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Please be Seated. Interesting web pages: 1. Summer activitiesSummer activities 2. Books and ProjectsBooks and Projects 3. Acoustics DVD setAcoustics DVD.

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Presentation on theme: "Please be Seated. Interesting web pages: 1. Summer activitiesSummer activities 2. Books and ProjectsBooks and Projects 3. Acoustics DVD setAcoustics DVD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please be Seated

2 Interesting web pages: 1. Summer activitiesSummer activities 2. Books and ProjectsBooks and Projects 3. Acoustics DVD setAcoustics DVD set 4.Question of the WeekQuestion of the Week 5.Ph is Ph E-mail listPh is Ph E-mail list

3 When you’re hot, you’re hot Physics is Phun May 2006

4 Thermodynamics is a funny subject. The first time you go through the subject, you don’t understand it at all. The second time you go through it, you think you understand it, except for one or two small points. The third time you go through it, you know you don’t understand it, but by that time you are so used to the subject that it doesn’t bother you any more. - Arnold Sommerfeld (1868-1951)



7 Molecular Motion and Temperature Ideal Gas Law


9 Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics If objects A and B are each in thermal equilibrium with a third object C, objects A and B are in thermal equilibrium with each other.

10 Thermal Expansion

11 Heat, Electricity and Magnetism

12 Shape-Memory Alloy

13 Heat Transfer: 1. Radiation 2. Conduction 3. Convection

14 Oxidation and Burning

15 First Law of Thermodynamics Conservation of energy applies to the sum of all forms of energy for an isolated system.

16 The mechanical equivalent of heat.

17 Thermodynamics of Dieting Final weight = Initial weight + caloric intake – calories used Weight loss by: 1. respiration 2. perspiration 3. elimination One lb ~ 2500 calories (depends on metabolism) Weight (lbs) x 15 ~ base metabolism rate (ave.)

18 Perpetual Motion Machines

19 The N-Machine

20 There is no idea so nonsensical that you cannot get a physicist to support it.

21 Second Law of Thermodynamics No system for converting energy between various forms can operate at 100% efficiency.

22 Atmospheric Thermodynamics

23 Adiabatic expansion and the adiabatic lapse rate

24 Adiabatic cooling in mushroom cloud



27 What is the most important thermodynamics problem of our time?

28 Global Warming Photo courtesy of World of Stock

29 Anthropogenic Global Warming

30 Factors affecting earth temperature:

31 1. The sun (Mars warming).

32 Factors affecting earth temperature: 1. The sun. 2. Clouds.

33 Factors affecting earth temperature: 1. The sun. 2. Clouds. 3. Forests.

34 Factors affecting earth temperature: 1. The sun. 2. Clouds. 3. Forests. 4. Dust (1816, the year with no summer: Mt. Tambora, Indonesia, volcanic eruptions, April 1815)

35 Factors affecting earth temperature: 1. The sun. 2. Clouds. 3. Forests. 4. Dust. 5. Water vapor.

36 Factors affecting earth temperature: 1. The sun. 2. Clouds. 3. Forests. 4. Dust. 5. Water vapor. 6. Ethane, methane, etc.

37 Factors affecting earth temperature: 1. The sun. 2. Clouds. 3. Forests. 4. Dust. 5. Water vapor. 6. Methane, ethane, etc. 7. Aerosols.

38 Factors affecting earth temperature: 1. The sun. 2. Clouds. 3. Forests. 4. Dust. 5. Water vapor. 6. Methane, ethane, etc. 7. Aerosols. 8. Carbon dioxide.

39 Duke University Study (April 2006): 1.Solar heating effect underestimated 2.Removing CO 2 by reforestation may have significant side affects 3.Climate less sensitive to greenhouse gases than generally believed 4.Climate warming effect probably has been overestimated

40 The coming “Ice Age” of the 1970s: “... extensive Northern Hemisphere glaciation.” - Science magazine (1976) “the world’s climatologists are agreed” that we must “prepare for the next ice age.” - Science Digest (1973) “Warning: Earth’s Climate is Changing Faster Than Even Experts Expect.” - Christian Science Monitor (1974) “... may mark the return to another ice age.” - New York Times (1975) “… a major cooling of the climate is widely considered inevitable.” - New York Times (1975)

41 No-one will ever get a Nobel Prize for showing that global warming does not exist. -unknown

42 Facts (?) about global warming: 1. Some winners, some losers. 2. The “fix” will be costly.

43 Possible remedies: 1. More than Kyoto. 2. The Kyoto accords. 3. Wait-and-see compromise. 4. Nothing.

44 Nuclear Power! Wait and see compromise with REAL positive value!!

45 Advantages of Nuclear Power: 1. Can be done NOW. 2. NO carbon dioxide. 3. Safe. 4. Price competitive. 5. Long-term.

46 Patrick Moore: Going Nuclear A Green Makes the Case (for Nuclear Power) OUTLOOK, Washington Post, April 16, 2006

47 In the early 1970s when I helped found Greenpeace, I believed that nuclear energy was synonymous with nuclear holocaust, as did most of my compatriots. ….

48 …. Thirty years on, my views have changed, and the rest of the environmental movement needs to update its views, too, because nuclear energy may just be the energy source that can save our planet from another possible disaster: climate change.

49 "It doesn’t matter what is true; what matters is what people think is true." Founder, Greenpeace (2000)

50 Phony picture: moon and sun over North pole ice floats

51 We are on the web at Animated Gifs compliments of The End See you next year!

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