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English 11 Vocabulary Semester Two Surfeited – given too much of something.

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2 English 11 Vocabulary Semester Two

3 Surfeited – given too much of something

4 addled confused

5 imminent About to happen or occur

6 palatable Tasty

7 grueling Severely demanding

8 nomad A wanderer

9 clandestine secret

10 chronic Occurring frequently

11 Ideology – set of beliefs

12 cower cringe in fear

13 devour Eat quickly

14 audacious fearlessly daring

15 overt openly public

16 trepidation fear

17 alias assumed name

18 fortitude bravery

19 Bluff – fool; steep cliff

20 elicit bring out

21 compatible In harmony Together

22 consistent Constant throughout Always the same

23 altercation A fight

24 antagonize Aggravate Treat in a hostile manner

25 voracious Very hungry

26 enigma mystery or puzzle

27 apprise inform

28 domicile A house or residence

29 colossal Huge Immense

30 forte Personal strong point

31 idiom Phrase not meant literally

32 inadvertent Accidental Not intentional

33 infraction A violation of a rule or law

34 meticulous Particular with details

35 dilapidated Falling apart

36 salutary beneficial

37 perennial Everlasting Occurring yearly

38 Crass – coarsely stupid

39 Complaisant – obliging

40 sinecure Easy, good-paying job

41 Abashed Embarrassed

42 taciturn habitually silent

43 prevaricate To lie; not tell the truth

44 blatant Offensively obvious

45 impious Lacking reverence or respect

46 rationalize seek reasons to justify

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