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The MBA/MPA/Chillin & Grillin Team was able to raise over $2,000 for Relay for Life. Thank you to all that contributed! If you would like to be a MENTOR.

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Presentation on theme: "The MBA/MPA/Chillin & Grillin Team was able to raise over $2,000 for Relay for Life. Thank you to all that contributed! If you would like to be a MENTOR."— Presentation transcript:


2 The MBA/MPA/Chillin & Grillin Team was able to raise over $2,000 for Relay for Life. Thank you to all that contributed! If you would like to be a MENTOR for the 2005 MBA Class, look for an email from Emily M. Send Tommy or Chris B. any suggestions you may have for the first 2 social events in August –Tentatively August 20 th —Fall Reunion Party 2 nd years only—to avoid ignoring the 1 st years when we are so excited to see each other again. –Tentatively August 23 rd —Welcome Party Meeting the new 1 st years Look for HABITAT Dates in the Fall… GET EXCITED ABOUT BLITZ DAY! REGISTER NOW-August for your Fall classes – –ALL 2 nd YEAR MBAs MUST REGISTER FOR BA 514 (Marketplace). –Contact Stephanie and/or Kimja with questions


4 1 2 354 8 7 6 9 10 11121314 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 2526 2728 29 30 SPRING CLASSES END MOTHERS’ DAY 31 CINCO DE MAYO MEMORIAL DAY

5 1 23 5 4 87 6910 11 121314151617 18 19 20 21 222324 25 26 272829 30 FATHERS’ DAY

6 1 2 354 87 69 10 111213141516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 2526 272829 30 INDEPENDENCE DAY

7 1 2 354 87 6 9 10 111213 141516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 2526 27 2829 30 FALL CLASSES BEGIN 11:30-2:00 MBA OFFICE-- WELCOME BACK LUNCHEON 31 TOMBA- 2 ND YEARS’ REUNION PARTY 5:30PM--MBA SMOKIE’S GAME AND PICNIC TOMBA— 1 ST & 2 ND YEAR WELCOME EVENT/PARTY

8 Other Fall Dates: Monday, September 5 th —Labor Day (no classes)Monday, September 5 th —Labor Day (no classes) Wednesday, September 14 th (6-9pm)— Alumni Event/ReceptionWednesday, September 14 th (6-9pm)— Alumni Event/Reception Friday, November 11 th —Homecoming Faculty/Alumni Cocktail Party (University Club)Friday, November 11 th —Homecoming Faculty/Alumni Cocktail Party (University Club) TBD—Habitat for Humanity DaysTBD—Habitat for Humanity Days

9 Fall IMs Look-out for Outdoor Soccer, Sand Volleyball and Team Tennis sign-ups when we return in the Fall! Congrats to the Softball Team for doing so well! Way to go Sigma Kappas!


11 Upcoming May & June Birthdays: May 1: Emily Parrish May 5: Dennis Joseph May 13: Matt Browne May 18: Lindsey Kratzer May 30: Jennifer Ellis June 1: Dustin Patrick June 1: Amanda Woodhams June 2: Sihao Xia June 22: Sriram Parameswaran

12 Upcoming July & August Birthdays: July 4: Keith Kaiser July 11: Elie Sayegh July 26: Yan Hao August 2: Jordan Mollenhour August 10: Chris Rowe August 18: Sonja Steeves August 19: Lisa Rodgers August 21: Aaron Hedlund August 21: Tiffany Thomas August 22: Cai Rangduanzhi August 23: Shawn McFay August 25: Brian Meewes

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