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The State of Collaborative Digitization: issues and approaches Tom Clareson, PALINET October 22, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "The State of Collaborative Digitization: issues and approaches Tom Clareson, PALINET October 22, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 The State of Collaborative Digitization: issues and approaches Tom Clareson, PALINET October 22, 2007

2 State and Regional Digital Initiatives Maine Minnesota California Wyoming Florida North Carolina Georgia Alabama Kansas Colorado Kentucky Montana Utah Nevada New York IllinoisMichigan Missouri Texas Nebraska Hawaii South Carolina Louisiana NewJersey

3 Why digitize our collections?  Make resources broadly available—365, 24x7  Reach new users  Market our collections and our organizations  Provide a value-added service  Capitalize on investment in resources and technology  Our audience/customers/users expect it  Preserve original resources

4 Why do it collaboratively?  Libraries, archives, museums are the memory institutions of our society.  Stewards of the cultural and intellectual record of a society  Explore ways to provide learning, research and cultural opportunities for visitors/users  Identify and grow new communities of users  Develop strategies to manage digital collections, including creation and preservation of digital objects  Identify common issues and goals that can be resolved together

5 Digitization projects…  Help people find and use primary source materials  Increase use of “hidden” treasures  Integrate disparate collections  Enhance the digital library/museum role in the community  Support K-12 learning and standards  Support distance/lifelong learning

6 Collection management  Digital collection management increasingly relevant  Collaborative level vs. local level  Bring collection development practices to digital initiative  Libraries/archives/museums aren’t only ones who are doing digitization  Preservation is a critical component of collection management

7 Trends in Purpose and Goals: A Review of the Field  PALINET staff reviewed nearly 50 Collaborative Digitization Program websites to determine the: Purpose Goals …of statewide, regional, subject-based groups  Model Statements  Commonalities  Key Points

8 AlabamaMosaic/Cornerstone   Its purpose is to make unique historical treasures from Alabama's archives, libraries, museums, and other repositories electronically accessible to Alabama residents as well as scholars throughout the world.

9 Online Archive of California   A core component of the California Digital Library, the Online Archive of California (OAC) is a digital information resource that facilitates and provides access to materials such as manuscripts, photographs, and works of art held in libraries, museums, archives, and other institutions across California.

10 Texas Tides   The "Tides in Early Texas History" collaborative digital project creates a platform in which cultural heritage institutions and educators can work together to enrich learning experiences for students, bridge gaps between disciplines, and increase access to unique cultural collections. The gathering of all forms of cultural history around a topic offers a more complete story of the past than any one piece could do alone.

11 Connecticut History Online   …serving the needs of scholars, secondary school teachers and students, genealogists, and the general public.  …provide a comprehensive chronicle of events, people, and places documenting Connecticut, and American, social, business, political, educational, cultural, and civic life.

12 Digital Library of Georgia   The Digital Library facilitates cooperative ventures with other organizations and provides leadership for cooperative digital initiatives throughout the state.

13 Mississippi Digital Library   The project focuses on primary sources associated with the civil rights era, since the partner repositories hold rich collections on that topic.  The desired outcomes are to 1) lead more learners to visit the state's archival repositories and to connect with the rich collections of primary sources that they hold, 2) contribute to an enhanced knowledge of the history of race relations in America through global access to a digital archive of first hand documentation of the civil rights era, 3) result in a sustained collaborative digital program for Mississippi that can be applied to other subject areas and include other cultural institutions, 4) create an alternative model for digital collaboration, and 5) continue to develop a mechanism for resolving intellectual property and privacy rights issues for 20th Century collections.

14 Kentuckiana Digital Library   The Kentuckiana Digital Library is built to enhance scholarship, research and lifelong learning through the establishment of access to shared digital archival collections in the state of Kentucky. It also provides guidance and instruction for Kentucky libraries, archives, historical societies and museums on applying appropriate technologies used in the production of digital library resources.

15 Maryland Digital Cultural Heritage   The goal of the Maryland Digital Cultural Heritage Project is to facilitate the digitization and digital exhibition of Maryland-related historical documents, images, audio and video for Maryland’s Public Libraries. Identifying and digitizing culturally significant items will offer a wide-audience access to a variety of resources that promote research, education and tourism.

16 MD Digital Cultural Heritage (2)  - Many organizations have ongoing digitization efforts. Sharing projects and plans in a coordinated effort will increase the content and decrease the possibility of duplicated effort.  - Increase your library’s patronage and heighten its visibility by integrating it with a wider electronic resource.  - Provide a web presence of valuable collections for institutions whose budget or expertise may not support such an exhibit.  - Electronic access will facilitate locating collections and information that may have been difficult to access in a timely manner.  -Digitizing Maryland’s cultural heritage will be a process of many years. A combined approach will build significant content within a relatively short span.

17 New Jersey Digital Highway   Separate statements for: Teachers Portal Students Portal NJ Citizens/Lifelong Learners Cultural Heritage Organizations

18 PASCAL  South Carolina Statewide Program   The goal of the PASCAL digital library program is to make available a statewide virtual collection of the significant books, newspapers, images, manuscripts and media that contribute recognition and understanding to the history and culture of state of South Carolina use by college students, faculty, researchers, citizens and especially K-12 students.

19 PASCAL (2) - To provide universal access to core materials and information services for every student and faculty member of institutions of higher learning in South Carolina. - To enhance research collections that support scholarly achievement and further economic development in South Carolina. - To encourage direct resource sharing among academic libraries in South Carolina. - To preserve the materials that contribute to the memory of South Carolina history and culture for future generations. - To provide opportunities for collaborative training and professional development for library users and staff from South Carolina’s academic libraries. - To develop and nurture relationships with key partners including but not limited to the Commission on Higher Education, the South Carolina State Library, and the Office of Information Resources, in order to maintain a South Carolina virtual library comprised of accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive electronic information. To strengthen the role of the academic library in helping higher education meet its mission across the South Carolina community.

20 Colorado Digitization Program   Goals To provide online access to digital collections available through cultural heritage institutions. Increase the capacity of cultural heritage institutions for digital asset management programs. To encourage, enhance, and expand collaboration among the region’s cultural heritage institutions to support the purposes of the members and participants. To demonstrate the value of cultural heritage institutions in the digital environment and to increase learning opportunities for educators, museum visitors, and library users…. Assure long term sustainability of the Collaborative Digitization Program.

21 Summary Findings  All projects targeted greater access  Variety of material formats  Variety of institution types  Initial and secondary audiences identified  Many related to places and historical themes

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