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The Role of the RCN Learning Representative South West Region Learning Representative Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of the RCN Learning Representative South West Region Learning Representative Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of the RCN Learning Representative South West Region Learning Representative Committee

2 The RCN Learning Representative  The RCN Learning Representative is: - –An exciting role which enables you to contribute to the learning agenda in clinical practice –A role that compliments other RCN Representative roles –A role in which you will be well supported and importantly, trained ‘locally’ to undertake

3 Advantages of being a Learning Representative (1)  High quality training  Access to professional resources  Networking with regional and national Learning Representative colleagues  Personal development  Free copy of Nursing Standard to help keep you up to date

4 Advantages of being a Learning Representative (2)  The role is flexible and unique to you in your workplace  The amount of time and commitment you give to the role is up to you. You will not be asked to contribute any more than you are prepared or able to commit to  You are entitled to time off, often with pay

5 What you might do? (1)  Support implementation of the National Key Skills and Knowledge Framework (KSF)  Support RCN members ‘Continuous Professional Development’ (CPD) requirements  As an activist attend RCN patch/committee/board meetings

6 What you might do? (2)  Sit on an education committee –This will provide the opportunity to contribute to your organisations education and training agenda  Do a learning needs analysis –This will provide you with data that will help identify the priorities for learning in your organisation

7 What you might do? (3)  Work in partnership with local education providers –They will be able to provide guidance on module or study unit design, suggest credit value and help with validation  Set up a learning event –Perhaps a workshop for example on hand washing to alert staff, patients and relatives to the dangers of spread of infection

8 What you might do? (4)  Write a newsletter –Perhaps to alert or signpost members to education and training opportunities within and outside of your organisation  Arrange a study day –For example around an area of practice or a topic that other healthcare staff would be interested in learning about

9 What you might do? (5)  Stand for election on a committee, board or council –This will increase networking opportunities and enable you to represent your ‘region’  Recruit new members to the RCN and support RCN members who wish to become Representatives –Recruiting more members to become Representatives means that you can share responsibility within your organisation and be more pro- active within your role

10 What you might do? (6)  Be a point of contact for the RCN, Managers and Members within your organisation –For the above groups this makes ‘talking to the right person’ easier and as such improves communications

11 Benefits for managers  Promotes partnership working with members and senior staff in organisations.  Utilising RCN resources to enhance training and development available for individuals within the organisation.

12 The RCN Representative Team  Stewards  Health and Safety Representatives  Learning Representatives Working together and complimenting each others roles in the workplace

13 Want to find out more?  Talk to a Learning Representative to find out more about the role and answer any questions you may have

14 How to become a Learning Representative?  Contact the RCN South-West regional office for an election form  Ask your work colleagues to support your election as a Learning Representative  Send in your completed election form to the South-West regional office  Attend branch meeting for Chair to ratify your election paper  You will be contacted as soon as your papers have been processed Well done you have made an excellent decision

15 Further information and contact details    Email:  Tel: 0845 4567859  Fax: 01392 213025  Royal College of Nursing 11-15 Dix’s Field Exeter EX1 1QA

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