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Cat Practical #3 You must study days before the test not on the day of the test to be successful.

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Presentation on theme: "Cat Practical #3 You must study days before the test not on the day of the test to be successful."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cat Practical #3 You must study days before the test not on the day of the test to be successful


3 Dorsal Aspect Spinotrapezius Brachialis Long Head of Triceps brachii
Lateral Head of Triceps brachii

4 Dorsal Aspect Gluteus Maximus Sartorius

5 Ventral Aspect Sartorius

6 Dorsal Aspect 1.Tibialis Anterior 7.Gastrocnemius
2. Extensor Digitorm Longus 8.Biceps Femoris 3. Peroneus Longus 9.Semitendinosus 4. Peroneus Brevis 10.Semimembranosus 5.Peroneus Tertius 11.Adductor Femoris 6. Soleus 12.Vastus Lateralis

7 1.Acromiotrapezius 2. Levator Scapulae Ventralis 3. Teres Major 4. Triceps Lateral Head (cut back to show deep muscles) 5.Triceps Long Head 6. Triceps Medial Head 7. Brachialis 8. Clavodeltoid 9. Anconeus

8 Ventral aspect Biceps brachii Long head of Triceps Brachii
Medial head of Triceps Brachii

9 Ventral Aspect 1.Clavodeltoid 2. Biceps Brachii
3. Triceps brachii Medial Head 4. Epitrochlearis 5.Triceps Long Head

10 Ventral Aspect 1.Sartorius (cut) 7. Adductor Longus
2. Vastus Lateralis 8.Adductor Femoris (2 Heads) 3. Rectus Femoris 9.Semimembranosus 4. Vastus Medialis 10.Semitendinosus 5.Iliopsoas Complex 11.Gastrocnemius 6. Pectineus

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