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Psychology 2/27/14. Personality What are the four main approaches to personality? Name Famous psychologists IdeasProsCons.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychology 2/27/14. Personality What are the four main approaches to personality? Name Famous psychologists IdeasProsCons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychology 2/27/14

2 Personality What are the four main approaches to personality? Name Famous psychologists IdeasProsCons

3 Important concepts False consensus effect Maslow’s highest level Rogers’ three prerequisites for growth MMPI’s system Traits vs. behaviors in the person-situation controversy Reciprocal determinism Locus of control Learned helplessness ( Spotlight effect Examples of self-serving bias

4 CANOE Draw five people in a canoe that exemplify one extreme of the “Big Five” factors.

5 Myers-Briggs Test Take the Myers-Briggs test to determine your personality type. Read over the packet of info. Evaluate the validity of the Myers-Briggs test.

6 Evaluating perspectives Write 2 paragraphs evaluating which personality approach you find to be most valid. Suggested format: 1 paragraph elucidating the merits of your approach. 1 paragraph criticizing the other approaches in comparison.

7 Personality write-up Write a description of your personality. Use the following concepts: Ideal self Traits Person-situation controversy/reciprocal determinism Locus of control Optimism vs. pessimism Self-esteem

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