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Going from Node to Flow Presented by Guy Outred. Introducing… Sponsored by Mentoring States and ECOS Based on input from States of varying geography,

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Presentation on theme: "Going from Node to Flow Presented by Guy Outred. Introducing… Sponsored by Mentoring States and ECOS Based on input from States of varying geography,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Going from Node to Flow Presented by Guy Outred

2 Introducing… Sponsored by Mentoring States and ECOS Based on input from States of varying geography, technology and Network maturity

3 Introducing… The intended audience for this document includes:  Partners who are yet to implement a Node  Partners who have implemented a Node, but are interested in alternative approaches  Partners looking to advance their Node implementation

4 Got Node? Need Exchanges?

5 Definition ‘Exchange’: the sharing of a specific type of data between two or more Partners; for example, sharing of water quality data. This is often also referred to as a ‘flow’.

6 Example exchanges




10 Behind the Scenes Provider (STATE)Requestor (EPA) CDX NODE AGENCY NODE Program Database Query Processor Data Request AuthenticateAuthenticate Perform QueryPerform Query Node Management Request receivedRequest received Account/Service AuthorizedAccount/Service Authorized Request loggedRequest logged Data Transformation Relational data retrievedRelational data retrieved XML transformationXML transformation Schema validationSchema validation AGENCY NODE Node Management Request results loggedRequest results logged XML payload returnedXML payload returned CDX NODE Data Received Response loggedResponse logged Payload stagedPayload staged Program Database Data Processed Payload validatedPayload validated Data loadedData loaded

11 Planning your Exchanges

12 Factors affecting exchange selection Priorities for data sharing with Partners The data management authority The exchanges that are currently supported The status of agency information systems

13 blue sky

14 Implementing an Exchange

15 Compile Reference Materials Determine Data Services to be supported Map agency databases and identify potential issues Resolve Issues with Trading Partner(s) Prepare team

16 Compile Reference Materials

17 Reference Materials Documents –Flow Configuration Document (incl. schema user guide) –Step by Step Guide –Data Exchange Template –Example XML Instance document –Template Trading Partner Agreement Technical Files –XML Schema –Data Services XML File Compile Reference Materials

18 The Alternative For a new exchange one must develop: –Flow Configuration Document Identify data services Explain processing required –XML Schema Use XML Design guidance documentation Reconcile with Core Reference Model II Official review Compile Reference Materials


20 Implementing an Exchange Determine Data Services to be supported Map agency databases and identify potential issues Resolve Issues with Trading Partner(s) Prepare team Compile Reference Materials

21 Map agency databases and identify potential issues



24 Implementing an Exchange Determine data services to be supported Map agency databases and identify potential issues Resolve issues with trading Partner(s) Prepare team Compile Reference Materials

25 Implementing an Exchange Develop exchange services Develop the data extraction process Modify source system(s)

26 Develop the data extraction process

27 Source System Database Staging Database Data transformed Node Incoming Query Extraction & Transformation (1) Query Processing (n) Develop the data extraction process Fully Disconnected Model

28 Source System Database Data transformed Node Incoming Query Extraction, Transformation & Query Processing (n) Real-time Data Model Develop the data extraction process


30 Implementing an Exchange Develop exchange services Develop the data extraction process Modify source system(s)

31 Implementing an Exchange Prepare an e.g. XML document first Stress test exchanges early if: High volume, or Large payload Test with more than one partner if possible

32 Implementing an Exchange


34 Trading Partner Agreement Unilateral Between partners Use example if available Use TPA Guidelines

35 Exchange Reuse? Exchange = –Data transformation + –XML formulation + –Data services Some commonality across Partners Some recycling is occurring

36 Network Expansion Number if exchanges

37 Questions…

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