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ITIS 1210 Introduction to Web-Based Information Systems Chapter 40 How Virtual Reality Works.

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Presentation on theme: "ITIS 1210 Introduction to Web-Based Information Systems Chapter 40 How Virtual Reality Works."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITIS 1210 Introduction to Web-Based Information Systems Chapter 40 How Virtual Reality Works

2 Introduction  Advantage of the Internet  Brings computing power into your home  Examples  Word processing  Spreadsheets  Databases  Programming  Makes specialty applications available to the masses

3 Introduction  Virtual Reality  “Like” reality (only different)  Enables simulations of reality  Not as good as …  But WAY better than what was available before  Many virtual worlds you can explore on the Internet

4 VRML  Created using a Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)  Used to build 3-D objects  Describes geometry of the scene  VRML  Creates as ASCII text file (.wrl)  Perhaps some graphics files also  Easily (quickly) downloaded to your PC

5 VRML  Posted to an Internet Server  You enter URL  May need a plug-in  VRML file downloaded  Depending on size may take a while

6 VRML  VR plug-in launched  Takes over control of browser  Using VRML data,  Your computer creates the virtual world  VRML contains 3D information  You can navigate around in virtual world  “Fly”, walk, run, etc.

7 VRML  Objects in virtual world can be links to  Sites  Animations  Other virtual worlds  May require another download & set up  Virtual world doesn’t have to be completely constructed  Graphics can be “painted” on objects

8 VRML  Examples  virtual-tours.html virtual-tours.html virtual-tours.html  each/1234.html each/1234.html each/1234.html 

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