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Course Intro & Overview
University of Alaska-Anchorage * College of Business & Public Policy * Marketing Management Simulation * Course Intro & Overview
Professor Ed Forrest Telephone: (cell)
Most widely used Business – Simulation Program in the World Adopted by major Fortune 500 companies ..General Motors, General Electric, Honeywell, Dell, John Deere, Citibank, Alcoa, BP, Allstate, Samsung, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft…
Strategic Thinking the ten big ideas
Simulation proffers you opportunity to experience every key dimension of strategic thinking developed to date: Strategic Thinking the ten big ideas
Today- Form Your Company
7. Corporate culture- corporate behavior, and in particular the resistance of the organization to change, is inevitably a function of its culture (Prof Thomas/ Penn St. able to predict final standings w/in 1 place 90% of time –after observing initial group interaction) 8. Leadership craft- Leaders responsible for assuring strategy links values of firm with its vision & that firm can successfully implement strategy thru effective HR mgt. Strategic Thinking- the ten big ideas
Strategic Thinking- the ten big ideas
Today – Begin Analysis of Your Situation Long-range planning- considers the external factors that affect success & integrates the various functional strategies. Strategic analysis Market segmentation The lifecycle. SWOT analysis. Industry structure Strategic Thinking- the ten big ideas
Economic Environment No outside competitors or product substitutes
Moderate growth, Low inflation, Averaged interest rates No outside competitors or product substitutes No economic downturns or other surprises ...
Sim designed this way for one reason:
Whatever happens will be result of your-tactical execution of strategies… not by external factors!
Concepts & Processes Equally Applicable
If Simulation Service Based: Instead of Sensors Sold--Units of Production= Meals served Seats sold Rooms rented Patients seen Members joined Lawns cut
Foundations of Business Strategy
If you want Lectures: Foundations of Business Strategy Coursera
Learning & Retention 75+% 5%
Your “study” of business … piece-meal & in isolation!
Marketing R&D HR Production Finance
You Da’ Boss … run a $100M business ….
Your Product Line: SENSORS:
YOUR JOB: Make every decision In every Functional Domain
to create, produce & successfully market your products…
…success contingent on strategic integration of decisions across all domains
You will Compete against other members of this class –running 5 other Corp’s ….
Andrews Baldwin Chester Digby Erie Ferris
Plus… your decisions & business performance will be compared against other teams competing at other universities… around the world
& How –to date-- have we fared in this World-Wide Competition??
2001 Top Ten Teams, World-Wide, for Round 8
Top Ten Teams, World-Wide, for Round 8 by success measurement There are currently 940 active teams that have played Round 8. For a team to make this list: Cumulative Profits above 0 Overall Market Share (in dollars) greater then 5.0% Asset Turnover less then 8.0 Profit for Round 8 Round 8 - Mean - $ 25,324,003 Top Ten Active Teams Professor School/Course Simid Team Value 1 Dr. Minu Afza College of Business - Bloomsburg University Business Policy & Strategy CAP1742 Digby $ 238,235, Mr. Bill Gardner Penn State University -Fayette Campus Contemporary Business Seminar CAP1513 Andrews $ 193,853, Dawn DeTienne University of Colorado at Boulder Senior Seminar CAP1656 Andrews $ 184,258, Prof. Howard Feldman University of Portland Managerial Decisions and Policy-Undergrad B CAP1787 Erie $ 181,422, Dr. Ed Forrest University of Alaska Marketing Management CAP1611 Baldwin $ 163,281, Dr. Eric Wiseman University of Colorado at Boulder Business Senior Seminar CAP1818 Chester $ 157,930, Dr. Murrow Drury College Strategy and Policy Formulation CAP1838 Erie $ 149,235, Dr. Pettus Millikin University Business Policy CAP1748 Baldwin $ 147,967, Doug Mayer Hartwick College Management VII-secA CAP1811 Digby $ 137,339, Dr. Bruce A. Schooling Point Loma Nazarene University Strategic Management CAP1794 Digby $ 121,289 5th
2003 Top Ten Teams, World-Wide @Rnd 8
For a team to make this list: Cumulative Profits above 0 Overall Market Share (in dollars) greater than 6% Asset Turnover less then 8.0 Your class was ranked: with 711 Capstone ® teams completing round 8 by Apr 12, teams per game of 6 Category: All URL: Date/Time: 04/12/ :07:35 eNote: Text: Cumulative Profit for Round 8 - Mean - $ 125,355,000 Top Ten Active Teams Professor School/Course Simid Team Value 1 natalie marsh Strayer University Business Policy & Strategic Planning C4779 Baldwin $ 459,411, John Hall University of Florida Global Strategic Management I2MBA 2002 C4923 Baldwin $ 386,472, natalie marsh Strayer University Senior Seminar - Business Administration C4778 Erie $ 382,697, Peter Stanwick Auburn University Strategic Management C5095 Chester $ 353,185, John Pearce Villanova University Policy Administration C5033 Ferris $ 348,535, Gavin Fox Georgia Southern University BUSINESS SIMULATION C5041 Digby $ 343,761, Shirley Schooley Birmingham-Southern College Strategic Management Senior Project Course Sec B C5356 Digby $ 341,865, natalie marsh Strayer University Senior Seminar - Business Administration C4778 Ferris $ 339,568, Edward Forrest University of Alaska Marketing Management C4806 Chester $ 333,620, Donald Kreps Kutztown University mba capstone C4797 Digby $ 327,188,363 9th
and 8th
Fall 2009 #1 in the world!
And Stock Price
Spring 2010
Spring 2010
Fall 2010
Spring 2011 v
Fall 2011
Fall13 UAA-CBPP students —out of 1,089 teams competing #4 in & # 10 in profit #5 in Stock Price #6 in ROE #3 & #7 in ROA #8 in Asset Turnover Profit for Round 8 - Mean - $ 20,919,310 Top Ten Active Teams Professor School/Course Simid Team Value 1 Robert Woodward Capsim Management Simulations - Main Ethics C58086 Andrews $ 508,976,902 2 LaKami Baker Auburn University - Main Strategic Management C59204 Digby $ 158,606,060 3 William Worthington Baylor University - Main Strategic Management C58893 Ferris $ 139,469,157 4 Edward Forrest University of Alaska - Main Marketing Management C58879 Erie $ 134,385,883 Your Industry C58880 was ranked: · with 1089 Capstone teams · completing round 8 · by Nov 22, 2013.
Your Industry C65757 was ranked: with 1057 Capstone teams completing round 8 - by Nov 21, 2014
ROE for Round 8 - Mean % Top Ten Active Teams Professor School/Course Simid Team Value 1 Peter Hosie Curtin Business School - Main Bentley (Sem ) C64703 Baldwin 268.30% 2 Edward Forrest University of Alaska- Anchorage - Main Marketing Management C65757 Ferris 252.05% 3 James Belohlav DePaul University - Main Management Strategy--Evening C65729 Andrews 160.99% 4 Anne Woolstenhulme Brigham Young University - Main Strategic Management - 002 C67336 156.23% 5 Craig Citron Southern Connecticut State University - Main MG450 C66602 Erie 153.28% 6 Jason Harkins University of Maine - Main Strategic Management C66183 133.31% Your Industry C65757 was ranked: · with 1057 Capstone teams · completing round 8 · by Nov 21, 2014.
#1 Fall 2014 Cumulative Profit for Round 8 - Mean - $ 57,143,445
Top Ten Active Teams Professor School/Course Simid Team Value 1 Edward Forrest University of Alaska-Anchorage - Main Management Simulation C65883 Chester $ 423,479,998 2 Montchai Pinitjitsamut Kasetsart University - Main AgStrategy1 C63414 Erie $ 379,323,878 3 Erin Nelson DePaul University - Main GSB 599 C66845 $ 369,501,687 4 Vasant Sivaraman S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research - Main Decision Analysis (Business Simulation)- C C65322 $ 332,453,310 5 S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research - Main Decision Analysis (Business Simulation)- A C65316 Baldwin $ 317,334,112 6 C65324 $ 309,297,102 7 C65318 $ 290,130,349 8 Veer Mehta SCMHRD ExEd - Main SCMHRD ExEd C67080 $ 287,625,419 9 Ferris $ 269,713,684 10 David Brokaw UIndy - Carmel MBA Strategic Analysis - Wednesday C66529 Digby $ 265,975,495 13 $ 253,412,984
#1 Fall 2014 Profit for Round 8 - Mean - $ 16,856,185
Top Ten Active Teams Professor School/Course Simid Team Value 1 Edward Forrest University of Alaska-Anchorage - Main Management Simulation C65883 Chester $ 179,894,270 2 Montchai Pinitjitsamut Kasetsart University - Main AgStrategy1 C63414 Erie $ 150,718,034 3 Erin Nelson DePaul University - Main GSB 599 C66845 $ 117,376,727 4 Veer Mehta Great Lakes PGPM - Main Great Lakes PGPM C66539 $ 102,062,415 5 Michael Stoica Washburn University - Main Strategic Analysis C66272 Baldwin $ 100,603,573 6 Vasant Sivaraman S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research - Main Decision Analysis (Business Simulation)- C C65322 $ 99,817,375 7 Igor Gvozdanovic Zagreb School of Economics and Management - Main Maximizing and Measuring Corporate Value_CAPSTONE C67613 Andrews $ 97,578,131 8 IIM Shillong - Main IIM Shillong C61259 $ 97,216,158 9 $ 96,520,602 10 Dharam Pal BIMTECH India - Main BIMTECH India C65546 $ 95,719,172
#1 Fall 2014 Stock Price for Round8 - Mean - $ 105.49
Top Ten Active Teams Professor School/Course Simid Team Value 1 Edward Forrest University of Alaska-Anchorage - Main Management Simulation C65883 Chester $ 2 Vasant Sivaraman S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research - Main Decision Analysis (Business Simulation)- C C65322 $ 3 Al Lovvorn The Citadel - main BADM 740: Fall 2014 C65655 Andrews $ 4 Montchai Pinitjitsamut Kasetsart University - Main AgStrategy1 C63413 $ 5 Jeffrey McGee University of Texas - Main Strategic Management Fall 2014 C66078 Baldwin $ 6 Veer Mehta Great Lakes PGPM - Main Great Lakes PGPM C66540 $ 7 $ 8 Robyn Rodier Melbourne Business School - Main Integrative Business Capstone - FT August 2014 C66127 $ 9 C65324 $ 10 S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research - Main Decision Analysis (Business Simulation)- A C65318 $ 13 Digby $
You are now the Captain…
Register @
1st Organize Companies Register @
Today- we will begin analysis of “your situation…”
1st-Step back & take a look at the “Big Picture”
The Big Picture Company Consumers Competitors Conditions
Situation/SWOT Analysis Strategic Planning Functional Integration Performance Assessment Company Consumers Competitors Conditions PEST Growth & Competitive Strategies Finance HR Production R&D Marketing Functional Integration Profits Mrkt Share ROA ROS ROE Asset T/O Stock Mrkt Cap
Page 1: Mission & Vision Statements – SECTION I : SITUATION ANALYSIS 1.1: External Environment - Opportunities & Threats: MARKET STRUCTURE MARKET SEGMENT SIZE & GROWTH MARKET SEGMENT VALUE MARKET SEGMENT DYNAMICS 1.2: Internal Environment- Analysis & Evaluation of Company's Strengths & Weaknesses Marketing Management Production & HR Management Financial Management 1.3: Situational Analysis Results: SWOT Analysis SECTION II: STRATEGY, OBJECTIVES & TACTICS 2.1: Select one of the Six Basic Strategies delineated in your Online Guide – Describe your Company's Growth & Competitive Strategy; be specific regarding any plans for new product development (What products? Which segments? What years?) 2.2: Functional Domains- Objectives & Tactics Marketing + R&D- Production & HR Financial-
BUSINESS PLAN Answers 3 Critical Q’s:
1.Where are we now? 2.Where do we want to go 3.How do we get there? = Situation Analysis
2. Where do we want to go? Market positions to stake out? Consumer needs & segments serve? Outcomes to achieve?
3.How do we get there? Final Question answered by Strategic Planning:
1.Where are we now? 2.Where do we want to go? 3.How do we get there? *Growth, Competitive & Functional Strategies
Begin Situation-Analysis
INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Your Company's Financial Strengths & Weaknesses: Consumer Company Competitors Conditions EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Opportunities & Threats
YOUR 1st ASSIGNMENT Ascertain: Market Structure Consumer Demand
Opportunities & Threats: Ascertain: Market Structure Consumer Demand
Business Plan Guideline:
Begin Situation-Analysis
INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Your Company's Financial Strengths & Weaknesses: Consumer Company Competitors Conditions EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Opportunities & Threats
Ascertain Financial Health of Your Company
The Capstone Courier
Various Measures of Your PROFITABILITY
Profitability Ratios: ROS--- Profit/ Sales ROA— Profit/ Assets ROE– Profit/ Equity Net Profits Cum Profits
$20 to $100 M CUM PROFIT NET PROFITS $$ Year 1 $6 million
General Range: $20 to $100 M
Main ratio of Profitability Return on Sales
net profit net sales Return on Sales = “ROS indicates percentage of each sales dollar that results in net income.”
Return on Assets net profit Return on Assets = assets
“ROA measures company’s ability to use its assets to generate earnings.”
Profitability * Asset Mgt * Leverage
ROE Return on Equity = net profit equity Encompasses the 3 main levers used by mgt to generate return on investors equity Profitability * Asset Mgt * Leverage
Du Pont Formula x x net profit equity Return on Equity = net profit
Value Chain net profit equity Return on Equity = net profit sales sales assets assets equity x x
Du Pont Formula x Return on Equity = net profit equity sales assets
Value Chain Return on Equity = net profit equity sales assets x
Profitability * Asset Mgt * Leverage
Improve ROE by: Value Chain Profitability * Asset Mgt * Leverage net profit sales assets equity x Increase sales &/or reduce &/or eff. work assets Improving Margins Increasing Leverage
Ratio World Class Top 10 cut Mean Poor ROE* 600%+ 100%+ ~20% <15%
“Generically, profits are driven by the company’s asset base and by its efficiency working those assets”
How effective/aggressive R-U in building your Co’s asset base…
It takes $$ to Make $$ &-why not make it using somebody else's…. To help you make even more…
Assets/Equity – simulation takes owner's perspective.
LEVERAGE: Assets/Equity – simulation takes owner's perspective. Corp assets fin.w/ debt Optimal Leverage Assets Debt Equity 1.0 $1 $0 2.0 $2 3.0 $3 4.0 $4 A Leverage of 3.0 says, "For every $3 of Assets there is $1 of Equity & $2 of Debt”… 1.8 to 2.8
Key Demand Consideration:
Key Capacity Consideration: Overall market ~ 14%/yr “Average” company should/could double - sales in 6 years
How effective will you be in building your Co’s asset base?
At outset should be spending ~$10-25M / round on plant improvement By end should expand asset base to min $140M to $160M+
For each additional .5% increase in interest -You drop one category
The More Assets you have the better your Bond Ratings AAA/AA/A/BBB/… BB & beyond is Junk… B/CCC /CC/C/D = default As your debt-to-assets ratio increases… Your short term interest rate increases… For each additional .5% increase in interest -You drop one category
Page 3
“Generically, profits are driven by the company’s asset base and by its efficiency working those assets”
The higher the better = more efficient use of assets
Asset Turnover Reveals how effective assets are at generating sales revenue. The higher the better = more efficient use of assets Currently you are generating $1.05 in sales for every $1 assets sales assets Asset Turnover =
Financial Guidelines: Profitability-SGA/sales & Margins
IF: Contribution Margin
(Sales- variable costs) / sales ……. below 30%, Problem = Marketing (customers hate your products) Production (your labor & material costs too high), &or Pricing (you cut price too much).
IF: Contribution Margin is above 30%… but Net Margin is below 20% …Net Margin = Sales - (Variable Costs + Period (Fixed) Costs) / Sales Problem= heavy expenditures on Depreciation (perhaps you have idle plant) & or heavy expenditures on SGA (perhaps you’re pushing into diminishing returns on Promo & Sales Budgets).
Net Margin above 20%, but ROS (net profit) below 5%.. --
IF: Net Margin above 20%, but ROS (net profit) below 5%.. -- you either experienced some extraordinary "Other" expense like a write-off on plant you sold or you are paying too much Interest (…you may also have spent heavily on TQM initiatives).
Stock Price Profit$
STOCK PRICE Function of:
Earnings per Share Net Profit / # Shares Book Value Equity / # Shares Dividend Policy Good Dividend Policy STOCK PRICE Function of:
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