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Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Multi-Graph.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Multi-Graph."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Multi-Graph to Support Scholarly Communication Marko Antonio Rodriguez Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Los Alamos National Laboratory & Center for Evolution, Complexity, and Cognition Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Computer Science Department University of California at Santa Cruz email: URL:

2 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Purpose of this Talk Define OAI institutional repositories Define resource metadata Define a collection of network generation algorithms to exploit resource metadata Define a simple spreading-activation network search algorithm Define problem and solution representation in a multi-graph Demonstrate problem-solving in a scholarly multi-graph

3 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Open Archives Initiative and Institutional Repositories Open Archives Initiative is a joint effort to standardize interfaces between various institutional repositories. Institutional repositories software systems that support the archiving and dissemination of institutional resources. A resource is any digital or non-digital artifact. A resource, in a repository, has an associated metadata record. OAI-PMH was developed as a protocol for ‘harvesting’ metadata records from institutional repositories.

4 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team OAI and OAI-PMH data provider (institutional repository) service provider

5 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Federation and Scalability

6 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Resource Metadata o verb=GetRecord& verb=GetRecord& Protocol Verbs: 1.Identify 2.ListIdentifiers 3.ListMetadataFormats 4.ListRecords 5.ListSets Resource Identifier (repository specific) Metadata Format (repository specific) - oai_dc, didl, olac, etc. OAI Data Provider

7 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team 2005-09-07T15:25:04Z 2004-12-14 cs A Social Network for Societal-Scale Decision-Making Systems Rodriguez, Marko Steinbock, Daniel Computers and Society Data Structures and Algorithms Human-Computer Interaction H.4.2 J.7 K.4.m In societal-scale decision-making systems the collective is faced... Comment: Dynamically Distributed Democracy algorithm 2004-12-10 text North American Association for Computational Social and Organizational Science Conference Proceedings 2004

8 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Network Generation Algorithms Co-Occurrence: if there exists a direct relation from A to C and a direct relation from B to C then there is C ‘co-occurs’ in both A and B Occurrence: if there exists a direct relation from resource A to resource B then there is an ‘occurrence’ of B in A AB AB C Running Time: O([N 2 -N]/2) Running Time: O(N)

9 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team info:lanl-repo/i/0e08eefc-d053-11d8-85e1-d1cbfd475562 2004-07-07T20:20:14Z format:info*3Alanl-repo*2Fpro*2Fisi The meaning of self-organization in computing Heylighen, F Δ1, Δ1-2 Gershenson, C Δ1, Δ1-2 1094-7167 Δ3a, Δ3-2 IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Δ3a, Δ3-2 IEEE INTELL SYST Δ3a, Δ3-2 2003 18 4 72 75 P 13 EUR M CYB SYST Δ3b, Δ2 BOLLEN, J Δ2 911 Δ2 1996 Δ2 SWARM INTELLIGENCE Δ3b, Δ2 BONABEAU, E Δ2 1998 Δ2

10 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team A Scholarly Multi-Graph Layer-3 Layer-2 Layer-1

11 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team A Multi-Graph Repository-Flow Model multi-graph generator multi-graph data source multi-graph searcher multi-graph aggregator 1 2 3 4

12 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Spreading Activation Algorithm 1 3 4 5 6 2 8 7 STIMULATION

13 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Problem-Solving in a Scholarly Multi-Graph

14 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Finding Related Papers

15 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Finding Collaborators

16 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Finding a Journal

17 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Finding Peer-Reviewers

18 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Finding Interested Readers

19 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Extensibility Adding addition nodes to network: research institutions, keywords, subject categories, funding institutions, departments, etc. As long as you can represent a problem as a collection of resources and your solution as a collection of resources, a multi-graph is provides the necessary pattern-matching infrastructure to support the problem- solving.

20 Research Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory RESEARCH LIBRARY @ OAI4 - Geneva, Switzerland Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team Conclusion Thank you for coming… Questions?

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