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Presentation on theme: "R EADINESS C OORDINATOR N ETWORK August 28, 2014."— Presentation transcript:


2 A GENDA Status of MIS / EBT Implementation Change Management – Preparing WIC Families Examples of Card Branding Obtaining participant feedback on EBT card art Scheduler questions 8/28/20142

3 S TATUS OF I MPLEMENTATION C ERES 1 RUTLAND District Office selected for Pilot Target start: end of May 2015 Pilot operation for three months; one month of evaluation With FNS “Go” approval, will roll-out to other DOs starting in October 2015. Complete all roll-outs by March 2016. For Pilot and Roll-Out: Checklists of activities to prepare for two months out and one month out. Now being finalized. One week of classroom training and mock clinic followed by roll-out the next week Ceres SuperUsers will be identified for each DO For roll-out locations, one week of intensive onsite support plus “Help Desk Zero” support from DO/State Office, and regular Help Desk for system problems 8/28/20143

4 DII, AHS, Department of Health IT staff preparing to “stand up” and test the servers that will host Ceres software in September Hardware orders – laptops, PCs, printer/ scanners, signature pads. Approved Products List (APL) with UPC codes nearly completed Clinic data prepared for uploading and testing S TATUS OF I MPLEMENTATION C ERES 2 8/28/20144

5 S TATUS OF I MPLEMENTATION EBT Work continues to prepare Ceres to “interface” with Xerox online EBT. Next task is working with grocers to interface with Xerox The WIC EBT transaction – How does it work? Ceres sends Xerox files containing HH food accounts/card numbers, authorized vendors, approved food UPC/PLUs Xerox sends vendors the approved foods lists When EBT card is swiped, vendor queries Xerox if this cardholder is eligible for the foods being purchased. If approved, Vendor completes sale and sends transaction record back to Xerox. Xerox sends transaction record to Ceres. Ceres debits the HH food account, and sends payment authorization to Xerox, for payment of vendor. 8/28/20145

6 Sept 2014 – Dec 2014 Ciber and Xerox internal testing VT IT completes internal testing of all software and systems Xerox works with Retailers on EBT enablement Begin to introduce WIC families to upcoming changes Jan 2015 – May 2015 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) – Help Desk, state staff and selected DO staff will be trained and participate in testing Ceres functions. End to End Testing (Ceres to grocers and back to Ceres) Pilot preparations May 2015 – Sept 2015 PILOT and Pilot Evaluation Roll Out preparation (set up eqpt, distribute cards, materials, clinic checklist completion; schedule for phase out of home delivery; etc) Oct 2015 – March 2016 ROLL OUT to each DO 12 waves, two weeks each I MPLEMENTATION S CHEDULE 8/28/20146

7 The “WIC SHOPPER” video from Mass. WIC is posted: \\Nessie\cph\Common\WIC\EBTvideos “Branding” the WIC EBT Card Branding includes both naming and design Promoting A.D.K.A.R. Awareness – Desire – Knowledge – Ability – Reinforcement Consensus Simple Use a name the families will use. Add a tagline to indicate “choice” “healthy choices” “healthy foods” “good foods” “family meals” “eat smart” C HANGE M ANAGEMENT : P REPARING WIC F AMILIES 8/28/20147

8 C HANGE M ANAGEMENT : P REPARING WIC F AMILIES 8/28/2014 WIC Card Food Choice Card WIC Choice Card MyWIC Card The WIC Card Shop WIC Card Eat Smart Card Green Mountain WIC Champ Card Good Food and a Whole Lot More Healthy Options Healthy Choices More Choices, Better Health Card NamesTaglines 8

9 How to introduce the card and changes to families? Posters for clinics Flyers for distribution Talking points for certification appointments FB postings Emails FAQs What’s the best way to start? Awareness and Desire messages Choices Convenience Health Other messages to start with? C HANGE M ANAGEMENT : P REPARING WIC F AMILIES 8/28/20149

10 Ceres’ Scheduler uses a pull-down menu for the type of WIC appointment being scheduled. One list must apply to all DOs The Scheduler is fully integrated with Household WIC Record There is room for “notes” in the appointment record. S CHEDULER A PPOINTMENT T YPES 8/28/201410

11 Ceres will be set up with “default” lengths of time for each appointment type. This default will be set specifically for each DO The default can be overridden; it’s for convenience only Works just like Outlook – change the time text, or drag the end-time later in the schedule. Appointment TYPE must be the same Default Appointment LENGTH can be tailored to DO, and can be overriden by Ceres User. S CHEDULER D EFAULT A PPOINTMENT L ENGTHS 8/28/201411

12 N EXT S TEPS Next Month RCN meeting: More Discussions about Preparing WIC Families. The workbook with your Outreach Organizations is due back September 15 th. Workbook for Scheduler is due back September 30 th. 8/28/201412

13 N EXT RCN M EETING : S EPTEMBER 25 12:30 PM -1:30 PM If you will miss the meeting, please review the meeting materials and contact us with any questions and suggestions Lynne Bortree Jeanne Keller 8/28/201413

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