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The virtual world as a space for education: tips for parents Mykolas Romeris University INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Safe Childhood In An Global World 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "The virtual world as a space for education: tips for parents Mykolas Romeris University INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Safe Childhood In An Global World 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 The virtual world as a space for education: tips for parents Mykolas Romeris University INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Safe Childhood In An Global World 2011 October 6, Thursday A. Collini, C. Zanolla, N. Pinna, L. Pisano, IFOS Italy

2 Before, parents taught children to distinguish reality from fantasy (Freud, Winnicott,Fonagy) Now, parents should teach children to distinguish the real from the virtual In the future, maybe, the parents should teach children to distinguish the virtual (reality predominantly) from the real Education: between real and immaginary untill 2000 between real and virtual from 2000 between virtual and real in the future HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF EDUCATION (L. Pisano 2011)

3 The virtual is not the opposite of real (P. Lévy) Many people continue to think the virtual as a bad thing: fake experience or, even worse, a non-experience, while they are abusing each day of virtual experiences: chat, email, etc. Bu today we have the virtualization of writing (hyper text), of economics (financial markets) and of the body (distant transplants) VIRTUAL: Medieval Latin: virtualis and virtus Virtualis means “cio che esiste in potenza e non in atto” (Aristotele) The tree is virtually present in the seed, so it is real. The virtual can not be opposed to the real, but to the actuality because virtuality and actuality are two different ways of the real What is the virtual?

4 The virtual word seems unreal but is not less true of the real One student can live in the confusion between the reality of what he is doing (how it is) and its unreality (as it could be) and therefore he could mistakenly classify his behavior on line The body is not available Split between body and mind Virtual: The body, the subject of perception, is absent: so, you can’t see me and I can’t see you Confusion of the logic (Pisano, Cadau 2011)

5 Virtual reality allows you to make extreme experience without physical interaction, thus avoiding the danger physical Without sense of danger the DEFENSE are not activated and therefore there is no growth So with the virtualization the man may remain as a child Sometimes the virtual is the opposite of the growth Confusion of the logic and growth of the evolutionary age

6 Mirros phase: Phase of the computer screen: REGRESSION Virtual Identity may be scared by: Separation Differences Action Confusion of the logic and evolutionary development: from mirror phase to phase of the computer screen (Pisano, Cadau 2011)

7 Educate young people the use of the virtual Educate young people to distinguish reality from fantasy and fantasy from the virtual Help young people to understand that the virtual is a form of reality Encourage experiences off-line and the comparison with the problematic aspects of life Support the mirror stage Parents should

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