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English III January 23, 2013 Ms. Roule. Bellringer- choose and explain We have never relinquished our skepticism of central authority, nor have we succumbed.

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Presentation on theme: "English III January 23, 2013 Ms. Roule. Bellringer- choose and explain We have never relinquished our skepticism of central authority, nor have we succumbed."— Presentation transcript:

1 English III January 23, 2013 Ms. Roule

2 Bellringer- choose and explain We have never relinquished our skepticism of central authority, nor have we succumbed to the fiction that all society’s ills can be cured by gov’t. As used in the above sentence, the word succumbed most nearly means: A. Doubted B. Allowed C. Given in D. Denied

3 AGENDA 1.Context Clues - Notes and Application(s)

4 Today’s Standard Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings

5 Types of Context Clues – Notes! Synonym Antonym Definition/Explanation Example

6 Synonym Clues A synonym, or word with the same meaning, is used in the sentence. My opponent's argument is fallacious, misleading – plain wrong.

7 Antonym Clues A word or group of words that has the opposite meaning reveals the meaning of an unknown term. Although some men are loquacious, others hardly talk at all.

8 Definition/Explanation Clues The unknown word is explained within the sentence or in a sentence immediately preceding. The patient is so somnolent that she requires medication to help her stay awake for more than a short time.

9 Example Clues Specific examples are used to define the term. Celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, and stars, are governed by predictable laws.

10 Application 1- due today! Complete the provided handout by –Defining the word –Identifying which type of context clue is used

11 Application 2 – Due at beginning of class Thursday! Select any 10 words from your annotation of Obama’s inauguration speech. For each word, write down: –The sentence in which the word appears –What you think the word means, based on context –The type of context clue used

12 Key to Application 1 1.Type of Context Clue–antonym definition of vociferous–talkative; outspoken 2.Type of Context Clue–example definition pedagogical–having to do with teaching 3.Type of Context Clue–explanation definition of parsimonious–stingy; tightfisted 4.Type of Context Clue–synonym definition of pertinacity–mulish; stubborn

13 Key to Application 1, cont’d 5.Type of Context Clue–antonym definition of clandestine–secret; hidden 6.Type of Context Clue–example definition of ecclesiastics–member of the clergy 7.Type of Context Clue–synonym definition of churlish–rude 8.Type of Context Clue–explanation definition of conflagration–fire

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