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3 MISSION To enable ordinary people to have access to traditional media and the convenience of information technology

4 VISION Improve the lives of ordinary South Africans whilst contributing to economic growth Make South Africa a knowledge based society and help create an information economy

5 2002/ 03 Review Multimedia licenses to Sentech Telkom IPO on JSE and NSE Promulgation of Electronic and Communications law Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment – Investment by MTN and Vodacom in Nigeria and Congo respectively – Increase in local mobile lines by 2,5 million

6 2002/ 03 Review Broadcasting Amendment Act 2002 Programme Production for Community sector Skills Development and Training in basic and advanced multimedia skills Initiation of Language Portal Programme Installation of 15 community stations Development of programming hubs in 9 provinces Finalized business plans for Rhino Recording Studios

7 Review 2002/2003 Appointment of the Postal Regulator Appointment of the Chairperson of the Regulator Start to the repositioning of SAPO 7 Citizen Post Office Rolled Out

8 KEY ISSUES AND CHALLENGES FOR 2003 Advisory Bodies Reports National Summit on Broadcasting Content and Languages Launch of the Language Portals Repositioning the Post Office National Address System (NAS) Multi-purpose Communication Centres (MPCC’s) Citizens Post Office (CPOs) Legislation International

9 KEY ISSUES AND CHALLENGES Public Internet Terminal (PiT) Tabling of the Space Affairs Amendment Bill Telecommunications Amendment Bill Feasibility study for the period 2005 onwards in terms of the liberalization of the sector

10 KEY ISSUES AND CHALLENGES Convergence Policy Connecting South Africa Underserviced area licences 112 emergency project Edunet BEE Inculcating Culture of Savings Content and Language

11 ADVISORY BODIES REPORTS Appointed to advise Government & the Department of Communications on the following issues: - Issues relevant to the introduction of digital broadcasting in South Africa - All issues pertaining to development, utilization and approach of broadcast content production in South Africa. - Recommendations have been submitted by the two bodies and the Department hopes to advice Cabinet on the recommendations

12 ADVISORY BODIES REPORTS The Digital Advisory Body Made Recommendations on the following issues: – Policy and Legislative processes – Regulatory and licensing issues – Frequency spectrum planning – Network and coverage planning – Technical Standards – International Participation and Relations – Detailed migration plan Economic feasibility study Consumer research Technical aspects requiring further analysis

13 ADVISORY BODIES REPORTS The South African Broadcast Production Advisory Body Made Recommendations on the following issues: – strategic interventions that are critical to the improvement of production and broadcasting of South African content. – the establishment or realignment of existing specialised institutions to build the required capacity – strategic issues that require further interventions in order to expand the production and display of South African content in both the South African and international markets.

14 ADVISORY BODIES REPORTS interventions at both the South African and external markets. situations that warrants immediate redress. meeting the needs of the African continent for relevant programming. new policy measures, structures or Specialized Agencies, financing and marketing strategies.

15 NATIONAL SUMMIT ON BROADCASTING CONTENT AND LANGUAGES DoC intends holding a National Summit on Content and Language Broadcasting and their implications for public service, community as well as commercial broadcasting in South Africa The objective of the Summit is to advance policy directives as contained in the Broadcasting Amendment Act and the White Paper Policy on Broadcasting

16 NATIONAL SUMMIT ON BROADCASTING CONTENT AND LANGUAGES The National Summit will be preceded by provincial mini-summits which will be convened in all nine Provinces The National Summit to be convened in September 2003

17 LAUNCH OF THE LANGUAGE PORTALS As part of the programme to use technology to advance some of the Constitutional imperatives. DoC has developed a strategy of making computers & Internet relevant & meaningful to the ordinary person in South Africa The strategy includes: - Development of language portals - Registration of domain names in indigenous languages - Translating of Microsoft desk-top interface to indigenous languages

18 LAUNCH OF THE LANGUAGE PORTALS The strategy has the ff objectives: - Populate the Internet with indigenous languages - Afford all languages an equal status - Increase the usage of the Internet by ordinary people - Preserve and expose South African culture and heritage The Department requests your presence when it launches the portals during April 2003

19 REPOSITIONING THE POST OFFICE The Post Office can be strategically repositioned to play a key role in Government’s commitment to effective social service delivery Government needs to reconsider its current Post Office Policy within the context of initiatives such as ISRDS & e-government strategies

20 REPOSITIONING THE POST OFFICE Consultation on this matter with other Government departments, SAPO & the Social Cluster of Director Generals is ongoing It is hoped that this matter will be taken to Cabinet at the beginning of the new financial year

21 NATIONAL ADDRESS SYSTEM (NAS) To develop a national address system which will ensure that every citizen has an address To develop legislation to facilitate the establishment of a structure within the South African Post Office which will manage the National Address System Legislation will be submitted to Parliament during the second term of the year

22 MULTI-PURPOSE COMMUNICATION CENTRES (MPCC’S) To roll-out and implement the sustainability plan of the communications infrastructure and related services to rural communities and those from disadvantaged areas within the GCIS initiatives and ISRDP/Urban Rural strategy initiatives

23 CITIZEN’S POST OFFICE (CPOs) To provide access to digital communications infrastructure and services to those communities historically disadvantaged by apartheid policies 7 CPOs have been rolled out and are operational. A phased approach has been adopted in the rollout of the remaining 18 CPOs. Seven pilot sites will be rollout before the end of the financial year and the roll out of the remaining 11 sites as identified will be done in the coming financial year

24 LEGISLATION Tabling of the Amendment to the Postal Services Act of 1998 before Parliament during the second half of the calendar year This will address the issue of the schedules defining the reserve areas as well as the Post Bank

25 INTERNATIONAL To become members of the Postal Operations Council and Council of Administration Invite the Department of Foreign Affairs into a workshop to discuss this objective This will allow SA to participate fully in Global Postal matters and grant us the status to be able to vote during the Council meetings Participate in the development of e-Post Strategy for Africa

26 PUBLIC INTERNET TERMINALS (PIT’S) The plan is to have 200 new design kiosks to be manufactured during this financial year Each province will have a PiT truck and there will be one built for the Presidency Intergovernmental projects are also on the pipeline where DoC will be working with DoH on the Telemedicine Project, Dept of Agriculture and Department of Public Service and Administration on digitising government forms.

27 TABLING OF THE SPACE AFFAIRS AMENDMENT BILL The Bill focuses on ISSA, Space applications and services

28 Focus area: BEE Advancement of BEE at DoC, Portfolio organizations sector. Industry led agreement focusing on: -Ownership and Equity -Management and control -Skills Development -Corporate Social Responsibility -Investment in enterprise development -Procurement Study on BEE component in sector underway Industry led in that Department will play facilitating role – SACF, BBC, Nedlac and others to spearhead. SONA Industry led in that Department will play facilitating role – SACF, BBC, Nedlac and others to spearhead. SONA

29 BEE: Ownership and Equity Establishment of fund to finance BEE initiatives (BEE Fund Banks and sector, R10 Billion in budget, Umsombovu Fund) Policy development to target BEE Ownership and Equity Management and Control Set “targets” and monitor BEE components in Portfolio organizations including SITA and Arivia.Com & Sector Government ICT privatization process to target BEE SONA Cost of Capital IPO – R4 B SNO – R SONA Cost of Capital IPO – R4 B SNO – R

30 BEE: Skills development ICT Institute ISSA, NEMISA and Postal Institute ISSET and MAPP – SETA’s Sector wide internship program Develop e- learning centre for research and content development Establish e-learning to upgrade teachers Learnership programs with ISETT SETA – incubators and ISSA R90 million over 3 years

31 Investment and Enterprise Development SMME / BEE / Incubator Directorate Research and development into new products Entrepreneur development - New ventures

32 Procurement Procurement in DoC (Matrix) Targets for Portfolio Organizations Targets for sector in general – industry led Corporate Social Responsibility Mentorship's Entrepreneur development Access to capital Skills development

33 Promoting Culture of savings Rationale Poor Savings Rate Disparate Living Standards Lack of Financial Literacy Investment Postal Financial Services and Postal Savings Banks The Postal Network Post Bank to benefit by increasing

34 Objectives Promote the Culture of Saving among SA Encourage SA to use Post Bank as 1st choice Provide majority of South Africans with financial service infrastructure Critical Success Factors Interest rates and ATM charges Electronic connection of Post Offices Postbank’s distinct identity Security of Funds CSF – might have to outsource banks IT infrastructure:

35 Promoting Culture of Savings Projects to achieve desired objectives Pension Payout National Youth Savings Programme Savings Month Symposium on Culture of Savings Continued Awareness Programme

36 Languages and Content Objectives Promotion of indigenous languages Generation of relevant content Demystifying technology Nation-building Income generation Relevant content Poverty alleviation, HIV Aids, youth, Gender, disability etc.

37 Languages and Content Projects planned Language Portals Children’s Portals Program productions – HIV Aids, Gender, Youth, Disability, etc. Translation of government websites Language and content summit Translation of government forms information to at least 6 languages

38 Connecting SA Objectives Universal access through electronic communications services Growth, increased penetration and accessibility Empower communities by providing access to ICT’s

39 Connecting SA Projects PiT’s, Telecentres, Citizen’s Post Offices Internet laboratories training programs Electronic Commerce Telemedicine E-learning

40 4. MTEF Budget Transfers Total Operations 649,464 m 842,515 m 193,051 m 2003/04 659,614 m 866,843 m 2,88% 207,229 m 2004/05 680,218 m 907,129 4,65% 226,911 m 2005/06

41 Budget per program Program2003/04 R’ m 2004/05 R’ m Administration 83,607 90,912 Telecoms Policy 135,900134,649 Postal Services 353,082356,490 Broadcasting 263,244277,668 Auxiliary Services 6,682 7,124 TOTAL 842,515866,843

42 Transfer Payments Transfers2003/04 R’ m2004/05 R’ m2005/06 R’ m Infrastructure (MPCC’s, PITs ) 15,50016,43022,100 Emergency Call Centres E-Business5,000 6,863 Advanced ICT Institute20,00013,0007,000

43 Transfer cont’ Transfers2002/03 R’ m2003/04 R’ m2004/05 R’ m USA11,21111,88414,500 USF24,74526,23029,400 SAPOS300,000 Broadcasting (Program content Children, youth, aids, women, disability) 31,50033,39034,440

44 Transfers cont’ 2003/04 R, m2004/05 R, m2005/06 R’ m SABC – PBS44,71747,40050,455 SABC – TBVC Channel Africa26,28827,86529,616 Community Radio9,0009,54010,255

45 Transfers cont 2002/032003/042004/05 ICASA128,646134,947137,489 NEMISA13,75314,57817,263 Total Transfers649,464659,614680,218

46 TELECOMMUNICATIONS AMENDMENT BILL Provides for amendment of sections dealing with public emergency Provides for spectrum allocation Provides for Communications Museum Provides for provision of customer premises equipment Provides for HRD

47 FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR THE PERIOD 2005 ONWARDS This includes consideration of a fourth mobile licence, service licences without construction of networks, self provisioning and broadband




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