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10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy1 An Overview of Grid Computing and its Impact on Information Technology Bina Ramamurthy Partially Supported by NSF DUE CCLI A&I.

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Presentation on theme: "10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy1 An Overview of Grid Computing and its Impact on Information Technology Bina Ramamurthy Partially Supported by NSF DUE CCLI A&I."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy1 An Overview of Grid Computing and its Impact on Information Technology Bina Ramamurthy Partially Supported by NSF DUE CCLI A&I Grant 0311473

2 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy2 Topics for Discussion The beginnings The scientific problems and high performance computing (HPC) The Condor grid The Globus grid

3 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy3 How did we get here? Time (years)1970 1980 1990 2000 scale EUNET MILNET Speed Number of hosts Defense: ARPANET Academic Research: NSFNET Web application Internet Commercialization Search; Social networking Unstructured content Virtualization; Cloud computing

4 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy4 Beginnings of The Grid Beginnings of the grid in Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (seti@home project) The Wow signal me/wowsignal.html me/wowsignal.html

5 Condor High Throughput Computing (HTC) (1996 – Large collections of distributed heterogeneous computing resources. Use of unused cycles in general purpose systems HTC is effective management and exploitation of all available computing resources. For scientific applications requiring lots of flops URL: Keeps track of resources; schedules them on demand Distributed ownership of resources 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy5

6 Scientific Applications National Fusion collaboratory: Globus Toolkit (GT) Argonne National lab Introduced grid services GT2 C-based GT3 Java/OO based GT4 WS based –lead to unification to W3C’s WS standard 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy6

7 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy7 Issues Modernizing legacy systems Web-enabling business services Automating business processes Integration within organization Data and application integration Collaboration with outside organizations Security, accountability, availability, reliability, …

8 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy8 Web Services Standard A common operation on the Internet is search, the results of which is consumed by humans. Develop complex multi-business applications that are beyond the current search-type applications Webservices (WS) is a standard that has been introduced by W3 consortium to address this important transition. Grid takes the web services to the next level: a grid service (GS) is a web service. Grid/GS …… Web/WS...... Internet Technology Pipeline

9 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy9 Grid Organizations The Globus Alliance: conducts research and development to create fundamental technologies behind the "Grid," which lets people share computing power, databases, and other on-line tools securely across corporate, institutional, and geographic boundaries without sacrificing local autonomy.

10 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy10 Grid Technology Natural evolution of distributed systems and the Internet. Middleware supporting network of systems to facilitate sharing, standardization and openness. Infrastructure and application model dealing with sharing of compute cycles, data, storage and other resources. NSF supported Tera-grid Publicized by prominent industries as on-demand computing, utility computing, etc.

11 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy11 Types of Grid Batch-oriented 1. High performance applications 2. High Throughput applications 3. Example: Condor Service-Oriented 1. View all the resources and functions as services. 2. Build application models around services. 3. Anatomy of the grid Anatomy of the grid 4. Physiology of the grid Physiology of the grid 5. Example: Globus

12 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy12 Service-oriented Standards Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) Open Grid Services Infrastructure (OGSI) Globus Toolkit (GT3) is a reference implementation

13 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy13 OGSA, OGSI and WS OGSI has been replaced by WSRF (WS Resource Framework)

14 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy14 Features of Grid Service Basic Service LoggingNotification Service Data PersistenceRoutingSecurity Logger object; Levels of logging: Info,.. Warn, Error, Fatal Filtering and redirecting to file, console Stores service properties and States; for discovery, monitoring, negotiations, etc. Provides notification of events Permanent services such as naming service that get activated and terminated with the container … Services with ability to migrate Provides Standard security

15 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy15 Sample Grid Service: Notification Foundational concepts: messaging, queues, source and sink for messages, subscription model, loose coupling, push and pull notification Grid related concepts: Service data element (SDE), OGSINotification API Implement a service that is a producer of notification. Implement a client application that invokes a service that produces notification; an associated listener that consumes the notification. Extend the application to illustrate push and pull model.

16 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy16 Notification Explained Grid Service Service Data Element (SDE) Service Data Element (SDE) ServerClient Application GS Listener 3: notifyChange() 2: invoke method 1: subscribe to notification4: process notification Notes: Example: Grid service (GS) can be a Math Service with notifyChange to SDE on invocation of add Subtract methods. GWSDL file: extends=“ogsi”: GridServiceogsi:NotificationSource (declarative vs programmatic) Listener has: NotificationSinkManager to which is added a listener to Math Service’s GSH and SDE. Listener has deliveryNotification() method to process notification.

17 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy17 Higher Level Grid Concepts Virtualization of services and resources Federation of Data Provisioning Lifecycle Management Virtual Organization Orchestration of services Choreography of services Web Services Orchestration and Choreography

18 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy18 Virtualization Encapsulating service operations behind a common message-oriented service interface is called service virtualization. Isolates users from details of service implementation and location. Assumes support of a standard architecture. Webservices (WS) can do this, however grid life cycle management, fault handling and other features we have seen in the GT3 tutorial are not available with WS. OGSI specification addresses these issues using a core set of standard services.

19 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy19 Virtual Organization Factory Mapper Registry Service …… Hardware

20 10/25/2015B. Ramamurthy20 Application: Tax Return Filer Registry IRSService HandleMap IRSServcie Factory IRS TAX Filer Hosting Environment Registry EMPService HandleMap EMPServcie Factory EMPLOYEMENT Hosting Environment PerService HandleMap PERServcie Factory PERSONAl Hosting Environment Registry BNKService HandleMap BNKServcie Factory BANK Hosting Environment TAX client Registry Concepts illustrated: Virtual organization (VO) called IRS/Tax Filer that brings together virtualized capabilities of physical organizations of banking, personal profiles, and employment. Grid service handle (GSH) and Grid service reference (GSR), registry and handlemap, discovery of services, index services, application of notification, logging. High trust computing is the social imperative of grid.

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