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Bachelor of Business Administration. Welcome! Today begins your journey as you reach for something great in your career and your life. Welcome to Mount.

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Presentation on theme: "Bachelor of Business Administration. Welcome! Today begins your journey as you reach for something great in your career and your life. Welcome to Mount."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bachelor of Business Administration

2 Welcome! Today begins your journey as you reach for something great in your career and your life. Welcome to Mount Vernon Nazarene University (MVNU)

3 Mission Statement The Adult and Graduate Studies (AGS) program at Mount Vernon Nazarene University (MVNU) is committed to providing an opportunity for adults to obtain a quality education in a learning environment emphasizing Christian values and ethical standards. Within this context, AGS serves as a resource for adults striving to enhance their personal and professional lives in a constantly changing world.

4 Introductions Name Occupation Family members Something unique about you Why did you choose MVNU?

5 Mount Vernon Faculty Advisor Jim Parks Ext. 4704 Help with any questions and concerns regarding coursework and miscellaneous needs

6 Chaplain for Adult and Graduate Studies Mike Van Zant Ext. 4712

7 Records and Registration

8 “Who to Contact” MVNU Email Account Primary source of communication for: Records and Registration Financial Aid Student Accounts Announcements Check your MVNU email regularly

9 MVNU Portal Login with User Name & Password Select “AGS Student Pages” Important Links: –University Links (Webmail; Blackboard; Library) –Campus Information (AGS Student Handbook) –My Academics –My Finances

10 Graduation Requirements Degree Requirement = 124 Semester Hours Residency Requirement = 45 Semester Hours General Education = 73 Semester Hours –39 Liberal Arts Core (English[6], Math[3], Arts & Humanities[9], Social Sciences[6], Natural Sciences[6], Liberal Arts[9] –34 General Electives Business Courses = 51 Semester Hours –If you transferred Business courses, you may need to take General Education courses or online Business electives to meet residency requirements

11 Gaining Additional Credits for General Education Requirements Transfer from accredited institutions –Get approval prior to taking any course General Education courses in AGS Correspondence Courses (please get approval prior to taking any course, should be approved by Prior Learning Advisor)

12 Non-Traditional Credits CLEP/DANTES Exams – 30 credits maximum Work Related Training – 20 credits maximum First Aid/CPR Military Service- submit a copy of the DD214 Prior Learning Credits cannot exceed 45 semester hours. Please submit all Prior Learning requests through site Enrollment Counselor.

13 Academic Performance Students are responsible for reading the section on Academic Performance in the AGS Student Handbook Requirements: Maintain a 2.50 GPA for Business Major Maintain a 2.00 Cumulative GPA Pass each Business Course with a grade of C- or above

14 Academic Integrity and Student Behavior Students are responsible for reading the information on Academic Integrity and Student Behavior in the AGS Student Handbook

15 Attendance Policy Read the policy in the AGS Student Handbook Attendance: –Mandatory and part of the grade for each course. –One absence permitted for a 5-week course. –Coordinate absences with instructor. –Will receive an automated email after an absence. –Second absence results in an X grade. –Documentation (personal illness, family emergency, work conflict, military duty) for change of X grade to a W must be submitted within 30 days of the absences and cover both absences.

16 Tardiness Policy Read the policy in the Student Handbook Arriving late to class or leaving early will result in a grade reduction

17 Adding or Dropping Courses Three weeks notice required for adding a course to ensure space in class and resources are available. Courses must be dropped prior to the first night of class or you will be billed and documentation will be required to change the X grade. Consider the ramifications: Prerequisites Financial Aid Delay of Graduation

18 Textbooks Delivered to classroom prior to each course. Do not take the textbooks if not taking the course. A $150 drop fee will be charged if you drop a course for which you have received textbooks. The fee will be reimbursed if book editions don’t change when you retake the course.

19 Sexual Harassment Policy Because MVNU receives federal funds from the Department of Education, we must comply with the Title IX amendment and clearly state our Sexual Harassment Policy. –Sexual Harassment is defined as unwelcomed sexual advances or requests for sexual favors It is immoral, illegal and not tolerated –Please review the policy in the AGS Student Handbook –A complaint form can be found on the MVNU portal –Please review the reporting flow chart in your packet

20 Financial Aid

21 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) PIN Number MVNU AGS School Code E00782 FAFSA renewal must be completed each year

22 Financial Aid Title IV –Pell Grant –Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant –Perkins Loan –Federal Direct Student Loan Subsidized Unsubsidized

23 Stafford Loan Direct Lending –Entrance Interview and Master Promissory Note 1-800-848-0979 –School Code for Direct Lending Only G07085 –Disclosure Statement

24 Other Financial Aid Ohio College Opportunity Grant Ohio Student Choice Grant Employer Tuition Reimbursement Veterans Benefits

25 Previous Student Loans To review prior loans: 1-800-4FEDAID

26 Dropping/Adding Courses If you drop or add courses it may affect your financial aid. Contact the Financial Aid Office: –1-877-431-9610

27 Financial Aid Communications MVNU e-mail only! Please check your MVNU e-mail regularly for the following: –Requests for Information –Award Letters –Scholarship Opportunities

28 Student Accounts

29 Student Account Invoice This is the ONLY paper copy you will receive. For future invoices you will receive an email giving instructions for submitting your invoice. Invoice completion: –Review student information –Review course schedule and amounts –Review expected financial aid –Past due balances will be noted at the bottom of the invoice

30 Payment Options Self Pay – payment is due by the first night of each course. Financial Aid – make arrangements for any balance due after aid is posted to your account. Employer Voucher – submit vouchers before each course begins. You are responsible for any unpaid balance. Employer Reimbursement: –Option A = Grade verification required. Payment is due 4 weeks after course ends. –Option B = Employer pays for each course by the course start date.

31 Credit Balance Held Sheet Do you want any credit balance on your account returned to you? The credit check process takes up to 10 business days. Contact Student Accounts if you wish to change this option.

32 Communication Through your MVNU e-mail ONLY! Check your e-mail account regularly for information on: Monthly account statements Invoices Payment reminders

33 Library Thorne Library (MVNU) OhioLink MTC/OSU-Marion

34 Marion Useful Tips Restrooms Smoking Policy Inclement Weather –E-mail sent out by Enrollment Management –Call ext. 1650 after 3pm Referral Reward Program ($250 credit)

35 MAN3053 Personal Development & Research Skills Homework assignment Professor: –Jim Parks (ext. 4704)

36 Questions?

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