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Software Research, Inc. Setting the Standard for Software Testing Windows Solution.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Research, Inc. Setting the Standard for Software Testing Windows Solution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Research, Inc. Setting the Standard for Software Testing Windows Solution

2 Software Research, Inc. Experts in Software System Testing 1977Founded as a consulting and R&D firm 1987First products released 1991 Released Software TestWorks (STW), an integrated testing system 1996 Over 5,000 sites using STW

3 Why Use Quality Evaluation Tools? It’s the most cost-effective way to ensure the highest quality software Evaluation MethodRisk Let customer check quality Check quality manually Check quality with tools High defect rate Low customer satisfaction High labor cost Error prone Cost of tool Setup time

4 The Complete Solution STW Provides The Best Code Testing System For Windows TM Developers Capture/Playback Coverage analysis Static source code analysis

5 Flexible Tools Tailor the tools to fit your needs Both GUI and command-line driven Incorporate new functions as needed Total integration into your testing environment –Multiple platforms and languages –Network tested Configurable to meet developer’s special needs

6 Full Microsoft Windows TM Support Windows NT Windows 2000 Windows XP C, C++, ADA, Fortran Multiple Language Support

7 Software TestWorks TM (STW) Integrated Tool Suite for Windows TM

8 STW/Regression TM For Windows Test capture and playback Test management facilities Differencing utility Language independent STW/Regression

9 STW/Regression TM For Windows Automating the Testing Process for Windows Products STW/Regression

10 CAPBAK TM For Windows Capture and Playback Tool for Windows Records all activities during testing session –Keyboard strokes –Mouse movements –Widget/object activity –Screen bitmap images –ASCII values STW/Regression

11 CAPBAK TM For Windows Flexible, Easy-to-use, Powerful Multiple synchronization modes to ensure reliable, accurate playbacks User has complete control over tests CBVIEW TM utility displays captured images CBDIFF TM utility compares images Log files allows tester to quickly find where tests have failed STW/Regression

12 1st TestReruns Minutes 30 60 Typical Run/Record Test Time 3 Substantial time savings on reruns! STW/Regression CAPBAK TM Saves Time and Resources

13 SMARTS TM For Windows Streamlining the Testing Process Organizes tests into efficient hierarchy Automatically executes tests, saving time Comprehensive report capabilities –Summary reports –Regression reports –Pass/fail reports –Execution time reports STW/Regression

14 Pixel-by-pixel comparison of image files Detects color differences Line and byte comparisons for ASCII files Advanced masking cabablilities Combine with exdiff TM utility for differencing ASCII files CBDIFF TM For Windows Advanced Differencing Utility STW/Regression

15 STW/Coverage TM For Windows Ensuring That Tests Are Complete STW/Coverage

16 STW Coverage TM For Windows Advanced Coverage System Measures the completeness of test cases Improves quality by focusing the creation of additional tests Saves time by not creating tests for code that is already exercised Improves process by providing measurements STW/Coverage

17 STW Coverage TM For Windows Complete C1 unit testing –More comprehensive than statement coverage Complete S1 system interface coverage Comprehensive coverage reports Directed Graphs (digraphs) and Call Tree display options Quick navigation from graphs to source code STW/Coverage

18 Digraph Utility Graphical Display of Logical Branch Coverage Quickly identifies unexercised code Aids in studying architecture Helps in redesigning test cases for complete coverage STW/Coverage

19 Call Tree Utility Graphical Display of Caller-Callee Structure Organizes modules and connecting function calls in hierarchy Quick navigation to source code Customizable display STW/Coverage

20 Ensuring Quality Deliver tested code Build quality — don’t test it in Include testing and QA as part of product development

21 Software TestWorks Suite The Total Solution One package One vendor One decision

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