like MetaCrawler, Dogpile, Vivisimo, and Search. WHY? Because they search other search engines! However, metasearch engines only search 10 – 15% of each website & are highly commercial. Remember—quality searches require multiple search engines! If you use the Internet, search carefully...

16 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Select & contact interviewee Plan interview using: -- Introduction -- Body (with open-ended questions) --Conclusion Use results with care Geri Engberg Photography

17 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12

18 Clarification Proof Interest The three purposes include... Want your speech to be interesting, clear, and convincing? Use supports! © Jason Harris

19 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Use these with care... Explanations Statistics

20 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Explanations Types include... Describe relationships, give definitions, or provide instructions.

21 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 14 Explanations Statistics Types include... Numbers used to show relationships between items.

22 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Use these more often! Illustrations Comparisons Expert Opinion Examples Supports Used Too Seldom!

23 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Comparisons Types include... Show differences or similarities between the known and the unknown. Can be literal or figurative.

24 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Comparisons Illustrations Types include... Factual or hypothetical narratives or stories told in vivid detail.

25 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Comparisons Illustrations Examples Types include... Two or more brief references to specific items or real events.

26 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Comparisons Illustrations Examples Expert opinion Types include... Ideas of another person (an expert) either paraphrased or quoted directly.

27 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12

28 Look directly at listeners Appear relaxed Appear enthusiastic Appear natural Smile Use gestures Nonverbal suggestions include... Suze Orman 2003 Laura Farr/ZUMA Press

29 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Volume – loudness & softness of voice Pitch – highness & lowness of tones – s Emphasis – stressing a word with your voice Rate – fastness and slowness of speech To improve your vocal variety, vary your... Stewart Cohen/Getty Images

30 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Fairly informal Vivid Specific Simple Jargon-free Use language that is... © Peter Chapman

31 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 Nervousness is normal If all else fails, fake confidence! Don’t call attention to errors Never apologize Remember... © Roger Persson

32 Copyright © 2008 Wadsworth / Ch. 12 12

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