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Virtual Boxing Summer Project (2011) Programming Club IIT Kanpur -By:- Prajya Bhatt, Harshit Maheshwari Shubhdeep Kochhar Mentor :-Ankit Mahato.

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Presentation on theme: "Virtual Boxing Summer Project (2011) Programming Club IIT Kanpur -By:- Prajya Bhatt, Harshit Maheshwari Shubhdeep Kochhar Mentor :-Ankit Mahato."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virtual Boxing Summer Project (2011) Programming Club IIT Kanpur -By:- Prajya Bhatt, Harshit Maheshwari Shubhdeep Kochhar Mentor :-Ankit Mahato

2 Objectives: The main objective of our project “Virtual Boxing” was to :- Use computer webcam to detect the motion of our hands (if necessary then use an extra webcam). The next step was to simulate this motion in a 3- d world.i.e. –our hands should be represented in the 3-d world and move accordingly as we move in real world.

3 Platform Used: We choose to work on C++ as linking the various libraries that were to be used in our project in Visual Studio was easy. The first part of our project :- i.e., the hand detection part was done using openCV and CVblobslib libraries. We resorted to color detection method, (i.e.-our hands should be wrapped in some colored material easily distinguishable from its surroundings),to detect our hands. The mean of the position of the color values was to take the place of our hands in the 3d world. For this purpose we used CVblobslib, as there were two hands for which we had to find the mean.

4 The second part was to replicate the hands in a 3-d world. For this we used openGL library. The hands were replaced by spheres which move in the 3 d world as we move our hands. The motion of the computer’s hands is governed using a random function.

5 Problems faced: There were some initial problems that we faced regarding blob detection part as there was no proper source of information available for them on internet. Second, initially we thought to use two webcams, one of the computer itself and one more. But due to certain reasons we abondened this idea and instead decided to use the number of pixels in blobbed area as the dimension of depth (the more the area the more the hand was closer to the computer. )

6 Further possible extensions. The game can be made multiplayer game. Sound effects can also be added. Better graphics can be added by importing objects from other platforms. There are possibilities of designing other virtual games also, on similar principle.

7 Thank you.

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