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Is technological progress creating or destroying jobs? Entrepreneurial innovation = key driver of economic growth ↓ new innovations r______ old innovations.

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Presentation on theme: "Is technological progress creating or destroying jobs? Entrepreneurial innovation = key driver of economic growth ↓ new innovations r______ old innovations."— Presentation transcript:


2 Is technological progress creating or destroying jobs? Entrepreneurial innovation = key driver of economic growth ↓ new innovations r______ old innovations ↓ n__ jobs are created, o__ jobs are destroyed = c______ d_________ J. S________________ Efficiency and employment (MK, U 25) → MK, p 124 Vocabulary 1 Match up the words with the definitions 2 To employ vs. to dismiss 3 Fill in the gaps reativeestruction chumpeter eplace ewld

3 MK, p 125 Discussion 1 job sharing 2 decreasing working hours 3 lowering the age of retirement 4 staff training programmes 5 increasing the number of public sector jobs

4 Employees and labour relations Labour relations (industrial relations) = relations between the management of a company and its workers. Issues discussed by the management and workers: 1________ (how much) 2 ____________ (how long) 3 ________________ (where, when) Different kinds of jobs: blue collar vs. white collar mid-level jobs jobs for the graduate elite → RB, p 65 (II & III) wages working hours working conditions

5 What can employees do if they are dissatisfied with their jobs? Can they get organized? → RB, p 66 IV - VIII

6 THE CONNECTION TO MANAGEMENT (MK:Unit 2) What are managers generally in charge of? (MK) PLANNING, ORGANIZING, INTEGRATING, MEASURING AND DEVELOPING Which ones of these tasks involve dealing with employees directly? What is each of the elements about? (MK)  PEOPLE MANAGEMENT

7 PEOPLE MANAGEMENT What advice is provided in the quotes below? «The secret of good business is good people who are given a lot of trust and freedom as well as the right to make mistakes.” (Sir R. Branson) «If we always hire people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. If we always hire people who are bigger than we are, we shall become a company of giants.» (D. Ogilvy)

8 WORK AND MOTIVATION How do managers motivate their staff? Homework assignment MK, U 2 (pp 15-18)

9 Work on your own to get ready for a quiz on Jan 7 / Jan 9: Read Lead-in on p 15 and and consider what your answers would be. Classify motivators in order of importance. Discussion: Attitudes to work (p 15) Read and get ready to comment each of the statements listed. Read Theory X and Y, look up the words you do not know, do all the related tasks (classifying sentences, comprehension, summarizing the text in 50 words) (p 16) Read Satisfiers and motivators and answer the questions (p 17), do Vocabulary (p 18)

10 Complete the notes on text about Satisfiers and motivators (MK: p.17) SATISFIERS (hygiene factors) vs.MOTIVATORS -job _________- ________ jobs -good ______ relations- ________ jobs -good working __________- ________ -good _______- ________ - ______ such as:a) ______ pay- ________ b) paid __________ c) __________ MOTIVATION IN ___________ JOBS? - _________ responsibilities -job ____________ - shared __________ ( _________ culture)

11 Old homework (to be submitted): 1 Write a short text about a company you would like to work for. Use the prompts provided in MK, p 25. 2 Write a paragraph to present your reasons for wanting to work in a big / small company? (List of reasons in MK, p 25) Don’t forget the rules of paragraph writing: 1.Topic sentence – introduce the central idea 2.Several arguments to support your topic sentence (use sequencing, reference and linking words) 3.Conclusion(RB, pp 77-79)

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