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The ABC’s of Leading Someone to Christ Romans 6:23

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1 The ABC’s of Leading Someone to Christ Romans 6:23
One-Verse Evangelism The ABC’s of Leading Someone to Christ Romans 6:23

2 Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

3 Bad News Your life is your fault! Wage Sin Death
Something you earn or deserve as a result of your actions Sin Missing the mark Not just an action, but an attitude of opposition or apathy towards God Death Separation from God who is the Source of life and blessing Free will allows you to make whatever decision you like, but you CANNOT control what the consequences of those decisions will be? Are you experiencing death in your finances, relationships, health, dreams, faith, etc? THERE IS SIN IN YOUR LIFE, AND YOU ARE PAYING FOR IT!

4 BUT But: a conjunction (connecting word) that not only adds to a previous statement but completely changes it. IT’S ALL IN THE BUT!

5 Good news Gift Of God Eternal Life
Something FREELY given without payment A gift is not earned! Of God The Giver of the gift Only God has the power to give you the key to reverse the negative direction of your life Eternal Life Living in perpetual oneness with the Source of Life and Blessing HERE ON EARTH But moves us from wages to gift—we deserve to live in the consequences of our bad decision, but we are being offered, FREE OF CHARGE and voluntarily a get out of jail free card If your sin impacts you earth, then the BUT, the reversal of that sin will impact your existence on earth first. Eternal life begins before we physically leave this earth

6 There’s a Catch! -Really, there is nothing FREE in this world! Whereas a gift is free to the receiver, it’s not free to Giver! -Jesus dying on the Cross was the price that God paid to reverse our lives. -An expensive gift therefore, deserves a response

7 Response to the Gift Through Jesus Christ our Lord
Eternal life (perpetual oneness with the Source of Life and Blessing) only happens through Christ A reconnection or a new connection with Christ must be made in order for reversal to occur That reconnection/connection is as easy as ABC

8 ABC A: is for Acknowledge B: is for Believe C: is for Confess
To say that you accept or do NOT deny the truth or existence of something Acknowledge that you are a sinner—that you have been missing the mark in your attitude and actions B: is for Believe Believe that Jesus Christ’s death is the payment and reversal for the consequences of your sin (bad decisions) C: is for Confess Confess that Christ is the Son of God, the only connection to God, and that you accept as Savior (the one who reverses the consequences of your decisions) and Lord (the One dictates your new decisions so you can keep your connection to God) -

9 Keys to Successful Reconnection/Connection to God:
The Holy Spirit enables the ABC’s—NOT YOU Prepare in prayer If it’s true for you, it will be true for someone else Follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit—TIMING IS EVERYTHING Tell your story of reversal, it helps other people to find their need for a reconnection/connection to Christ

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