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 Study (with notebook at your seat)  Turn in Glossaries and Study Guides in the back  Get out a piece of paper and pencil THEN  Place book bag in the.

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Presentation on theme: " Study (with notebook at your seat)  Turn in Glossaries and Study Guides in the back  Get out a piece of paper and pencil THEN  Place book bag in the."— Presentation transcript:

1  Study (with notebook at your seat)  Turn in Glossaries and Study Guides in the back  Get out a piece of paper and pencil THEN  Place book bag in the front of the room

2  10/7  Identify the impact of the Islamic Empires on the world today.  10/8  Analyze the achievements of the Mongols

3  What are two achievements of the Mongols?  What does copious mean?  What does the word “tribute” mean in the following sentence.  The students gave tribute to Mr. Collins to protect themselves from his wrath.

4 Chapter 17.3

5 A. “Period of Disunion” ended with Sui Dynasty which was overthrown by a general who started the Tang dynasty B. Renewed strong central government with bureaucracy

6 C. Empress Wu Zetian- only female emperor D. Buddhism the main religion

7 A. Expanded the civil service system to allow any person to try to take the exams- great honor and status to pass B. Practiced foot binding- limited women’s movementfoot binding


9  What are some fashions in clothing TODAY that in the future may seem similar to footbinding?  What are some other fashionable characteristics of other women around the world?

10 C. Art: porcelain- ceramic pottery, pagodas- Buddhist temples D. Inventions: printing press, gunpowder, paper money, compass E. Overthrown by the Mongols

11 A. The Mongols were nomadic pastoralist

12 B. Tribes united by Genghis Khan (universal ruler)- 1206 AD 1. Great military leader who used his cavalry 2. Created tributary states- self rule, gave resources 3. Pax Mongolia (era of Mongol peace)




16 1. Kublai Khan (Genghis Khan’s grandson) conquered China a) Mongolian ruling class b) Ruled using traditions of a Chinese emperor

17 2. Visited by the European explorer Marco Polo 3. Tried to invade Japan but defeated by typhoons

18  Who were the Mongols? What is their legacy?  Why did Kublai Khan fail to conquer Japan?  Write one thing you did this weekend.

19 A. Peasant defeat Mongols and claim the mandate of heaven B. Restoration of Chinese Traditions 1. Restored Confucianism 2. Brought back civil service exam 3. Stronger emperor

20 C. Moved capital to Beijing 1. Forbidden City 2. Emperor became isolated D. Foreign Relations 1. Admiral Zheng He extended Ming influence 2. A new emperor stopped the expensive voyages 3. China became isolated 4. Rebuilt and strengthened the Great Wall

21 E. Economy 1. Improved agriculture=more people 2. Silk and porcelain 3. Corrupt gov’t raised taxes

22 A. Manchu (NE China) invaded and started a new dynasty B. Cont. Chinese traditions and rule C. Accomplishments 1. Conquered Taiwan, Mongolia, and Tibet 2. Prospered with export of tea and population increased D. Foreign Relations 1. Chinese thought goods and culture were superior to Europeans 2. Isolated from European advancements

23  What is a Feudal System?  List the different members of the European Feudal system:  Apply: Try to create a Feudal system for the school. Who would be on top? Bottom? In- between?

24 Chapter 17.4

25 A. 4000 mountainous islands make up Japan’s archipelago- a chain of islands B. Isolated but culture diffused from China through Korea

26 A. Emperors were weak religious figureheads, clans fought each other B. One clan’s leader was named Shogun- dynastic warlord ruler of all of Japan C. Weak Shogunate led to the rise of daimyo- powerful clan leaders with land who fought each other

27 C. Samurai- professional warrior class 1. “those who serve”- loyal to their lords 2. fought with sword, bow, and horses 3. Bushido- “way of the warrior”, code of obedient service, courage, and honor 4. The Last Samurai and Bushido The Last Samurai Bushido

28 D. Peasants were only allowed to farmland used rice to pay the Samurai E. In Tokugawa Shogunate (1600 to 1867) brought back central rule, strict social structure




32 A. At first Japanese welcomed European merchants and missionaries B. The Tokugawa shoguns banned Christianity and cut off all Europeans except for the Dutch

33 C. Shinto- ancestor worship, all nature has a spirit, highest is sun goddess D. Zen Buddhism- form of Buddhism that emphasizes discipline and meditation

34  Haiku is a poetic form and a type of poetry from the Japanese culture.  Haiku poets, which you will soon be, write about everyday things. Many themes include nature, feelings, or experiences. Usually they use simple words and grammar.  The most common form for Haiku is three short lines.  The first line contains five (5) syllables,  The second line seven (7) syllables  The third line contains five (5) syllables.  Haiku doesn't rhyme. A Haiku must "paint" a mental image in the reader's mind.

35 First block is special We always have a great time Sometimes I wonder Pokémon are great My favorite is Charizard Gotta catch em all

36  While walking to your World History class, you notice that a fellow classmate is being attacked by a group of students.  Q: What would a samurai do in this situation? Give support from the documents.  Q: What would you do in this situation?

37  It is near the end of the year and you already know that you are getting an F for your final grade in the class. However, your teacher has offered you the opportunity to do an extra credit project that will require a lot of research and writing to earn a B or possibly an A for the year.  Q: What would a samurai do in this situation? Give evidence!  Q: What would you do in this situation?

38  Due to a bad financial year, the company where you have worked for more than seven years has decided to lay off people. As a result, you lose your job.  Q: What would a samurai do in this situation? Give evidence!  Q: What would you do in this situation?

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