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Three Dimensional Shapes Unit of Study: Geometry and Fractions Global Concept Guide: 1 of 3.

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1 Three Dimensional Shapes Unit of Study: Geometry and Fractions Global Concept Guide: 1 of 3

2 Content Development  Children need to have experiences with actual three- dimensional shapes, NOT just pictures of them.  Provide opportunities for the children to sort the shapes according to their own rules.  Provide opportunities for students to discuss how the shapes are alike and different.  It is important to use real world objects as well as three- dimensional shapes for students to build understanding.  Use precise vocabulary when discussing the shapes faces, edges, vertex/vertices, cube rectangular prism, sphere, cylinder, cone

3 Day 1  This first day should be heavily spent giving the students opportunities to explore the three-dimensional shapes.  Have real world objects for them to use to explore three- dimensional shapes. Objects could include soda can, dice, straw, basketball, tissue box, etc…  Create a T-Chart anchor chart that matches three-dimensional shapes to real world objects.  You may use lesson 11.1 to supplement this lesson.

4 Day 2  It may be difficult for students to differentiate between rectangular prisms and cubes. This day will be spent exploring similarities and differences between the two.  Lesson 11.2 may be used along with this lesson to explore the two shapes.  Makes sure to have rectangular prisms and cubes manipulatives available for students during this lesson.

5 Day 3  Let the students sort all the three dimensional shapes into groups based on their own rules and discuss the rules they have came up with as a whole class.  Discuss how three-dimensional shapes can be sorted by their attributes.  Create an anchor chart as a class defining the attributes that make up the three-dimensional shapes.

6 Enrich/Reteach/Intervention  Reteach-RtI Tier 2 and ELL Language Support TE p. 509B, Reteach book p. R99 & R100, RtI Tier 1 & 2 TE p. 513B  Enrich- Enrich book p. E99 & E100

7 Literature for your Classroom Library  Written by: Julia Wall Flip to back Flip to front Listen Playing... Paused You're listening to a sample of the Audible audio edition.

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