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OCR National Travel and Tourism Unit 2: Assessment Objective 5.

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Presentation on theme: "OCR National Travel and Tourism Unit 2: Assessment Objective 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCR National Travel and Tourism Unit 2: Assessment Objective 5

2 Assessment criteria for Unit 2 AO2 PASS You produce three examples of basic written information to support excellent customer service. MERIT You produce three examples of appropriate written information to support excellent customer service. The format of each example is suitable. DISTINCTION You produce three examples of well structured and concise written information to support excellent customer service. The format of each example is totally appropriate.

3 What written forms of information are used to communicate outside a business?

4 What written forms of information are used to communicate within a business?

5 Travel Solutions... You have been asked by your manager at Travel Solutions to create 3 examples linked to one of the customers served recently:- Mrs Diva telephones you. She thinks the cottage she booked with you yesterday may be unsuitable for her husband who finds stairs very difficult. She wants to change the booking. You need to establish her requirements and find her a suitable alternative for the same dates (12-19 th May). Normally there would be an administration fee of £30 for an amendment to a booking. However, Mrs Diva is a regular customer and this can be waived if necessary. Mrs Diva is a very anxious lady who talks a lot. OR The Kletzer family comes into the office searching for a cottage for their summer holiday. They have two children (aged 2 and 15) and would also like to take grandmother to do some babysitting. A three-bedroomed cottage with enclosed garden is therefore needed for two weeks in August. If possible they like to be near lots of activities so that the children are easily entertained. They don’t mind where they go in the UK.

6 Example 1

7 Example 2

8 Example 3

9 Examples/ideas: Letter to confirm to Mrs Diva the amended booking that you have arranged with her over the telephone. Fax to the cottage owner to cancel the original booking OR make a new booking. Memo to your travel agent manager/supervisor to explain Mrs Diva’s fee. Letter to the Kletzer family (Mr and Mrs) confirming their booking has been made with the cottage they have chosen. Fax/email to the cottage they have booked or record of the telephone call with the cottage owner. Memo to your boss to explain when the full payment is due.

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