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Douglas Bourn Development Education Research Centre, IOE.

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Presentation on theme: "Douglas Bourn Development Education Research Centre, IOE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Douglas Bourn Development Education Research Centre, IOE

2  Reflect on achievements and progress of development education and global learning  Changing political and educational context  Practice of NGOs  Needs and agendas of policy-makers  Perceptions of evaluation  Role of research  Examples from work of Research Centre  Agenda for research

3  30 years of practice led mainly by NG0s  Increasing recognition of learning and understanding about global and development issues within mainstream education  Quality projects

4  Globalisation and recent economic crisis  Increasing dislocation and fragmentation within communities  Sustainable Development and climate change  Understanding and support for development and role of awareness raising within this  Skills for living and working in a global society and global economy  Short term results and change  But have things really changed in terms of debates re development education

5  Historically played an important role  Have an agenda  Seeking support for their practice and their views  Increased emphasis on behavioural change and on support for campaigns  Limitations of promoting the global citizenship agenda

6  Support for their programmes- public support for aid- lack of progress on MDGs  Needing evidence to demonstrate value for money  Review of DFID’s Building Support for Development  Learning impact has to relate to issues re standards and quality of education

7  Determined in the main by funders  Emphasis on change usually in behaviour  Formative and summative  Efficiency and Effectiveness  Lack of recognition of learning outcomes  Results may well be different to what envisaged

8  Open- ended  Depth of analysis  Learning agenda  Question of relevance  Quality and evidence

9  Plan UK and role of NGOs  People and Planet and student learning/campaigning  Global Dimension within secondary schools  Global Skills within colleges  Global Engineer

10  Bringing together examples of what we know and sharing it  Educating policy-makers on importance of research  Theory and Philosophical Debates and implications for re-thinking practice  Opening up debate with practitioners in terms of what are their objectives  Recognising changing political context

11  Impact within formal education  Development Education and contribution to building support for development  How do young people become engaged in global and development issues?  Moving from charity mentality to social justice  Relationship to agendas around citizenship

12  Research Groups  Role of International Journal  Collaborative research projects across national boundaries  Impact within wider education and development research agendas and networks

13 

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