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EDUC 4464 – J/I Methods Class 7 Bell Work: I need three volunteers! November 9 – 13, 2009. Dr. J. Barnett – Methods (Block 2) Welcome to your last Methods.

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Presentation on theme: "EDUC 4464 – J/I Methods Class 7 Bell Work: I need three volunteers! November 9 – 13, 2009. Dr. J. Barnett – Methods (Block 2) Welcome to your last Methods."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDUC 4464 – J/I Methods Class 7 Bell Work: I need three volunteers! November 9 – 13, 2009. Dr. J. Barnett – Methods (Block 2) Welcome to your last Methods class of Block 2! Assessment and Evaluation Part 1: Terminology, Recording Devices, Levels

2 Understanding Levels If the student meets the expectation exactly it is a Level 3 If the student is approaching the expectation (they’re getting there) it is a Level 2 If the student needs assistance or is experiencing limited success it is a Level 1 If the student surpasses expectation it is a Level 4 Dr. J. Barnett – Methods (Block 2)

3 Why do we now have a Level System? System was designed to: 1)make an A an A again; 2)adjust to students with spec. ed. Requirements (success is based on expected level of achievement as documented in IEP) Dr. J. Barnett – Methods (Block 2)

4 Creating Opportunities for a Level 4 Just as we accommodate and modify for certain students, we must also provide opportunity for students to show the ability to apply / demonstrate what we have taught beyond expectation How do we do this?: Create applications which allow for advanced thought Prompt and probe during class discussions while sending the message that all answers are valuable and you love to see students thinking. For a student who is consistent in achieving with the information we provide, orally we prompt and probe to get them to think outside the box; for written, give more advanced questions (not in addition to, but in lieu of) For a test set at a level 3, throw in some level 4 questions or add a level 4 page at the end Dr. J. Barnett – Methods (Block 2) Dr. J. Barnett – Methods

5 Creating Opportunities for a Level 4 6s107-Grade 6 Science and Technology-Earth and Space Systems Understanding Basic Concepts Enduring understanding – identify cycles in nature (e.g., cycle of day and night, cycle of seasons) For the unit test, set at a level 3 (meeting the expectation) you will see questions such as: 1. Where is the sun on the summer solstice? 2. Why is it dark at night? Creating opportunities for level 4 responses is the most difficult to do with tests and the easiest to do with creative applications For the same test, add a last page with the title Level 4. You may see questions such as: I love warmth! Where would I build my house? Design a house which will be warm and explain your rationale using what you learned in class for the different features you add. Dr. J. Barnett – Methods (Block 2)

6 Understanding Levels If the student meets the expectation exactly it is a Level 3 If the student is approaching the expectation (they’re getting there) it is a Level 2 If the student needs assistance or is experiencing limited success it is a Level 1 If the student surpasses expectation it is a Level 4 Level R Dr. J. Barnett – Methods (Block 2)

7 Level R From the Ontario Report Card: The student has not demonstrated the required knowledge and skills. Extensive remediation is required. (R) Dr. J. Barnett – Methods (Block 2)

8 Assessment vs. Evaluation (the most confused terms in education). Evaluation –Conducted to determine competence / a judgment Assessment –Conducted to determine growth and needs of student(s) and / or program Summative –Conducted at the end of a unit or term –Conducted to evaluate student knowledge Formative –Conducted throughout a unit or term –Conducted to reflect on and assess student knowledge and program success Diagnostic –Conducted usually at the beginning of the year or a unit to get a baseline –Should be conducted at the end to demonstrate / measure success –Should be conducted in the middle to make sure what you are doing is working –Usually focuses on basic skills or knowledge; never used for report cards Usually an adjective - Type of Eval or Assess. Dr. J. Barnett – Methods (Block 2)

9 Assessment Strategies  Ways to involve students in activities that yield information about their achievement  Defined as the method used to determine if the knowledge, skills or affective elements stated in the expectations have been achieved  A means to provide information about the progress of the student  A means to provide information to the teacher about the program  (If you need some ideas: Go to the Unit Planner – Library - Browse Teacher Companions – Assessment companion and under it click on assessment strategies – click assessment strategies again; don’t frget to exit by going through the proper steps) Dr. J. Barnett – Methods (Block 2)

10 Assessment Recording Devices Anecdotal RecordChecklistRating ScaleRubric - Descriptive language used to explain student achievement of the curriculum expectations. By observing the students’ actions while they are completing tasks or by noting something during class time or in their written work, the teacher can create these notes. - Notes (Date!) -Use a class list with spaces to write in - post-its and place in a folder -Notebooks with the individual student’s name on it -Paper in a File folder -Computer file (hard copy) -Any other means – i.e. flip chart -Collection of data that contain lists of behaviour, traits, characteristics that can be scored present / absent - Curriculum data with specifics that can be checked off when done Page 92 John Smith  - Scored on a yes/no, present/absent basis on a class list that has specific tasks / behaviours listed - Rating scales address if the student has achieved a high/low degree of correctness in attaining the curriculum expectation John1 2 3 Mary1 2 3 Sue 1 2 3 John1 Mary3 Sue2 -A set of performance descriptors is incorporated into specific levels of achievement. -Minimizes the arbitrariness of judgments while holding learners to a high standard of achievement -Student know exactly what to do to get a specific level Dr. J. Barnett – Methods (Block 2)

11 Look at page 127 in the Practice Teaching Handbook “What are the recording devices that make up the components of this assessment tool?” Dr. J. Barnett: J/I Methods (Block 2)

12 Lesson Plan Rubric Criteria / Expectation Level 1 Needs additional time (etc) to meet expectation Level 2 Approaching expectation Level 3 At expectation Level 4 Goes beyond the expectation Sang “O’Canada” 10 minutes in length Chose one simple expectation All individuals appear to contribute equally Can count orally to 100 Dr. J. Barnett – Methods (Block 2)

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