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LIBS100 18 May 2005 Microsoft Word Setting Email Options.

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Presentation on theme: "LIBS100 18 May 2005 Microsoft Word Setting Email Options."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIBS100 18 May 2005 Microsoft Word Setting Email Options

2 Selecting Options in Email Go to Options (on left side of screen) Edit signature - then select “Automatically include my signature” Also select “Always check spelling…”

3 Microsoft Word Word Processing Software Used for creating, editing and printing documents

4 Start a Document Open a new document by clicking on blank page icon. OR Open an existing document by clicking file icon.

5 New Document Envision a blank sheet of paper Click Center alignment icon and bold icon and type a document title: My Title

6 Enter Text Now, click bold again (to deselect this option) Click left alignment icon Press enter 3X to skip lines

7 Enter Text To enter text, just start typing First paragraph is an introductory paragraph about you

8 Enter Text Now, change the font and font size Begin typing the second paragraph. This paragraph should be about your favorite vacation.

9 Mistakes?? Press backspace key to delete characters/words to the left of the insertion point Press delete key to delete to the right of the insertion point Can also highlight text using right mouse button and then press delete

10 Save your document!! Select File, Save As Locate your space on server (NAS drive) by pressing file with up arrow until drive appears. Double click on NAS drive to select Enter file name and press Save

11 Congratulations! You have just created a MS Word document and saved it on your drive space!

12 Difficulties??? Go to this web site for tutorial and to read more about MS word.

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