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Advanced Technology Laser Co., Ltd. A leading manufacturer of light based devices for medical and cosmetic applications.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Technology Laser Co., Ltd. A leading manufacturer of light based devices for medical and cosmetic applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Technology Laser Co., Ltd. A leading manufacturer of light based devices for medical and cosmetic applications

2 Angelite-SDC Angelite-SDC system is designed from the ground up for effective hair removal, skin rejuvenation, pigmented and vascular lesions treatment.

3  General Information General Information  Advanced Technology Advanced Technology  Selecting Parameters Selecting Parameters  Entering Parameters Entering Parameters  Advantages Advantages  Before and After Photos Before and After Photos

4 Specifications Wavelength (nm) Fluence (J/cm 2 ) Pulse Duration (ms) Frequency (Hz) Spot SizeCooling System 560-1200 700-1200 400-700 525-1200 3-454-5121, 1/2, 1/310.8mm×45.8mm Integrated Pyro- electric Contact Cooling

5 Indications for use  Hair Removal  Skin Rejuvenation  Vascular and Pigmented Lesions: pigmented spots and telangiectasia, etc..

6 Skin Type  Recent sun exposure in treatment area May affect maximum safe fluence  Determine skin type using the Fitzpatrick Scale IIIIIIIVVVI White White - Light Brown Light Brown - Olive Moderate - Dark Brown Black Burns easily, never tans Burns easily, tans minimally with difficulty Burns moderately; tans moderately and uniformly Burns minimally, tans easily and moderately Rarely burns; tans profusely Never burns; tans profusely

7  General Information  Advanced Technology Advanced Technology  Selecting Parameters  Entering Parameters  Advantages  Before and After Photos

8 IPL Technology  Intense pulsed light technology involves application of a non-laser, broadband and filtered flashlamp source directed to the skin. Modification of various parameters allows flexibility in treatment. These include but are not limited to wavelength, fluence, spot size, pulse duration, pulse delay, pulse number and frequency.  IPL technology removes age spots (sun-induced freckles), most benign brown pigments, and redness caused by broken capillaries through a process called photorejuvenation for face and body.  The gentle, non-ablative treatments use broad spectrum light to treat the face, chest, neck and hands—virtually anywhere that sun damage shows.

9 Pulse Control  Pulses and Sub-pulses  Adjustable sub-pulse number (1-12)  Adjustable sub-pulse delay(5ms-40ms)  Adjustable sub-pulse width(4ms, 5ms, 6ms)  Energy depends on charging voltage and sub- pulse numbers

10 Integrated Pyro-electric Contact Cooling system Integrated Pyro-electric Contact Cooling (PCC)

11 Variable Synchronized Pulse Control (VPSC) For Clinical Efficacy & Safety Integrated Pyro-electric Contact Cooling system

12 Two handpieces  Just a simple press, you can easily change handpiece

13 ESP Technology  ESP handpiece: Easy--- Switch on and off easily Smart---Identifying handpiece type, recording pulse numbers and guaranteeing energy output (fluctuation: ±5%) Powerful---Maximum energy is up to 225J Ergonomics of handpiece

14  General Information  Advanced Technology  Selecting Parameters Selecting Parameters  Entering Parameters  Advantages  Before and After Photos

15 Wavelength

16 Selecting Parameters –Wavelength  Wavelength WavelengthApplications 400-700nmTreat mild to moderate acne 525-1200nmPhoto rejuvenation for multi-skin types 560-1200nmRemove pigmented and vascular lesions/ skin rejuvenations 700-1200nmHair removal for all kinds of skin and different body areas

17 Cycle

18 Selecting Parameters –Cycle  Cycle: The interval between two pulses  Determines speed to glide the handpiece  Does not affect amount of light delivered (fluence) with each pulse  Increase in cycle value = decrease in treatment speed  Based on: Treatment area Patient comfort Operator level of expertise  Start with a high cycle value (3s) to gain experience prior to using lower one.

19 Spot Size

20 Selecting Parameters – Fixed Parameters  Spot Size Fixed: 10.8mm×45.8mm m Large spot size(10.8mm×45.8mm) makes Angelite-SDC treatment speed faster than competitive systems ; Large spot size increases the penetration depth. It can treat deeper targets.

21 Sub-Pulse Number/Width/Delay

22 Selecting Parameters – Sub-Pulse Number/Width/Delay  Sub-pulse number Adjustable from 1 to 12;  Sub-pulse width Adjustable: 4ms, 5ms, 6ms  Sub-pulse delay Adjustable from 5ms to 40ms. Pulse Width =(sub-pulse width)×(sub-pulse number)+(sub-pulse interval) ×(sub-pulse number-1) Pulse width based on thickness of hair –Bigger target = longer pulse width »coarse, dense hair (i.e., beard, bikini) –Smaller target = shorter pulse width »fine hair, sparse distribution Pulse width Based on skin type –Increase for darker skin types

23 Selecting Parameters – Pulse Duration  Pulse Duration 4ms-512ms Treat small vessels & fine hair, etc. Treat coarse hair and leg veins, etc. Angelite-SDC offers wider range pulse duration, from 4ms to 512ms, which safely and effectively treat all skin types including tanned skin and the broadest range of hair colors, diameters and depths.

24 Fluence

25  Fluence =  Fluence selecting is based on skin type, hair color and density, and epidermal response;  Begin at a low setting, and do a test area treatment;  Areas with dark skin or high hair density and/or coarse dark hairs (such as the chin) should be treated at lower fluences than areas with lighter skin or sparser hair. energy of entire laser pulse (J) area of light beam where it strikes the skin (cm²) Selecting Parameters – Fluence

26 Selecting Parameters – Fluence continued  Fluence Max: 45J/cm 2 (  More effective treatment with high fluence Remarks: PL, Cynosure and IPL, Lumenis One : Fluence limitation with larger spot sizes; (Cynosure---minimum spot size: 10mm×21mm, maxmum fluence: 30J/cm 2 ); (Lumenis One--- minimum spot size: 8mm×15mm, maxmum fluence: 40J/cm 2 ) OPS, Cutera and Harmony, Alma: Low fluence( no more than 20J/cm 2 ) can not treat light skin and fine hair efficiently

27 Angelite SDC Clinical Parameters Benign pigmented lesions (560~1200nm ) Skin typePulse No.Pulse width (ms)Pulse Delay (ms)Fluence (J/cm 2 )Cycle (s) I, II4~65~615~2014~202 III, IV3~45~615~2010~162 Benign vascular lesions (560~1200nm ) Skin typePulse No.Pulse width (ms)Pulse Delay (ms)Fluence (J/cm 2 )Cycle (s) I, II5-74-610~2015~253 Ⅲ,ⅣⅢ,Ⅳ 4-6 15~3013~223 Hair removal (700~1200nm) Skin typePulse No.Pulse width (ms)Pulse Delay (ms)Fluence (J/cm 2 )Cycle (s) I, II4~84~51514-182 III, IV3~75~620~3010-152 IV, V155~620~308-122 Acne (400~700nm) Skin typePulse No.Pulse width (ms)Pulse Delay (ms)Fluence (J/cm 2 )Cycle (s) I, II4~64~51514-182 III, IV3~44~52010-122 IV, V24308-102

28 Remarks:  The above clinical parameters and setting is only a reference for treatment;  It is best that the areas to be treated were covered with a layer thin cooled transparent hydro-gel before treatments;  The actual setting lies on doctor’s experience, the skin type and sensitivity of patient, and tightness that therapeutic crystal press the skin;  Darker skin needs lower energy density;  More tightly the therapeutic crystal press the skin, lower energy density is set.

29  General Information  Advanced Technology  Selecting Parameters  Entering Parameters Entering Parameters  Advantages  Before and After Photos

30 Entering Parameters – Controls  Control locations on display screen Fluence Change handpiece Subpulse Number Subpulse Width Subpulse interval Interval between two pulses

31 Entering Parameters – Indicators  Indicator locations on display screen Pulse Counter---right handpiece Pulse Counter---left handpiece

32  General Information  Advanced Technology  Selecting Parameters  Entering Parameters  Advantages Advantages  Before and After Photos

33 Advantages  SDC has large spot size for more effective treatments;  SDC is extremely powerful---large spot size with high fluence;  SDC uses ESP advanced technology to make the handpieces Easy to use, Smart to connect, and Powerful  SDC uses Integrated Pyro-electric Contact Cooling to provide maximum safety and comfort to patients;  SDC allows you to treat ALL skin types safely and effectively.

34  General Information  Advanced Technology  Selecting Parameters  Entering Parameters  Advantages  Before and After Photos Before and After Photos

35 ATL copyright Before ATL copyright After(3 times treatment) Skin Rejuvenation

36 Freckles ATL Copyright After Before After (3 times treatment)

37 Telangiectasia Before After (3 times treatment)

38 Telangiectasia Before After (4 times treatment)

39 After (2 times treatment) ATL copyright Before Hair Removal

40 ATL copyright Before ATL copyright After (4 times treatment)


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