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Adolf Hitler & Hienrich Himmler By: Sam Opat with-himmler.jpg.

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2 Adolf Hitler & Hienrich Himmler By: Sam Opat with-himmler.jpg

3 Hitler’s Youth  Beat by his father  Runner during WW1 holoprelude/images/younghitler.jpg

4 Himmler’s Youth  Bullied  Wrote sadistic comments in his diary http//

5 Hitler’s Rise to power Chancellor of Germany Head of Nazi Party

6 Himmler’s Rise to Power  In the SS  Head of the SS  2nd in command

7 Himmler’s Contributions to the Death Camps  Cattle Cars  Medical Testing  Carbon Monoxide in the Gas Chambers

8 Hitler ’ s Contributions to the Death Camps  Never ordered in writing the killings of all the people, but did give orders to the SS and Himmler to carry out the Final Solution

9 Surrender  Himmler made a deal with the Allies (surrender)  Hitler found out and ordered for his arrest ndcuffs.jpg

10 Death  Himmler fled but was caught by the allies  Both men committed suicide

11 Facts  5 million Jews were killed  6 million others were killed -Homosexuals -Gypsies -Disableds ar-of-david.jpg

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