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KUD Know –Purpose of the Model Core Curriculum –Our Timeline and Action Plan –Expectations for aligning Model Core Curriculum Essential Concepts or Skill.

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Presentation on theme: "KUD Know –Purpose of the Model Core Curriculum –Our Timeline and Action Plan –Expectations for aligning Model Core Curriculum Essential Concepts or Skill."— Presentation transcript:


2 KUD Know –Purpose of the Model Core Curriculum –Our Timeline and Action Plan –Expectations for aligning Model Core Curriculum Essential Concepts or Skill Sets with our local standards and benchmarks Understand –How the Model Core is a process, not necessarily a document Do –Identify gaps between essential concepts and skill sets and our local curriculum

3 Why is Curriculum Important? The State of Iowa and MCREL ‘s research ranks five school-level factors with the greatest impact on student learning: 1)a guaranteed and viable curriculum 2)challenging goals and effective feedback 3)parent and community involvement 4)a safe and orderly environment 5)collegiality and professionalism

4 Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum Guaranteed = Essential curriculum that we decide to teach Viable = What is realistic for the amount of time available What if we keep things the way they are? If students take 14 subjects over the course of students’ school experiences, they would have to master 255 standards and 3,500 benchmarks. The hours currently available would be approximately 9,000, but the hours needed would be 15,500. The k-12 sequence would need to expand to k-22. Would we want 28 year olds in our classroom?

5 1.Need to sort out and identify the essential vs. the supplemental curriculum content –Essential – Things students have to know –Supplemental – Things students should know 2.Identify that the essential content can be taught in the time available 3.The organizing, alignment, and sequencing of the content DISTRICT’S CURRICULUM GOALS


7 What about the Model Core Curriculum? What is it? How does it affect us?

8 A state-wide effort to improve teaching and learning to ensure that all Iowa students engage in a rigorous and relevant curriculum that addresses the essential skills. The Core Curriculum is…

9 Iowa Core Curriculum defines the most critical learning for all students. Content Areas –Literacy –Mathematics –Science –Social Studies –21 st Century Skills

10 What we have done so far… Leadership – BLT, DLT, etc Communities – Board, SIAC, CTE, Wellness, Preschool, etc. Schools and Support Agencies – AEA, Talent Search, Extension Office, All Staff, etc.

11 Elements of the Core Curriculum Content – Essential Skills that are Rigorous and Relevant Instruction – Research Based Strategies (QAR, Read Aloud, PWIM, APL, DI, etc) Assessment – Informal and Formal

12 The Core Curriculum provides… Essential concepts and skills to make sure students reach Iowa’s Core Content Standards & Benchmarks.

13 Staff Responsibilities = PLC Be a life long learner Reflect on instructional practices Incorporate instructional practices that challenge students Use data and information to inform practice Communicate with parents and students Collaborate with colleagues Access and engage in professional development

14 Timeframe 2008-20092009-20132014-2015 & Beyond Capacity Building and Preparation Planning & Implementation Full Implementation for K-12 & Continuous Improvement

15 Whiting CSD Timeline 2008-20092009-20102010-20112011-2012 And Beyond… Capacity Building and Preparation Curriculum Mapping that is Horizontal, Vertical, and incorporates ITBS and ITED Data Rigorous and Relevant Curriculum - - - - - Acquisition Application Assimilation Adaptation Formal, Informal, and End of Course Assessments

16 What must we do to prepare? Today, we must begin the alignment process by: –Assess gaps between Local Standards and Benchmarks and the Model Core Curriculum Essential Content and Skill Set “Tomorrow”, we must: –Create uniformly formatted standards K-12 that eliminate gaps previously identified –Develop specific rigorous and relevant activities and opportunities for our students

17 How will we do this? All documents found at: – under “Curriculum: Iowa Core Curriculum: Whiting Workshop” Align Local and State Standards by analyzing gaps in our local standards and the Model Core Essential Skills and Skill Set Example All documents created electronically Information shared throughout the community Example

18 Essential Skills and Concepts Technical Assistance FAQs AEA Leaders Judy Jeffrey’s Podcast School Leader Updates What Can You Do?

19 Non-Standardized Courses Fine Arts Physical Education World Languages Career and Technical Education Media SPED

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