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Dr. Tark Hamilton Camosun College
Sedimentary Geology Geos 240 – Chapter 2 Collecting the Data Part 1 Geological, Stratigraphic & Petrophysical Data Dr. Tark Hamilton Camosun College
Collecting the Data Stratigraphic Sections from Surface Outcrops
Petrophysical logging of boreholes Well cuttings and cores Regional Geophysics Labwork on sediments, rocks, fossils, fluids Computer/Office: Mapping, Interpretation & Modelling Alternatively there is always the Russian Method (make it up) or the American Method (industrial espionage or warfare)
Measuring a Stratigraphic Section
You can do this on the scale of a soil profile, a river bank or the cross section of a Mountain range! Methods use Jacob’s Staff (ruled meter stick), measuring tape, altimeters or trigonometry e.g. thickness = baseline cos alpha where baseline is hypoteneuse and alpha is dip angle Gayna River near Norman Wells NWT Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
Measuring with a Jacob’s Staff
Use a 1.5 m stick with a level or dip arrow Site along to next 1.5 m position in true thickness position and add! One potato two potato three potato four!, Five potato Six potato…
Strip Log – Stratigraphic Section
Grain Size increases to right = resistance to weathering Sands>> stick out while Shales<< are recessive
Castlegate Sandstone: Utah
Horizontal Photos & Line Drawing showing bedding, sequence boundaries & paleocurrent directions ~1 week’s work
Components of a Modern Exploration Rig on Land
Drilling Details: Mud Lubricates, Cools, Prevents Blowouts, Carries Cuttings & Fluids
Roller Bits For Various Hole Sizes
For Hard Rocks (Sandstones & Limestones) Blade Bits are used for clays, coals and soft shales
Core, Core Boxes & Cuttings
Description is the major work of most wellsite geologists Core “libraries” at ISPG Calgary & Charlie Lake, NEBC
Coring Tools: Full Core & Sidewall
Energy Resources Conservation Board: ISPG & University of Calgary
Detailed Well Log Formation Symbols at Left, SP & Gamma Logs
Lithologic interpretation, Detailed descriptions
Table of Petrophysical Logs
Fluids vs Rock Brine, Gas, Oil Logs vary w/Diam Low Dens Coal Salts FMS TV Pictures Sedimentary structures XRF Induced Gamma Ray Fluorescence Chemistry/Mineralogy
Physical Properties of Formation near a Borehole
It is hard to measure “limestone versus shale” or “oil versus water” but easy to measure conductivity, gamma ray attenuation, sonic velocity etc. So we use variation in natural physical properties as an analog of contrasting rocks and fluids. Drilling Fluids: mud, salts, ions, water move
Natural Gamma Measures Shaliness due to 40K in clay minerals
Common Petrophysical Logs: SP
Shales have high cation exchange capacity ~>100 meq/g and although not very permeable, Na+ from salty clays migrates into fresh drilling mud Permeable sands are negatively charged mineral surfaces but containing salty water. The sands hold onto their cations and allow chloride to move into well bore. Cl->Na+ for size but ions are solvated so for both reasons above Cl- is less strongly held and moves into fluid. No one knew this ahead of time. They just started measuring things and found out what they meant later! Shales have + SP response, high CEC, Na+ moves into mud Permeable Sands have –SP response. Cl- is more mobile as mineral surfaces are negatively charged (silicates)
Petrophysical Logging: SP & Resistivity
Saltiness of porous sand causes more resistivity variation for laterolog with distance from borehole than for constant impermeable shale. This is easy as the lateral log just has 2 or 3 different electrode or coil spacings and thus variable depths of penetration into the formation. Shale lines and Sand lines are baselines relative to that tool and the salinities (density and conductivity) of fluids in this formation at this region. Empirical not absolute measurements this makes lithostratigraphy from logs easy for anyone but exact fluid salinities or gas and oil saturations are difficult and hard to calibrate. No wonder oil and gas are so expensive! SP –Sand line to left, +Shale Line to right Resistivity tool has different depths of penetration
Petrophysical Logs: Caliper & Resistivity
Mudcake Fresh Water Invasion Mudcake Low resistivity with insulating fresh mudcake but high resistivity with fresh water invasion of porous/permeable layer. Shales are soft so hole cuts to a bigger diameter
Petrophysical Logs: Neutron & Density
Approximate interpretation is for any geologist to tell lithologies, track reservoir zones, facies etc., however calibrated porosity estimates require a well log analyst who is a specialized engineer whose calculations mean $$ and drill or quit!
Petrophysical logs: Dipmeter & FMS
Dipmeter from 4 resistivity tools can even measure sedimentary structures like cross beds. FMS is a 4 way fiber optic TV camera scan in colour for formation bedding contacts in borehole walls.
Channel Sands in Shales
L.Cretaceous Jurassic
THIS COVERS MOST CONVENTIONAL SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY FOR RESOURCE EXPLORATION End of Chapter 2 Part 1 (Strata, Sedimentary Rocks & Well Logs) Mining Exploration, Environmental, Geotechnical, Aquifer, Academic & Archeological studies all do similar things but with smaller tools, areas of interest and way smaller budgets!
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