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The Multiple Dimensions of Implementation of Teamwork Across Disciplines Yin-Che Chen, Ph.D. The Pennsylvania State University Workforce Education & Development.

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Presentation on theme: "The Multiple Dimensions of Implementation of Teamwork Across Disciplines Yin-Che Chen, Ph.D. The Pennsylvania State University Workforce Education & Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Multiple Dimensions of Implementation of Teamwork Across Disciplines Yin-Che Chen, Ph.D. The Pennsylvania State University Workforce Education & Development An Invited Talk On National Hsinchu University of Education


3 The Multiple Dimensions of Implementation of Teamwork Across Disciplines - 1 Definition of Teamwork History and Importance of Teamwork Theoretical Foundation of Teamwork Models of Teamwork Classifications of Teamwork

4 The Multiple Dimensions of Implementation of Teamwork Across Disciplines - 2 Cases Study of Teamwork  ROTC  Listed Companies on Taiwan Stock Market Teamwork Competencies Individual Evaluation of Teamwork Cognition Suggestions and Discussions

5 Definition of Teamwork A task group whose members are actively interdependent and share the common performance objectives Enhancing and strengthening the organizations’ internal effectiveness between different units, groups, or councils Source: Richard Beckhard (1969) , Don Young & Dave Francis (1992), and Wendell L. French & Cecil H. Bell (1999)

6 History and Importance of Teamwork - 1 Global Competition  Emerging countries  Alliance and competition of regional economies  Exchange of different economies

7 Industrial Collaboration and Transfer  New technology in product design, manufacturing, and distribution.  The development of new industries  The transfer of production bases History and Importance of Teamwork - 2

8 Exchange, Learning, and Cooperation of Human Capital across Disciplines  Transfer of human capital  Training of human capital  Various learning of human capital History and Importance of Teamwork - 3

9 The advantages brought by teamwork, the most important intervention of organizational development:  Enhance the efficiency of organizational operation  Create an organizational culture and climate  Expand organizational size History and Importance of Teamwork - 4

10 Theoretical Foundation of Teamwork Bruce Tuckman (1965) teamwork theory:

11 Models of Teamwork - 1 Source: Dyer, W. G., Dyer, J. H., & Schein, E. H. (2007). Team building: strategies for improving team performance, 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons, p. 49.

12 Source: Payne, V. (2001). Team-building workshop: A trainer's guide, Amacom Books, p. 5. Models of Teamwork - 2

13 Classifications of Teamwork Given the amount of the autonomy exercised in different teams, a few common categories are recognized: Manager-led team Self-managing team Self-directing team Self-governing team Source: Dyer, W. G. (2005). Team building: Past, present, and future, John Wiley & Sons, p. 406.

14 Case Study of Teamwork - 1 Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC)  Research Purpose Determine the effectiveness and implemental result of teamwork in a military organization  Research Target and Time March, 2009 ROTC at The Pennsylvania State University Officers and Sergeants (n = 26)

15 Research Findings:  Officers and Sergeant possessed the high level of cognition toward teamwork and were willing to contribute their experience, knowledge, and expertise to their own team.  Officers and Sergeant considered themselves educators and worked as a high-managed team.  Officers and Sergeant thought the factors influencing teamwork were effective communication and clear team assignment. Case Study of Teamwork - 1

16 Listed Companies on Taiwan Stock Market  Research Purpose Explore the relationship between teamwork and organizations’ characteristics  Research Target and Time November, 2008 Listed companies on Taiwan stock market(n = 131) Case Study of Teamwork - 2

17 Research findings:  Teamwork was negatively associated with turnover rate and tenured employee.  Teamwork was positively associated with training, compensation and benefits, and employee educational background.  Companies with higher ratio of male employee possessed higher performance of teamwork.  Companies located in North had better performance of teamwork. Case Study of Teamwork - 2

18 Teamwork Competencies - 1 Setting clear, measurable goals Making assignments clear and giving constructive instructions Using an effective decision-making process Establishing accountability for satisfactory performance Running effective meetings

19 Building trust Establishing open communication channels Managing conflict Encouraging risk-tasking and innovation Creating mutual respect and collaboration Teamwork Competencies - 2

20 Individual Evaluation of Teamwork Cognition - 1 Instructions  Please circle a point from 1- 5 for each question based on your belief  Please add the individual score of each question and calculate the total score

21 High cognition of teamwork  Total score between 46 ~ 50 Moderate cognition of teamwork  Total score between 26 ~ 35 Low cognition of teamwork  Total score between 10 ~ 15 Individual Evaluation of Teamwork Cognition - 2

22 Suggestions and Discussions Thank you for your Listening!

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