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Has not been a Boy Scout Venture Group since before July of 2010 Has not updated financial.

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Presentation on theme: "Has not been a Boy Scout Venture Group since before July of 2010 Has not updated financial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Has not been a Boy Scout Venture Group since before July of 2010 Has not updated financial information for 2 years

2 Filing Expired May 2010 Inactive since September 2010 Still lives in Seattle

3 Note the UBI Number Filing Expired May 2010 Inactive since September 2010

4 Seattle address: Ex-LSRC coach ending 2008 Has not been a member since 2009, Ex-LSRC followed above coach Has not been a member since spring 2010 Joined LSRC June 2010 Has not been a member since 2009 Monroe address, Ex-LSRC followed above coach Has not been a member since spring 2010 Re-Joined LSRC May 2010, Ex-LSRCfollowed above coach No longer a member since 2010, Ex-LSRC followed above coach Has not been a member since spring 2010 Re-Joined LSRC May 2010, Ex-LSRC followed above coach No longer a member since 2010, Ex-LSRC followed above coach

5 Dissolved

6 Not listed as a Charity with IRS UBI Number

7 North Cascades Crew has not been a legal organization since Sep 1, 2010. This club is no longer a legal and recognized & legal charitable organization as identified by the Washington State Charities Commission or IRS. The Washington State Charities Commission depicts it as a Dissolved Entity. February, 2009 NCC Leadership was informed by the US Rowing NW Regional Chief Referee that regattas & events hosted by a US Rowing member club were only insured if all contestants and clubs were US Rowing members. If regattas were held that included contestants or clubs that were not US Rowing or Canadian Rowing members, their regattas, the insurance was null and void. In April 2009, NCC held a regatta that included many contestants, some being paraplegics, and clubs that were not US Rowing or Canadian Rowing members. Yet they mis-represented to the city they were insured. This regatta was run in gale force winds with white caps on the lake and resulted in many capsized boats. The city permitted an uninsured event and narrowly escaped great legal & financial risk. However, as long as a Dissolved Entity is allowed to occupy city property, it is at risk should something something occur such as somebody tripping over a boat blocking an egress, boating accident, vandalism, lawsuit for allowing a private individual or For-Profit corporation to freely use city resources in the manner allocated.

8 North Cascades Crew has not been a legal organization since Sep 1, 2010. This Dissolved Entity (or For-Profit corporation) was asked by the city earlier this year for $6000 to help pay for the new temporary dock. They informed the city they have no money as they have only a few remaining members. Thus they were not required to help pay, even though they are a primary user of the dock. However, a legal non-profit was asked to help pay for the dock by the city which they did. In April of this year, this Dissolved Entity (or For-Profit corporation) entered into a partnership with the Marysville Parks and Rec program to hold official Marysville Parks and Rec programs using Lake Stevens property and resources without consulting the city of Lake Stevens. Should this been allowed, both cities would have been at risk. When the city of Lake Stevens was informed of this contract between Marysville & this Dissolved Entity, they put a stop to it.

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