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Insensitive, thick-skinned callous. concrete, palpable tangible.

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Presentation on theme: "Insensitive, thick-skinned callous. concrete, palpable tangible."— Presentation transcript:

1 insensitive, thick-skinned callous

2 concrete, palpable tangible

3 stinging, bitter acrid

4 remorse, regret compunction

5 subdue, crush quell

6 majestic, stately august

7 secret, covert, stealthy clandestine

8 permanent, unforgettable indelible

9 lenient, permissive indulgent

10 overjoyed, jubilant elated

11 nighttime nocturnal

12 unspoken, unexpressed tacit

13 not to the point irrelevant

14 inactive, still quiescent

15 cliché, commonplace platitude

16 forceful, effective trenchant

17 meditate, ponder ruminate

18 renounce, shun, abstain from abjure

19 habitual, long-standing inveterate

20 stinging, bitter acrid

21 holocaust, wildfire conflagration

22 insensitive, thick-skinned callous

23 remorse, regret compunction

24 subdue, crush quell

25 secret, covert, stealthy clandestine

26 majestic, stately august

27 concrete, palpable tangible

28 permanent, unforgettable indelible

29 not to the point irrelevant

30 overjoyed, jubilant elated

31 lenient, permissive indulgent

32 nighttime nocturnal

33 unspoken, unexpressed tacit

34 inactive, still quiescent

35 forceful, effective trenchant

36 cliché, commonplace platitude

37 holocaust, wildfire conflagration

38 meditate, ponder ruminate

39 habitual, long-standing inveterate

40 renounce, shun, abstain from abjure

41 insensitive, thick-skinned callous

42 concrete, palpable tangible

43 stinging, bitter acrid

44 remorse, regret compunction

45 subdue, crush quell

46 majestic, stately august

47 secret, covert, stealthy clandestine

48 permanent, unforgettable indelible

49 lenient, permissive indulgent

50 overjoyed, jubilant elated

51 nighttime nocturnal

52 unspoken, unexpressed tacit

53 not to the point irrelevant

54 inactive, still quiescent

55 cliché, commonplace platitude

56 forceful, effective trenchant

57 meditate, ponder ruminate

58 renounce, shun, abstain from abjure

59 habitual, long-standing inveterate

60 stinging, bitter acrid

61 holocaust, wildfire conflagration

62 insensitive, thick-skinned callous

63 remorse, regret compunction

64 subdue, crush quell

65 secret, covert, stealthy clandestine

66 majestic, stately august

67 concrete, palpable tangible

68 permanent, unforgettable indelible

69 not to the point irrelevant

70 overjoyed, jubilant elated

71 lenient, permissive indulgent

72 nighttime nocturnal

73 unspoken, unexpressed tacit

74 inactive, still quiescent

75 forceful, effective trenchant

76 cliché, commonplace platitude

77 holocaust, wildfire conflagration

78 meditate, ponder ruminate

79 habitual, long-standing inveterate

80 renounce, shun, abstain from abjure

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