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First results on occupations by ISCO 08 Some quality issues.

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Presentation on theme: "First results on occupations by ISCO 08 Some quality issues."— Presentation transcript:

1 First results on occupations by ISCO 08 Some quality issues

2 Name of the presentation Introduction The first ISCO 08 results were provided by the Labour force survey on its first quarter 2011. The ISCO 08 revision was quite important and although the Major Groups kept the same titles as in the ISCO 88 structure, their content is not the same. Almost all Major groups were reshuffled with some occupations moving from one major group to another. Only MG 0 - Armed forces remained with the same composition in the 2 versions of the classification.

3 Name of the presentation Major Group 1 MG 1 ISCO 08ISCO 88 MG 2: Health and age care service managers (2230) MG 2: Film, stage and related directors and producers (2654) MG 5: Shopkeepers (5221) MG 3: Construction supervisors (3123) Other artistic and cultural associate professionals (3485) MG 6: managers from: Field crop and vegetable growers (6111), Tree and shrub crop growers (6112), Gardeners, horticultural and nursery growers (6113), Mixed crop growers (6114), Livestock and dairy producers (6121), Poultry producers (6122), Mixed crop and animal producers (6130), Forestry and related workers (6210), Aquaculture workers (6221), Inland and coastal waters fishery workers (6222), Deep- sea fishery workers. (6223) MG 1

4 Name of the presentation Major Group 1 – Differences between ISCO 88 and ISCO 08

5 Name of the presentation Major Group 4 MG 4 ISCO 08ISCO 88 MG 3: Travel consultants and organisers (3414) MG 3: office supervisors (3341) Legal secretaries (3342) Medical secretaries (3344) Medical records and health information technicians (3252) MG 5: Cashiers and ticket clerks (5230) MG 4

6 Name of the presentation Major Group 4 – Differences between ISCO 88 and ISCO 08

7 Name of the presentation Major Group 6 MG 6 ISCO 08ISCO 88 MG 5: Pet groomers and animal care workers (5164) MG 9: Garden and horticultural labourers (9214) MG 6 MG 1: General managers in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing (1314) MG 7: Underwater divers (7541)

8 Name of the presentation Major Group 6 – Differences between ISCO 88 and ISCO 08

9 Name of the presentation Major Group 9 MG 9 ISCO 08ISCO 88 MG 6: Gardeners, horticultural and nursery growers (6113) MG 9 MG 5: Street food salespersons (5112) Door to door salespersons (5243) Contact centre salespersons (5244) Building caretakers (5153) Security guards (5414) MG 5: Cooks (5122)

10 Name of the presentation Major Group 9 – Differences between ISCO 88 and ISCO 08

11 Name of the presentation Conclusions These aren't necessarily reasons for lack of quality in the implementation of the new classification! Many reasons can explain these national differences: –We are analysing data from 2 different years and labour markets can fluctuate, –we are using survey data which have some margin of error –the magnitude of the labour force for the "entrant" and "leaving" occupations in each Major Group is different in each Member State. Nevertheless, a deeper analysis should be conducted and this is one of the tasks foreseen in the framework of the European Socio-economic Classification ESSnet.

12 Name of the presentation Your contribution We would like to profit of your expertise… and we expect you to propose methods of analysis of the comparability and accuracy of the coding of occupations in the EU Member states.

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