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UNIT GOALS Altered States of Consciousness. By the end of the unit you will be able to: Define consciousness and explain the term “altered state of consciousness.”

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1 UNIT GOALS Altered States of Consciousness

2 By the end of the unit you will be able to: Define consciousness and explain the term “altered state of consciousness.” List at least 5 altered states of consciousness. Explain circadian rhythms. Describe the phases of one complete sleep cycle. List and describe the recording devices used in sleep research. Describe the effects of sleep deprivation. Describe sleep abnormalities and their effects.

3 By the end of the unit you will be able to: Understand four different theories about why we dream. Define hypnosis and how it is used in treatment. Explain Hilgard’s disassociation theory. Distinguish between the following: substance abuse, substance dependence and substance withdrawal. Describe the effects of certain drugs: depressants, alcohol, barbituates, amphetamines, cocaine, marijuana, hallucinogenics.

4 Assessments Quizzes – open book Unit test – one 3X 5 card of notes Dream journal – 2 different types will be allowed Anti-drug poster or public service announcement Hypnosis response essay Article abstracts More on these as they are assigned.

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