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1. Levy To forcibly place a tax The colonists became angry about all the taxes that the British levied on them. Causes of the American Revolution Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Levy To forcibly place a tax The colonists became angry about all the taxes that the British levied on them. Causes of the American Revolution Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Levy To forcibly place a tax The colonists became angry about all the taxes that the British levied on them. Causes of the American Revolution Vocabulary In your notebook copy the definition for the following words. We will add a few each day

2 2. Duty/Customs A tax on goods, especially imports and exports Many times a duty or custom was placed on items that the colonists thought was unjust.

3 3. Petition A formal written request or appeal made to an official person or court listing complaints and injustices The colonists tried petitions to the royal officials before they resorted to violence.

4 4. Boycott To stop doing business with an organization to protest for changes in policy A boycott was used to make businesses encourage the King to stop the taxes.

5 5. Repeal To withdraw or take away a law Much of the conflict may have been avoided if Parliament had repealed more of the taxes.

6 A new tax is being placed on your use of the internet, especially by people under 18. In order to obtain access, you must pay to get a license and pay 20% annually for use of the internet. How would you respond to this new law and tax? Taxes?

7 6. Patriots and Whigs Colonists who rebelled against the king and the British government There were many Patriots and Whigs who were ready to be independent from England.

8 7. Loyalists and Tories Colonists who remained loyal to the king and the British government Some colonists felt it was wise to be a Loyalist or Tory and not oppose the King.

9 8. Neutralists Colonists who did not side with either side Many colonists were neutralists and did not side with either the Patriots or the Tories.

10 9. Militia An army of citizen soldiers organized for military service during emergencies The continental militia was not as powerful or organized as the Redcoats.

11 10. Redcoats British soldiers Because they wore bright red coats, the British soldiers were called, Redcoats, or Lobsterbacks.

12 11. Continental Congress 1774-1789 a convention of delegates called together from the Thirteen Colonies that became the governing body of the United States during the American Revolution. NC sent representatives to the Continental Congress.

13 12. Treason/traitor An act of betrayal, to overthrow one ’ s country A traitor is guilty of treason when they become disloyal to their country. Benedict Arnold; America ’ s first traitor.

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