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1.The ____ empire included Turkey, Iraq, and much of the Arabian Peninsula. 2.Political and religious leader of Islam. 3.Holy city of Islam; home of the.

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Presentation on theme: "1.The ____ empire included Turkey, Iraq, and much of the Arabian Peninsula. 2.Political and religious leader of Islam. 3.Holy city of Islam; home of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.The ____ empire included Turkey, Iraq, and much of the Arabian Peninsula. 2.Political and religious leader of Islam. 3.Holy city of Islam; home of the Kabaa a.Jihad b. Ottoman c. Caliph d. Mecca e. Wahhabi 4.Islamic Holy Text. 5.There are ____ Pillars of Islam 6.After the death of Muhammad, Islam split into two groups. Name one.

2 1.Garment worn by women in some Islamic societies. 2.Society who believes in literal interpretation of the Quran, reject all modern interpretations. 3.Mecca is Holy city of Islam, home of the______ 4.Term which refers to a struggle, often within the individual to become a better Muslim. a.Jihad b. Hijab c. Islamism d. Kabaa e. Wahhabis 5.There are ____ Pillars of Islam 6.After the death of_________, Islam split into two groups.

3 The Persian Gulf in Modern Times Objective 1: explore the many factors that influence society in the region. Objective 2: analyze the impact of history on the region and its people. Objective 3: explore the idea of fundamentalism and describe its impact.

4 Ottoman Empire

5 History Ottoman control ended with WW1. Power transitions to what country? Iraq created by L of N despite internal ethnic divisions (Shia, Sunni, and Kurds) Oil discovered: – Iraq (1927) – Saudi Arabia and Kuwait (1938)

6 Photograph: British troops cross flooded land in Mesopotamia, 1919

7 Independence to Dictatorship Iraq (1932) but with British aligned ruler (King Faisal) – Why? 1958 coup overthrows King Faisal, ended with Baath party taking power in 1963 – Saddam Hussein becomes dictator in 1979

8 Iran-Iraq War Iraq invaded Iran in 1980 Attempted grab of oil rich lands, and to become new regional power. – Also concerned with Shia majority in Iraq Iraq supported by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United States and the Soviet Union! Ended in 1988, no clear winner





13 Arabia and Iraq Today Wahhabis – belief in literal interpretation of the Quran, reject all modern interpretations. – Women often wear the hijab – Rulers of Saudi Arabia are Wahhabis Islamism – belief that politics and society should follow Islamic teaching. – Modern examples? Questions for thought: Why might interpreting any older document be problematic? What impact does literally interpreting the Bible have on our society?

14 Islamism and Jihad A small number of Muslims see European and American influence as a threat. Misinterpret the term Jihad (def) to mean violence. (i.e. al Qaeda) – Terrorism (use of violence against innocent civilians to create fear for political reasons) – Goes against the teachings of the Quran!


16 Region Built on Oil Economies specialize in oil production. Oil economies neglect entrepreneurship – Region is dependent on oil supplies. Problem? – Attempts to diversify include Bahrain and Dubai. Financial leaders.

17 Cultural Concerns Some are uncomfortable with Western influence. Women’s rights issues (mostly in Arabia) – Hijab – Working with unrelated men – Unable to drive – Cannot travel without the permission of a male in the family.


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