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National Sepsis Management Guidelines

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Presentation on theme: "National Sepsis Management Guidelines"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Sepsis Management Guidelines
Beacon Hospital June 10th 2015

2 National Sepsis Management Guidelines Implementation.

3 PLAN What change are you testing with the PDSA cycle?
What do you predict will happen and why? Who will be involved in this PDSA? Multidisciplinary Team. How long will the change take to implement? What resources will they need? What data need to be collected?

4 Joint Commission International (JCI) and Patient Safety
Joint Commission International (JCI) and Patient Safety. Standard GLD 11.2

5 .



8 Beacon Hospital Quality Improvement Initiative
Multidisciplinary Team Grand Round Presentations Education Sessions – Train the Trainer Development of Posters / Sepsis Grab Box/Sepsis Information Cards for Lanyards. Development of Online Training Programme- MOODLE Integrating the Sepsis Screening Form to Centricity Critical Care









17 Pharmacy ‘Wrap Around Labels’ for Sepsis Box.


19 ICU –Sepsis Screening Tool.

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21 MOODLE- Management of Sepsis.

22 INTRANET RESOURCES Policy and Procedure
Forms- Sepsis Screening Tool- Paper and Electronic in ICU Templates on Q-Pulse- Manager Audit of Sepsis Box, Checklist for Sepsis Box. Education Resources- Cards for Lanyards, Small Sepsis Brochure, MOODLE and Sepsis Box Contents Checklist.

23 Thank You.

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