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This is a review of the slides we used while discussing... Learning & Teaching Introduction Topic.

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Presentation on theme: "This is a review of the slides we used while discussing... Learning & Teaching Introduction Topic."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is a review of the slides we used while discussing... Learning & Teaching Introduction Topic

2 “It is a paradox that men will gladly devote time every day for many years to learn a science or an art, yet will expect to win a knowledge of the gospel, which comprehends all sciences and arts, through perfunctory glances at books or occasional listening to sermons. The gospel should be studied more intensively than any school or college subject.” (John A. Widtsoe, Improvement Era, p. May 1943, p. 289)

3 “Working develops the capacity to work. One of the numerous rewards in girding ourselves to do hard things is in the creation of a capacity for doing of the still harder things.” (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p. 362)

4 “The Savior has told us to feed his sheep... We all need to be touched and nurtured by the Spirit, and effective teaching is one of the most important ways this can happen.” (Spencer W. Kimball, Ensign, Nov. 1980, p. 45-46) “The Savior has told us to feed his sheep... We all need to be touched and nurtured by the Spirit, and effective teaching is one of the most important ways this can happen.” (Spencer W. Kimball, Ensign, Nov. 1980, p. 45-46) Feed His Sheep

5 Nurture train, educate, to feed, protect, encourage, bring up. -Random House Webster’s College Dictionary -Random House Webster’s College Dictionary

6 Teaching is done by precept and example, and by word and deed. A good model is the best teacher. Therefore, a father’s first responsibility is to set the proper example (Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, Nov. 1985, p. 35). Teaching is done by precept and example, and by word and deed. A good model is the best teacher. Therefore, a father’s first responsibility is to set the proper example (Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, Nov. 1985, p. 35).

7 The example of our living will carry a greater influence than will all the preaching in which we might indulge (Gordon B. Hinckley, Ensign, Nov. 1975, p. 38)

8 Teaching by the Spirit The Language of Inspiration

9 “Holy scripture and the words of living prophets occupy a privileged position; they are the key to teaching by the Spirit so that we communicate in what the Prophet Joseph Smith called ‘the language of inspiration’ (TPJS, p. 56).” (Neal A. Maxwell, Teaching by the Spirit -- “The Language of Inspiration” [address to religious educators at a symposium of the Old Testament, BYU, 13 Aug. 1991]) “Holy scripture and the words of living prophets occupy a privileged position; they are the key to teaching by the Spirit so that we communicate in what the Prophet Joseph Smith called ‘the language of inspiration’ (TPJS, p. 56).” (Neal A. Maxwell, Teaching by the Spirit -- “The Language of Inspiration” [address to religious educators at a symposium of the Old Testament, BYU, 13 Aug. 1991])

10 “Every member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is, or will be, a teacher. Each of us has a vital interest in the content and effectiveness of gospel teaching” (Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Gospel Teaching, Ensign, Nov. 1999, p. 78).

11 “Every member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is, or will be, a teacher. Each of us has a vital interest in the content and effectiveness of gospel teaching” (Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Gospel Teaching, Ensign, Nov. 1999, p. 78).

12 ContentWordsMessages EffectivenessWayMethod

13 ContentWordsMessagesWhatEffectivenessWayMethodHow

14 “... I have been induced to write this history, to disabuse the public mind...” JS-H 1:1 JS-H 1:1 Other Ways...

15 Two basic approaches...

16 “... the respective clergy, who were active in getting up and promoting this extraordinary scene of religious feeling, in order to have everybody converted, as they pleased to call it...” JS-H 1:6 JS-H 1:6 Two basic approaches... #1

17 #2

18 “... used all the powers of both reason and sophistry to prove their error, or, at least, to make the people think they were in error...” JS-H 1:9 JS-H 1:9 Two basic approaches... #2

19 Special, Evocative Powers Special, Evocative Powers “ Every principle God has revealed carries its own convictions of its truth to the human mind.” (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, 9:149) (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, 9:149)

20 Trusting in the Spirit...

21 “... put all inquirers after truth in possession of the facts...” JS-H 1:1 JS-H 1:1 Trusting in the Spirit...

22 “In this history I shall present the various events in relation to this Church, in truth and righteousness, as they have transpired, or as they at present exist...” JS-H 1:2 JS-H 1:2 Trusting in the Spirit...

23 “Professor Arthur Henry King wrote of Joseph Smith’s account of the First Vision: “Professor Arthur Henry King wrote of Joseph Smith’s account of the First Vision: ‘When I was first brought to read Joseph Smith’s story, I was deeply impressed. I wasn’t inclined to be impressed. As a stylistician, I have spent my life being disinclined to be impressed. So when I read his story, I thought to myself, this is an extraordinary thing. This is an astonishingly matter-of-fact and cool account. This man is not trying to persuade me of anything. He doesn’t feel the need to. ‘When I was first brought to read Joseph Smith’s story, I was deeply impressed. I wasn’t inclined to be impressed. As a stylistician, I have spent my life being disinclined to be impressed. So when I read his story, I thought to myself, this is an extraordinary thing. This is an astonishingly matter-of-fact and cool account. This man is not trying to persuade me of anything. He doesn’t feel the need to.

24 He is stating what happened to him, and he is is stating it, not enthusiastically, but in quite a matter-of-fact way. He is not trying to make me cry or feel ecstatic. That struck me, and that began to build my testimony, for I could see that this man was telling the truth.... ‘... And it isn’t the prose of someone who is trying to work it out and make it nice. It is the prose of someone who is trying to tell it as it is, who is bending all his faculties to expressing the truth and not thinking about anything else - - and above all, though

25 writing about Joseph Smith, not thinking about Joseph Smith, not thinking about the effect he is going to have on others not posturing, not posing, but just being himself’ (The Abundance of the Heart [Salt Lake City: Book craft, 1986], pp. 200-201).” (Neal A. Maxwell, Teaching by the Spirit -- “The Language of Inspiration” [address to religious educators at a symposium of the Old Testament, BYU, 13 Aug. 1991])

26 “Never did any passage of scripture come with more power to the heart of man... It seemed to enter with great force into every feeling of my heart. I reflected [mind] on it again and again...” JS-H 1:12 JS-H 1:12 The Epistle of James

27 A Promise... D&C 100:5-8 Jacob 1:5; 2:3,5

28 The End...

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