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My Progress Report 31 August - 28 September. From Last Month: bRevise timetable (2 days) - DONE, but in less detail bTry harder to get the ARI tech reports.

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Presentation on theme: "My Progress Report 31 August - 28 September. From Last Month: bRevise timetable (2 days) - DONE, but in less detail bTry harder to get the ARI tech reports."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Progress Report 31 August - 28 September

2 From Last Month: bRevise timetable (2 days) - DONE, but in less detail bTry harder to get the ARI tech reports - DONE bCarry on reading, with more focus, and add more detail to my plan as I go - DONE, but never finished bStart designing the questionnaires & measures I will need - Sort of done bGive Shih-min and Brian new project details for webpage and vision document - DONE

3 Reading Proshansky - Environmental Psychology: Man and His Physical Setting Rovine (twice) - Sketch-Map Variables as Predictors of Way- Finding Performance Cronbach, Gregory - General testing principles, spatial ability tests Holahan - Environmental Psychology Satalich (thesis) - Navigation and wayfinding in virtual reality: finding proper tools and cues to enhance navigation awareness Shiratuddin - Games Engines in Real World Virtual Reality Application Searched for Spatial Ability tests on web

4 What I learned from my reading A lot more about sketch maps - what’s good about them, what’s bad, how to use them, how not to use them, some ways to analyse them, supplementary methods Some ways to measure wayfinding performance VR papers not as well written as psych papers I’ll never finish reading –try to get good sample, hope leaders in field are there –problem is: controversial, need range of opinions

5 By the Way... ACM application forms are being processed Tried emotive CVE Edwin mentioned Continually updating my own “what this thesis is about and how I’m going to achieve it” document Also updated my own thesis page 3rd years are hopeless at networks programming UKVRSIG proceedings online at - downloadable as.pdf (198 pages!)

6 A Paper? Had sudden realisation: major problem in most presence research p  q, q DOES NOT mean p! Known as the fallacy of assuming the antedant Lots of presence research does this - especially the behavioural presence people maybe worth writing up as a short forum paper for Presence? –Not terribly much to say, but has important implications for the validity of current research

7 To Do: Quarterly progress report (tomorrow) Presence paper? Finish up reading (try to read mornings only, effectively two weeks) Write out plan for experiments - will also show up areas where I need more research (2 days) Draw up questionnaire (2 days) Speak to CAMA people for “map” of data Work out format for 1st experiment (what to compare to, layout, what interactions there will be, what is needed) Devise tasks for 1st set of groups (two weeks together)

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