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Genuine Gifts (VII) (James 1:22-27) Wholesome Walking.

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Presentation on theme: "Genuine Gifts (VII) (James 1:22-27) Wholesome Walking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genuine Gifts (VII) (James 1:22-27) Wholesome Walking

2 Wonderful woes James 1:1-4 Winning wisdom James 1:5-8 Withering wealth James 1:9-11 Warring wishes James 1:12-15 Worthy Word James 1:16-18 Welcome / Waive James 1:18-21 Wholesome Walking James 1:22-27

3 I. Attitude, 22-25

4 Hearers (22, 23, 25 = 19)  Ro.2:13  Hearing implies... 1) Studying Scripture. Know! 2) Sincere stand. Humility (21) Open mind Eagerness to obey Giving God our best

5 Hearers (22, 23, 25 = 19)  Ro.2:13  Hearing implies... 1) Studying Scripture. Know! 2) Sincere stand. 3) Serious student. 4) Steadfast schedule. 5) Stubborn stability. 2 Th.1:8

6 Hearers (22, 23, 25 = 19) Doers (22, 23, 25)  Mt.7:24-27, foundation consequences  Mt.17:4-5, foundation choices  Lk.16:29 [Dt.4:10], foundation channel “Let them hear” Lk.16:29 Imperative Dt.4:10 Privilege

7 I. Attitude, 22-25 II. Admonition, 22-25

8 Self-deception, 22-23 [To reason falsely, 22] 23, mirror illustration.  A mirror – 1) Reflects. Face; flaws… 2) Reveals (attitude – desire to change) 3) Requires. Must use it to benefit… 4) Removes guesswork…

9 Self-deception, 22-23 [To reason falsely, 22] 23, mirror illustration. 24,mirror application. Forgetting…  Opposite of receiving the Word (21)  Opposite of doers (22) Why own a mirror?

10 Self-deception, 22-23 Self-development, 25 Search Word to correct flaws Looks into Looks into: stoop down to see, Jn.20:5, 11; 1 Pt.1:12. Perfect Perfect Law: 1 God’s; 2 leads us to glorify Him. [Mk.6] LawLiberty Perfect Law of Liberty. Paradox Ro.8:2; 1 Co.9:21-22; Ja.2:8; 4:11 1 Pt.2:16 Law of father for sons, Not of master for slaves “Land of the free…” “Sweet land of liberty…”

11 Self-deception, 22-23 Self-development, 25 Search Word to correct flaws Looks into: Looks into: stoop down to see, Jn.20:5, 11; 1 Pt.1:12. Perfect Perfect Law: 1 God’s; 2 leads us to glorify Him. [Mk.6] LawLiberty Perfect Law of Liberty. Paradox Continues: Continues: 1 keeps looking; 2 does not forget; 3 makes correctionsBlessed.

12 Mt.5:3-12, who is blessed?  Knock on wood?  Yield to temptation?  Mt.5, bestowed on doer becomer

13 I. Attitude, 22-25 III. Authentication, 26-27 II. Admonition, 22-25

14 Religious (26) Pious; fearing or worshipping God Danger of self-deception (16, 22, 26) Religion w/o morals is vain Religion w unbridled tongue is vain (Ja.3) Thinks Deceives Useless Pure (27)

15 Religious (26) Religion (26-27) Piety, worship Pure: free of adulterating matter. Mt.5:8; Hb.10:22. Undefiled, as Hb.13:4 Mt.25:36, 43; Ac.7:23; 15:36 To visit: go to see a person w. helpful intent…look after widows and orphans in their distress – BDAG

16 Religious (26) Religion (26-27) Piety, worship Pure: free of adulterating matter. Mt.5:8; Hb.10:22. Undefiled, as Hb.13:4 To visit, as Mt.25:36, 43, etc. To keep, as 1 Tim.5:22. Unspotted, as 1 Tim.6:14. “Just help the poor and lead a moral life – you’re saved!”

17 Religious (26) Religion (26-27) This passage does not record the whole of true religion If we claim a relationship with God, but don’t practice self-control, we’re just fooling ourselves

18 Religious (26) Religion (26-27) This passage does not record the whole of true religion If we claim a relationship with God, but don’t practice self-control, we’re just fooling ourselves Mic.6:6-8RequirementsJames 1 6 1. Duty to God 25 8a-c 2. Duty to others 26-27 8d 3. Duty to self 26-27

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