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Course Intro & Overview

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1 Course Intro & Overview
University of Alaska-Anchorage * College of Business & Public Policy * Marketing Management Simulation * Course Intro & Overview

2 ejforrest@
Professor Ed Forrest Telephone: (cell)

Most widely used Business – Simulation Program in the World Adopted by major Fortune 500 companies ..General Motors, General Electric, Honeywell, Dell, John Deere, Citibank, Alcoa, BP, Allstate, Samsung, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft…

4 Strategic Thinking the ten big ideas
Simulation proffers you opportunity to experience every key dimension of strategic thinking developed to date: Strategic Thinking the ten big ideas

5 Today- Form Your Company
7. Corporate culture- corporate behavior, and in particular the resistance of the organization to change, is inevitably a function of its culture (Prof Thomas/ Penn St. able to predict final standings w/in 1 place 90% of time –after observing initial group interaction) 8. Leadership craft- Leaders responsible for assuring strategy links values of firm with its vision & that firm can successfully implement strategy thru effective HR mgt. Strategic Thinking- the ten big ideas

6 Strategic Thinking- the ten big ideas
Today – Begin Analysis of Your Situation Long-range planning- considers the external factors that affect success & integrates the various functional strategies. Strategic analysis Market segmentation The lifecycle. SWOT analysis. Industry structure Strategic Thinking- the ten big ideas

7 Economic Environment No outside competitors or product substitutes
Moderate growth, Low inflation, Averaged interest rates No outside competitors or product substitutes No economic downturns or other surprises ...

8 Sim designed this way for one reason:
Whatever happens will be result of your-tactical execution of strategies… not by external factors!

9 Concepts & Processes Equally Applicable
If Simulation Service Based: Instead of Sensors Sold--Units of Production= Meals served Seats sold Rooms rented Patients seen Members joined Lawns cut

10 Lecture-Learning

11 Foundations of Business Strategy
If you want Lectures: Foundations of Business Strategy Coursera

12 Learning & Retention 75+% 5%


14 Your “study” of business … piece-meal & in isolation!

15 Marketing R&D HR Production Finance

16 You Da’ Boss … run a $100M business ….

17 Your Product Line: SENSORS:

18 YOUR JOB: Make every decision In every Functional Domain
to create, produce & successfully market your products…

19 …success contingent on strategic integration of decisions across all domains

20 You will Compete against other members of this class –running 5 other Corp’s ….
Andrews Baldwin Chester Digby Erie Ferris

21 Plus… your decisions & business performance will be compared against other teams competing at other universities… around the world

22 & How –to date-- have we fared in this World-Wide Competition??

23 2001 Top Ten Teams, World-Wide, for Round 8
Top Ten Teams, World-Wide, for Round 8 by success measurement There are currently 940 active teams that have played Round 8. For a team to make this list: Cumulative Profits above 0 Overall Market Share (in dollars) greater then 5.0% Asset Turnover less then 8.0 Profit for Round 8            Round 8 - Mean - $ 25,324,003 Top Ten Active Teams   Professor School/Course Simid Team Value 1 Dr. Minu Afza College of Business - Bloomsburg University Business Policy & Strategy CAP1742 Digby $ 238,235, Mr. Bill Gardner Penn State University -Fayette Campus Contemporary Business Seminar CAP1513 Andrews $ 193,853, Dawn DeTienne University of Colorado at Boulder Senior Seminar CAP1656 Andrews $ 184,258, Prof. Howard Feldman University of Portland Managerial Decisions and Policy-Undergrad B CAP1787 Erie $ 181,422, Dr. Ed Forrest University of Alaska Marketing Management CAP1611 Baldwin $ 163,281, Dr. Eric Wiseman University of Colorado at Boulder Business Senior Seminar CAP1818 Chester $ 157,930, Dr. Murrow Drury College Strategy and Policy Formulation CAP1838 Erie $ 149,235, Dr. Pettus Millikin University Business Policy CAP1748 Baldwin $ 147,967, Doug Mayer Hartwick College Management VII-secA CAP1811 Digby $ 137,339, Dr. Bruce A. Schooling Point Loma Nazarene University Strategic Management CAP1794 Digby $ 121,289 5th

24 2003 Top Ten Teams, World-Wide @Rnd 8
For a team to make this list: Cumulative Profits above 0 Overall Market Share (in dollars) greater than 6% Asset Turnover less then 8.0 Your class was ranked: with 711 Capstone ® teams completing round 8 by Apr 12, teams per game of 6 Category: All URL:  Date/Time: 04/12/ :07:35 eNote: Text: Cumulative Profit for Round 8 - Mean - $ 125,355,000 Top Ten Active Teams   Professor School/Course Simid Team Value 1 natalie marsh Strayer University Business Policy & Strategic Planning C4779 Baldwin $ 459,411, John Hall University of Florida Global Strategic Management I2MBA 2002 C4923 Baldwin $ 386,472, natalie marsh Strayer University Senior Seminar - Business Administration C4778 Erie $ 382,697, Peter Stanwick Auburn University Strategic Management C5095 Chester $ 353,185, John Pearce Villanova University Policy Administration C5033 Ferris $ 348,535, Gavin Fox Georgia Southern University BUSINESS SIMULATION C5041 Digby $ 343,761, Shirley Schooley Birmingham-Southern College Strategic Management Senior Project Course Sec B C5356 Digby $ 341,865, natalie marsh Strayer University Senior Seminar - Business Administration C4778 Ferris $ 339,568, Edward Forrest University of Alaska Marketing Management C4806 Chester $ 333,620, Donald Kreps Kutztown University mba capstone C4797 Digby $ 327,188,363 9th

25 #1

26 2006-5th

27 and 8th

28 rd

29 Fall 2009 #1 in the world!

30 And Stock Price

31 Spring 2010

32 Spring 2010

33 Fall 2010

34 Spring 2011 v

35 Fall 2011

36 Fall13 UAA-CBPP students —out of 1,089 teams competing #4 in & # 10 in profit #5 in Stock Price #6 in ROE #3 & #7 in ROA #8 in Asset Turnover Profit for Round 8 - Mean - $ 20,919,310 Top Ten Active Teams Professor School/Course Simid Team Value 1 Robert Woodward Capsim Management Simulations - Main Ethics C58086 Andrews $ 508,976,902 2 LaKami Baker Auburn University - Main Strategic Management C59204 Digby $ 158,606,060 3 William Worthington Baylor University - Main Strategic Management C58893 Ferris $ 139,469,157 4 Edward Forrest University of Alaska - Main Marketing Management C58879 Erie $ 134,385,883 Your Industry C58880 was ranked: · with 1089 Capstone teams · completing round 8 · by Nov 22, 2013.

37 Your Industry C65757 was ranked: with 1057 Capstone teams completing round 8 - by Nov 21, 2014
ROE for Round 8 - Mean % Top Ten Active Teams Professor School/Course Simid Team Value 1 Peter Hosie Curtin Business School - Main Bentley (Sem ) C64703 Baldwin 268.30% 2 Edward Forrest University of Alaska- Anchorage - Main Marketing Management C65757 Ferris 252.05% 3 James Belohlav DePaul University - Main Management Strategy--Evening C65729 Andrews 160.99% 4 Anne Woolstenhulme Brigham Young University - Main Strategic Management - 002 C67336 156.23% 5 Craig Citron Southern Connecticut State University - Main MG450 C66602 Erie 153.28% 6 Jason Harkins University of Maine - Main Strategic Management C66183 133.31% Your Industry C65757 was ranked: · with 1057 Capstone teams · completing round 8 · by Nov 21, 2014.

38 #1 Fall 2014 Cumulative Profit for Round 8 - Mean - $ 57,143,445
Top Ten Active Teams Professor School/Course Simid Team Value 1 Edward Forrest University of Alaska-Anchorage - Main Management Simulation C65883 Chester $ 423,479,998 2 Montchai Pinitjitsamut Kasetsart University - Main AgStrategy1 C63414 Erie $ 379,323,878 3 Erin Nelson DePaul University - Main GSB 599 C66845 $ 369,501,687 4 Vasant Sivaraman S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research - Main Decision Analysis (Business Simulation)- C C65322 $ 332,453,310 5 S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research - Main Decision Analysis (Business Simulation)- A C65316 Baldwin $ 317,334,112 6 C65324 $ 309,297,102 7 C65318 $ 290,130,349 8 Veer Mehta SCMHRD ExEd - Main SCMHRD ExEd C67080 $ 287,625,419 9 Ferris $ 269,713,684 10 David Brokaw UIndy - Carmel MBA Strategic Analysis - Wednesday C66529 Digby $ 265,975,495 13 $ 253,412,984

39 #1 Fall 2014 Profit for Round 8 - Mean - $ 16,856,185
Top Ten Active Teams Professor School/Course Simid Team Value 1 Edward Forrest University of Alaska-Anchorage - Main Management Simulation C65883 Chester $ 179,894,270 2 Montchai Pinitjitsamut Kasetsart University - Main AgStrategy1 C63414 Erie $ 150,718,034 3 Erin Nelson DePaul University - Main GSB 599 C66845 $ 117,376,727 4 Veer Mehta Great Lakes PGPM - Main Great Lakes PGPM C66539 $ 102,062,415 5 Michael Stoica Washburn University - Main Strategic Analysis C66272 Baldwin $ 100,603,573 6 Vasant Sivaraman S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research - Main Decision Analysis (Business Simulation)- C C65322 $ 99,817,375 7 Igor Gvozdanovic Zagreb School of Economics and Management - Main Maximizing and Measuring Corporate Value_CAPSTONE C67613 Andrews $ 97,578,131 8 IIM Shillong - Main IIM Shillong C61259 $ 97,216,158 9 $ 96,520,602 10 Dharam Pal BIMTECH India - Main BIMTECH India C65546 $ 95,719,172

40 #1 Fall 2014 Stock Price for Round8 - Mean - $ 105.49
Top Ten Active Teams Professor School/Course Simid Team Value 1 Edward Forrest University of Alaska-Anchorage - Main Management Simulation C65883 Chester $ 2 Vasant Sivaraman S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research - Main Decision Analysis (Business Simulation)- C C65322 $ 3 Al Lovvorn The Citadel - main BADM 740: Fall 2014 C65655 Andrews $ 4 Montchai Pinitjitsamut Kasetsart University - Main AgStrategy1 C63413 $ 5 Jeffrey McGee University of Texas - Main Strategic Management Fall 2014 C66078 Baldwin $ 6 Veer Mehta Great Lakes PGPM - Main Great Lakes PGPM C66540 $ 7 $ 8 Robyn Rodier Melbourne Business School - Main Integrative Business Capstone - FT August 2014 C66127 $ 9 C65324 $ 10 S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research - Main Decision Analysis (Business Simulation)- A C65318 $ 13 Digby $


42 You are now the Captain…

43 Register @
1st Organize Companies Register @

44 Today- we will begin analysis of “your situation…”
1st-Step back & take a look at the “Big Picture”

45 The Big Picture Company Consumers Competitors Conditions
Situation/SWOT Analysis Strategic Planning Functional Integration Performance Assessment Company Consumers Competitors Conditions PEST Growth & Competitive Strategies Finance HR Production R&D Marketing Functional Integration Profits Mrkt Share ROA ROS ROE Asset T/O Stock Mrkt Cap

Page 1: Mission & Vision Statements –  SECTION I : SITUATION ANALYSIS 1.1: External Environment - Opportunities & Threats: MARKET STRUCTURE MARKET SEGMENT SIZE & GROWTH MARKET SEGMENT VALUE MARKET SEGMENT DYNAMICS  1.2: Internal Environment- Analysis & Evaluation of Company's Strengths & Weaknesses Marketing Management Production & HR Management  Financial Management  1.3: Situational Analysis Results: SWOT Analysis    SECTION II: STRATEGY, OBJECTIVES & TACTICS 2.1: Select one of the Six Basic Strategies delineated in your Online Guide – Describe your Company's Growth & Competitive Strategy; be specific regarding any plans for new product development (What products? Which segments? What years?) 2.2: Functional Domains- Objectives & Tactics Marketing + R&D- Production & HR Financial-

47 BUSINESS PLAN Answers 3 Critical Q’s:
1.Where are we now? 2.Where do we want to go 3.How do we get there? = Situation Analysis

48 2. Where do we want to go? Market positions to stake out? Consumer needs & segments serve? Outcomes to achieve?

49 3.How do we get there? Final Question answered by Strategic Planning:
1.Where are we now? 2.Where do we want to go? 3.How do we get there? *Growth, Competitive & Functional Strategies

50 Begin Situation-Analysis
INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Your Company's Financial Strengths & Weaknesses: Consumer Company Competitors Conditions EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Opportunities & Threats

51 YOUR 1st ASSIGNMENT Ascertain: Market Structure Consumer Demand
Opportunities & Threats: Ascertain: Market Structure Consumer Demand

52 Business Plan Guideline:

53 Begin Situation-Analysis
INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Your Company's Financial Strengths & Weaknesses: Consumer Company Competitors Conditions EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Opportunities & Threats

54 Ascertain Financial Health of Your Company

55 The Capstone Courier


57 Various Measures of Your PROFITABILITY
Profitability Ratios: ROS--- Profit/ Sales ROA— Profit/ Assets ROE– Profit/ Equity Net Profits Cum Profits


59 $20 to $100 M CUM PROFIT NET PROFITS $$ Year 1 $6 million
General Range: $20 to $100 M

60 Main ratio of Profitability Return on Sales
net profit net sales Return on Sales = “ROS indicates percentage of each sales dollar that results in net income.”

61 Return on Assets net profit Return on Assets = assets
“ROA measures company’s ability to use its assets to generate earnings.”

62 Profitability * Asset Mgt * Leverage
ROE Return on Equity = net profit equity Encompasses the 3 main levers used by mgt to generate return on investors equity Profitability * Asset Mgt * Leverage

63 Du Pont Formula x x net profit equity Return on Equity = net profit
Value Chain net profit equity Return on Equity = net profit sales sales assets assets equity x x

64 Du Pont Formula x Return on Equity = net profit equity sales assets
Value Chain Return on Equity = net profit equity sales assets x

65 Profitability * Asset Mgt * Leverage
Improve ROE by: Value Chain Profitability * Asset Mgt * Leverage net profit sales assets equity x Increase sales &/or reduce &/or eff. work assets Improving Margins Increasing Leverage

66 Ratio World Class   Top 10 cut Mean Poor  ROE* 600%+ 100%+ ~20% <15%

67 “Generically, profits are driven by the company’s asset base and by its efficiency working those assets”

68 How effective/aggressive R-U in building your Co’s asset base…
It takes $$ to Make $$ &-why not make it using somebody else's…. To help you make even more…

69 Assets/Equity – simulation takes owner's perspective.
LEVERAGE: Assets/Equity – simulation takes owner's perspective. Corp assets fin.w/ debt Optimal Leverage     Assets Debt Equity 1.0 $1 $0 2.0 $2 3.0 $3 4.0 $4 A Leverage of 3.0 says, "For every $3 of Assets there is $1 of Equity & $2 of Debt”… 1.8 to 2.8

70 Key Demand Consideration:
Key Capacity Consideration: Overall market ~ 14%/yr “Average” company should/could double - sales in 6 years

71 How effective will you be in building your Co’s asset base?
At outset should be spending ~$10-25M / round on plant improvement By end should expand asset base to min $140M to $160M+

72 For each additional .5% increase in interest -You drop one category
The More Assets you have the better your Bond Ratings AAA/AA/A/BBB/… BB & beyond is Junk… B/CCC /CC/C/D = default As your debt-to-assets ratio increases… Your short term interest rate increases… For each additional .5% increase in interest -You drop one category

73 Page 3

74 “Generically, profits are driven by the company’s asset base and by its efficiency working those assets”

75 The higher the better = more efficient use of assets
Asset Turnover Reveals how effective assets are at generating sales revenue. The higher the better = more efficient use of assets Currently you are generating $1.05 in sales for every $1 assets sales assets Asset Turnover =

76 Financial Guidelines: Profitability-SGA/sales & Margins

77 7-17%

78 IF: Contribution Margin
(Sales- variable costs) / sales ……. below 30%, Problem = Marketing (customers hate your products) Production (your labor & material costs too high), &or Pricing (you cut price too much).

79 IF: Contribution Margin is above 30%… but Net Margin is below 20% …Net Margin = Sales - (Variable Costs + Period (Fixed) Costs)  / Sales Problem= heavy expenditures on Depreciation (perhaps you have idle plant) & or heavy expenditures on SGA (perhaps you’re pushing into diminishing returns on Promo & Sales Budgets).

80 Net Margin above 20%, but ROS (net profit) below 5%.. --
IF: Net Margin above 20%, but ROS (net profit) below 5%.. -- you either experienced some extraordinary "Other" expense like a write-off on plant you sold or you are paying too much Interest (…you may also have spent heavily on TQM initiatives).

81 Stock Price Profit$

82 STOCK PRICE Function of:
Earnings per Share Net Profit / # Shares Book Value Equity / # Shares Dividend Policy Good Dividend Policy STOCK PRICE Function of:


84 Questions?

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