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Mattia Vinzi – 2006 The European Union Youth Programme via della Procureria, 2/a -34121 Trieste, tel. 040.675.41.41 fax 040.675.41.42

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1 Mattia Vinzi – 2006 The European Union Youth Programme via della Procureria, 2/a -34121 Trieste, tel. 040.675.41.41 fax 040.675.41.42

2 Mattia Vinzi – 2006 What is the YOUTH PROGRAMME? a. their integration into society and the expression of their spirit of initiative; b. their acquisition of knowledge, skills and competencies, and the recognition of the value of such an experience; c. their expression of solidarity and the fight against racism and xenophobia, a better understanding of the diversity of our common European culture, shared heritage and common basic values; d. the elimination of discrimination and the establishment of equality. The YOUTH programme offers financial support to projects (outside the field of formal education) of young people, provides information, training and opportunities to develop new partnerships across Europe and beyond. The YOUTH programme offers financial support to projects (outside the field of formal education) of young people, provides information, training and opportunities to develop new partnerships across Europe and beyond. The YOUTH programme strives to achieve and maintain a balance between young people’s personal development and collective activity in order to promote: The YOUTH programme strives to achieve and maintain a balance between young people’s personal development and collective activity in order to promote:

3 Mattia Vinzi – 2006 5 Actions : Action 1: GROUP EXCHANGES “Youth for Europe” Azione 2: EUROPEAN VOLUNTARY SERVICE Azione 3: YOUTH INITIATIVES – support for group initiatives and Future Capital projects Azione 4: JOINT ACTIONS with other EU programmes for education (SOCRATES) and training (LEONARDO DA VINCI) Action 5: SUPPORT MEASURES such as cooperation and partnerships, training measures, practical training experience (job shadowing), feasibility visits, contact- making seminars, transnational partnerships and networks

4 Mattia Vinzi – 2006 Action 2: The European Voluntary Service For young people between 18 and 25 Voluntary service activity from 6 up to 12 months Total project costs covered by Youth Programme and host and sending organisations

5 Mattia Vinzi – 2006 What kind of voluntary work? Environmental projects Social projects Cultural projects Every approved EVS project is available on a public database

6 Mattia Vinzi – 2006 Participant countries 25 Member states + Liechtenstein, Iceland, Norway Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey Third countries are divided into the following priority regions: 1- Mediterranean countries (Euromed Youth programme), countries in South East Europe (SEE), the Eastern Europe and the Caucasus (former CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States) 2 - Latin America (LA).

7 Mattia Vinzi – 2006 EU co-operation with South East Europe aims at creating an area of peace, stability, prosperity and freedom. Youth participation is considered a key element in this process. This is why the YOUTH programme especially encourages co-operation with this region. Co-operation with South East Europe (SEE) The SALTO SEE Resource Centre promotes cooperation between YOUTH programme countries and the Western Balkans through dissemination of information, capacity building and assistance in finding partners. ( )

8 Mattia Vinzi – 2006 And everything IS FREE ! The costs covered for the volunteer are: Travel expenses  Accommodation  Meals   Pocket money  Language Course  Local transportation  Health insurance

9 Mattia Vinzi – 2006 Who takes care of the volunteer? Sending organisation (e.g. our office) Host organisation Pre departure weekly meetings Pre departure weekly meetings Assistance in finding the project Assistance in finding the project Contact with potential host institution Contact with potential host institution Approval of the National Agency Approval of the National Agency All costs covering travel and insurance All costs covering travel and insurance “Survival kit” for the participants “Survival kit” for the participants Language Course Language Course Project training Project training Accommodation Accommodation Personal advice and support Personal advice and support

10 Mattia Vinzi – 2006 That’s how it works Potentialcandidate Approval by the National Agency ForeignHostOrganisation Sending Organis. (Europe Direct Ts) Database on approved projects Local project Departure Average time: 6 months

11 Mattia Vinzi – 2006 EVS’ strength A good balance between service to the hosting local community and learning opportunities for the volunteer (both community and volunteer equally gain from the project activities) A good balance between service to the hosting local community and learning opportunities for the volunteer (both community and volunteer equally gain from the project activities) An intercultural experience An intercultural experience Learning/practicing a foreign language Learning/practicing a foreign language Good training for a future job Good training for a future job

12 Mattia Vinzi – 2006 Some EVS difficulties Database not always updated Database not always updated Finding a project could take a long time Finding a project could take a long time Communication brings common understanding, while lack of communication leads to false expectations and wrong interpretations Communication brings common understanding, while lack of communication leads to false expectations and wrong interpretations

13 Mattia Vinzi – 2006 Off you go – but remember... EVS is not a job or an internship, nor a work placement, a humanitarian mission or a holiday period ! EVS is not a job or an internship, nor a work placement, a humanitarian mission or a holiday period ! Language learning within the EVS is a consequence and shall not be the only reason for you to join. Language learning within the EVS is a consequence and shall not be the only reason for you to join. Your sending organisation is still there to counsel and help you all along your EVS project and your host organisation will nominate a personal mentor for you. Your sending organisation is still there to counsel and help you all along your EVS project and your host organisation will nominate a personal mentor for you. It will sometimes be difficult – but who said it would be easy?It will sometimes be difficult – but who said it would be easy?

14 Mattia Vinzi – 2006 Stefania in Portugal After school recreational centre. Fixed doubledecker used as activity centre. Activities with children and juggler’s course

15 Mattia Vinzi – 2006 Giovanna in Greece Environmental Association. Forest excursions and fire watch patrols. Educational excursions into the forest with school children. Clearing invasive plants

16 Mattia Vinzi – 2006 Linda in Spain Cultural Ass. in Santiago de Compostela Contributing to the organisation and promotion of the yearly festival of street theatre of Galicia and of thematic film shows.

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