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Instructional Technologies 7/2013 Week4 More Word Applications & Spreadsheets 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructional Technologies 7/2013 Week4 More Word Applications & Spreadsheets 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructional Technologies 7/2013 Week4 More Word Applications & Spreadsheets 1

2 Wiki feedback&comments  Homework: - Deadlines should be observed - Conventions regarding data filenames & location should be observed - Quality of homework to be assessed later on Instructional Technologies 7/2013 2

3 Today’s session preview  Extended Word applications  Using Microsoft Excel to enhance teaching and learning Instructional Technologies 7/2013 3

4  Let’s look at some W1 sample products and have comments on them. Instructional Technologies 7/2013 4 Word 1 Assigment

5 Word 2 Assignment  Have your assignment ready on display  Share your ideas: How are you going to use this product? Any special problems you faced when creating it? How did you tackle the problem? Anyone helped you with anything?  Go around looking at other people’s product. Comment on what you like about them and give suggestions on improvement, if any. Instructional Technologies 7/2013 5

6 Activity 1  Brainstorming on extended Word applications in teachers’ daily activities.  Work in groups of 8. Discuss other useful Word applications in teaching/ doing teachers’ work. Record your answers in Week 4/ Week 4 Training Activities/ Wk4_Act1 Instructional Technologies 7/2013 6

7 Extended Word Applications  Using Word to create forms ( 2003,2007,2010,2013)  Using Word to create citation conventions ( 2007,2010, 2013)  Using Word to keep track of document changes ( All versions) Instructional Technologies 7/2013 7

8 Activity 2 ( 20 mins)  Work in pairs Practice creating (1) a form (2) a citation list. Work with a classmate if necessary. Make sure that you know how to create these items as they are part of the midterm test content. Instructional Technologies 7/2013 8

9 Spreadsheet Skills  Week 4 resources: Intel Help Guide Excel1. pdf Excel2. pdf Instructional Technologies 7/2013 9

10 Excel basics  Sharing one computer, work with a partner to start the spreadsheet software.  Notice that spreadsheets have boxes that are organized in tables with columns and rows. The columns are named with letters, and the rows are named with numbers.  The box located where a column and a row cross is called a cell.  Each cell is identified by its column letter and row number, such as A1 Instructional Technologies 7/2013 10

11 Excel Basics  Spend 10 minutes completing the tasks below: 1. Type three different words in cells A1, A2, and A3. 2. Type three different numbers in cells B1, B2, and B3 3. Click cell B4. Then find the symbol SUM ( Ʃ ) and press Enter. 4. Change the width of the columns and the height of the rows. 5.Use the remaining time to discover other things you may want to do with Excel Instructional Technologies 7/2013 11

12 Activity 3  Complete the required exercise in Excel1.pdf When you have finished: Name your file ID_Excel1.xls/xlsx and upload it to Week4/ Week 4_Homework/ Trainee Products_Wk4/Excel1 Instructional Technologies 7/2013 12

13 Homework  Complete Excel2.pdf (1) When you have finished, upload your product to Wiki Week4 / Week 4_Homework/ Trainee Products_Wk4/ Excel 2 under the name ID_Excel2.xls/xlsx  Write Week 4 Training Journals Prompts: What did you learn today? What part of today’s session is enjoyable? What part/activities should have been done differently?  Next class ( Week 5) will be on 20 July Instructional Technologies 7/2013 13

14 Reading Assignment Read 3.4 Textbook 1 Respond to the following prompt: “ How are you going to use blogs/wikis/webquests ( choose one only) to facilitate student collaboration and enhance your teaching ?” Write in one paragraph of about 100 words under the comments section of the page Reading Assignment Week 4 in the folder Homework of Week 4. Instructional Technologies 7/2013 14

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