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Section 411 ‘Patriot Act’ violates 1st Amendment Permits guilt to be imposed solely on the basis of political associations protected by 1st Amendment.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 411 ‘Patriot Act’ violates 1st Amendment Permits guilt to be imposed solely on the basis of political associations protected by 1st Amendment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 411 ‘Patriot Act’ violates 1st Amendment Permits guilt to be imposed solely on the basis of political associations protected by 1st Amendment. “Terrorist organizations” are groups that have never been designated in the Federal Register, but groups that fall under the loose criterion of “two or more individuals, whether organized or not”. Accused is responsible (guilty till proven innocent) of ‘demonstrating that he did not know that the act would further the organization’s terrorist activity.”

2 Section 218 ‘Patriot Act’ violates 4th Amendment Allowing law enforcement agencies to circumvent ‘probably cause’ clause whenever they are able to claim that the gathering of foreign intelligence constitutes ‘a significant purpose’ Amends FISA’s wiretap and physical search provisions to provide such without warning or knowledge of the accused

3 Section 216 violates 4th Amendment by Authorizing government to install Carnivore, a formidable tracking device capable of intercepting all forms of Internet activity, including email. Record of which needs not be provided to court until 30 days after termination of the order. Not scheduled to expire.

4 Section 215 violates 1stAmendment by Doing nothing to bar investigations of U.S. citizens based on other activities that tie them, no matter how loosely, to an international terrorism investigation. Relies only on agent’s word that items are sought for investigation “to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities. (no Proof needed)

5 Section 802 Patriot Act violates 1stAmendment Creates federal crime of ‘domestic terrorism’ that broadly extends to ‘acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of criminal laws’ if they ‘appear to be intended to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion’--couched in vague and expansive terms so as to make criminal legitimate political dissent.

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